King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 195 Human Eva Project

Chapter 195 Human Eva Project ([-])

"Dr. Ritsuko Akagi, Lieutenant Katsuragi Misato, he belongs to you? You NERVs are too shameful, do you know where this place is? What do you want to do? Kidnap? Don't let him go!" I don't know when A middle-aged man walked in from outside, frowned and said immediately when he saw the scene in the field.

"Let your sister go! You want to give us a bad start, don't you want to weigh yourself!" Qin Fan still said arrogantly.

"You Katsuragi Misato!" Seeing Qin Fan's hooliganism, the man's face became even uglier, and he simply pointed the finger at Katsuragi Misato. In his opinion, Qin Fan's daring to do so must have been ordered by Katsuragi Misato, but on the other side Katsuragi Misato is also in a daze at this time, although what this strange-looking guy did seems to her to be very relieved, but the problem is that she doesn't know the origin of the other party, and she can't even be sure whether the other party is them People from NERV, at this time, Katsuragi Misato was named and said that he was also very embarrassed.

"Of course we are invited to come here as guests and we will abide by the rules here, but obviously you don't treat us as guests. In this case, NERV can't be humiliated by anyone! If you want us to release people, should you Give me an apology!" Ritsuko Akagi suddenly stood up at this time, as a doctor, she usually rarely gets involved in such diplomatic and public relations matters, but the problem is that this time it was Qin Fan who caused the trouble, so she had to Stand out.

And the face of the man on the opposite side was a little green when he heard Ritsuko Akagi's words, okay, he came to my site and smashed and kidnapped him, and finally asked me to apologize, are you too bullying?If you hit me once, I will take a step back, and if you hit me again, I will take another step back. My side has retreated to the corner, and there is a wall behind, are you still coming?I'm going to fight with you!

"I'll let you let him go!" With a roar, the security guards who followed directly raised their pistols, seeing that their posture seemed to lose their composure and scattered like birds and beasts. The whole conference hall was in a mess for a while, but Qin Fan's side seemed to be The eye of the tornado usually appears eerily calm in this hall.

"Ryukko! Calm down!" Katsuragi Misato has always thought that her old classmate is a steady and introverted person, who seems to be in control of everything she does, and never knows what impulsiveness is, but looking at her posture today, she is bored There are quite a few people who make a fuss about it, it's scary!

"I can't calm down anymore!" Without waiting for Ritsuko Akagi to speak, Qin Fan said, "Unload their guns!"

Following Qin Fan's order, Diana's figure turned into a phantom, almost flashing past all the pistols on the opposite side, but all disappeared, and when Diana's body returned to its original position again, it was in her hands. Carrying a dozen pistols.

"This" shocked everyone including Ritsuko Akagi. Qin Fan's powerful Ritsuko Akagi knew that he was a strong man who could single out the apostles, but it was beyond Ritsuko Akagi that this beautiful scientist was so powerful. expectations.

But the other people present were dumbfounded, wondering if this is magic?How could human beings have such a speed? No, it is impossible for human beings to have that kind of power, right? Is this the latest research result of NERV?
The outside world still has a lot of curiosity about NERV, a mysterious department that fights against the apostles, but NERV has always maintained a very low-key style, so many people don't know what the legendary eva is. It's just a huge humanoid weapon. Could it be that NERV has successfully shrunk the huge Eva down to the size of a normal person?If this is the case, then if it can be batched, as an army
Those who can appear here will not be small people. Of course, they can see what the superhuman performance of Qin Fan and Diana represents. You must know that although human beings are now standing on the united front against the apostles, the problem is today's Humanity has not yet reached the point of being monolithic, and there are still national boundaries. If the apostles are repelled in the future, how will the interests of all countries be obtained? It may be necessary to use the army, and if you really have an army like a humanoid eva
Hearing exclamations from the surroundings from time to time, Qin Fan finally threw the guy he had been carrying on the ground casually, and then said with a look of disdain: "Just now I just taught you a lesson."

In fact, just now Qin Fan really wanted to kill in a fit of rage, but after seeing the reactions of the people around him, he changed his original intention of coming here.

This is the end of the farce. After all, no one was hurt. Although the other party's research on robotic weapons is to suppress NERV, but after all, that is the purpose rather than the result. You must know that they have no way to solve the problem of the apostle's at force field. , so they actually need NERV to fight against the apostles. The robotic weapon they are researching is just an idea. They just want to raise more funds for subsequent development through this public test machine, but With today's farce, I'm afraid the originally expected effect will be reduced too much!

"I will report this matter!" The man who just ordered to raise the gun gave Akagi Ritsuko a vicious look and said, in his opinion, the reason why Qin Fan did this was completely instructed by Akagi Ritsuko, and Ritsuko Akagi didn't want to explain more about this, and the original banquet was naturally disturbed by Qin Fan and others, but this trial operation must be carried out, even though a mouse dropping into the porridge, But for people who are about to starve to death, even a pot of bad porridge has to be eaten!
"Ryukko, what's going on? Are you hiding something from me!" In the lounge, Katsuragi Misato said to Akagi Ritsuko with a dissatisfied face. Obviously, today's farce caught her by surprise, and according to She knew her old classmate well, such a farce is not her style, so!This is definitely not a temporary idea, but they planned it from the beginning, but the problem is that they kept it from themselves, which made Katsuragi Misato very dissatisfied.

"Misato! This matter." Akagi Ritsuko didn't know how to explain it. This matter was not led by her at all. She was just fulfilling the order given to her by the master, so it was not easy to be questioned by Katsuragi Misato for a while. Don't know what to say.

"Okay! Let me explain!" At this moment, Qin Fan finally stood up, and then he came to Katsuragi Misato and said, "You don't need to understand what you want. In short, you can just listen to me from now on! Do you understand?"

"I understand that you are a big head! I understand, I will just listen to you from now on!" Katsuragi Misato wanted to explode when he heard Qin Fan's nonsensical answer, but almost instantly a strange feeling passed by, Katsuragi Misato Suddenly, I feel that what the other party said makes sense, and I just need to listen to the other party. Why bother with the reason?Isn't obeying orders what a servant should do?
(End of this chapter)

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