King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 194 Human Eva Project

Chapter 194 Human Eva Project ([-])

Hearing Katsuragi Misato's question, Akagi Ritsuko was taken aback for a moment, and then her expression became weird!She found herself ignoring a problem!That is the reflection that I forgot to consider Ikari Shindo!

forgotten?This reason even Ritsuko Akagi was a little surprised. How could she forget to consider Commander Ikari's feelings? Didn't she always care about him that much? After entering the No. [-] machine, you must know that any violation involving the apostles is a felony. Just because she concealed that the No. [-] machine was made by Lilith, it is definitely not an exaggeration to convict her of treason, but even for such a thing, she would I am willing to do it for the other party, but this time I will hide from that man and deceive everyone in the name of NERV, how can I agree to do such a thing?
"Ryukko! Are you alright?" Katsuragi Misato asked when she saw Ritsuko Akagi, who seemed to be stunned suddenly.

"I" Akagi Ritsuko raised her head subconsciously after hearing Misato Katsuragi's words, but Qin Fan who happened to see Qin Fan who was sitting with Diana on the other side suddenly became firm in his confused eyes (Yes! For the master, although I have always loved that man, but the master's order cannot be violated, since it is a matter of course to hide it from him!)
"Ritsuko!" Katsuragi Misato shouted again.

"Ah! Hehe! It's okay, I suddenly thought of something!" Ritsuko Akagi said.

"What are you doing? It's been weird lately!" Misato Katsuragi looked at Ritsuko Akagi suspiciously, then looked at Qin Fan's place and said, "Hey! What's going on? This time we were invited Why did you bring them to the press conference? And what the hell is that human eva? Why have I never heard of it?"

"Don't worry, I have a measure!" Akagi Ritsuko smiled and said calmly.

Hearing Ritsuko Akagi say this, Misato Katsuragi of course refused to give up, but no matter how entangled Misato Katsuragi afterwards, Ritsuko Akagi did not answer directly at all. Misato Katsuragi, who is familiar with Ritsuko Akagi's character, knew that if her friend didn't want to talk about it, then she would No matter how entangled, it's useless, so I can only give up in the end!

All the way without talking, the plane soon came to the research and development center in old Tokyo.

Contrary to Qin Fan's expectations, Qin Fan thought that this so-called new product launch conference was the same as the auto show in his previous life, and put out robots one by one, and stood beside some beauties to help introduce them, but after going there, it was They were directly guided to a large venue, where several large dining tables were placed, as if they were having a group meal, and there was an independent podium on the other side of the hall, and it seemed that someone was going to give a speech!
As representatives of NERV, Qin Fan and the others were led to a huge dining table. I don't know whether it was the owner's intention or negligence. After Qin Fan and the others were arranged at a huge dining table that could seat more than 20 people, they sat down. No one came to sit at this table, but the surrounding tables became more and more full. Although Qin Fan is not a master who knows how to read words, but facing this situation, it can be seen that NERV seems to be not very popular here. However, Qin Fan didn't care about it. Anyway, he didn't know the people here, and he didn't want to know them, so being isolated was not unacceptable to him. There are all kinds of food on it, but theirs seems to be forgotten, and there is not even a cold dish, which makes Qin Fan a little unbearable!Isn't this obviously making yourself ugly?

As the sound of talking and laughing at the surrounding dining tables became more and more noisy, there were even a lot of people secretly pointing at Qin Fan over there and mocking Qin Fan. Anna's thought of dismantling it in the past was directly forgotten by him, and Qin Fan suddenly stood up for no reason!
"Hey! What are you doing?" Katsuragi Misato, who was also upset by the surrounding atmosphere, immediately said a little dissatisfied when she saw Qin Fan standing up inexplicably, but before she could finish speaking, Qin Fan suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped him Shoot it on the table in front of you!
The huge dining table with a diameter of six meters was slapped in half by Qin Fan, and accompanied by a huge noise, the originally noisy venue instantly became completely silent!

"What are you doing? I invite you to come and play with me, right? Okay! You like to play, don't you, I will accompany you!" After speaking, Qin Fan directly picked up the top of the round table and threw it towards the podium.

Half of the table board was directly inserted into the wall behind the podium like a huge dart, and the masonry wall was forcibly cut in by the wooden table board.

The sudden movement stunned all the people present. It seems that these people have not been able to understand what happened until now, but there was a series of noise outside this incident, and a dozen men in black suits filed in. The person in charge saw the huge half-table board on the wall behind the podium for the first time, and then he was stunned for a moment, as if he couldn't believe what he saw, until someone came forward and whispered something to him. At the same time, he pointed to the frowning man on Qin Fan's side and walked towards Qin Fan and his party.

"Dr. Ritsuko Akagi! This is the end." The man seemed to want to ask the teacher to blame, but before he finished speaking, Qin Fan reached out and grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up: "What the hell is your sister! Please, I Are you here to eat with the list? I ask you why they all have food and drink. I don’t have anything on this table! Tell me, I don’t know why I just stuffed the table in behind you today. Do you believe me? Do not believe!"

"You..." The person who was caught by Qin Fan was stunned. He didn't expect that the other party would attack him here. You must know that the people who can enter this room are people with reputation. Face to face tough ah?So just as Qin Fan thought, not serving them food is to deliberately humiliate and neglect them, and if Ritsuko Akagi protests this, they will pretend to be sorry and say that the service staff was negligent, and tell them the dishes There are no more, if they are not satisfied, they can go to other places to eat the leftovers from other people's meals!
The reason for this is that their press conference is aimed at the eva developed by NERV. It can be said that they and NERV are in a relationship of hostile competition. Since NERV has always claimed that eva is the only way to deal with the apostles, the government’s financial The appropriation has always been inclined to NERV, and they can only eat some NERV leftovers, so this time they want to take this opportunity to tell NERV people that they will also let you NERV people eat leftovers!But they never expected that this time, apart from Qin Fan, a person who didn't play cards according to common sense, he would make trouble in public!This is really a shame!

(End of this chapter)

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