King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 196 Human Eva Project

Chapter 196 Human Eva Project ([-])

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the huge robot fell to the ground. The arms and legs of the funny-looking combat machine were all broken at this time, and the whole body seemed to be scrapped with sparks, but the severed limbs Still struggling as if expressing some kind of unwillingness, but a few minutes later, as if the power was cut off suddenly, the dancing severed limbs also stopped struggling completely, and collapsed there like a broken doll not moving at all!
A pretty figure jumped out of the huge robot's back, and walked towards the messy research institute with a calm face.

This scene, like the return of a goddess, will undoubtedly impress everyone who sees it. I believe that it won't take long for the topic of human Eva to spread in the upper layers of this world. Maybe I can take this opportunity to replace Ikari Shindo to completely control NERV. maybe!Sitting on the plane back to NERV, Qin Fan secretly sighed.

In fact, for Qin Fan, it is really not that difficult to capture NERV. He can exchange a hundred or eighty terminators for a strong attack or use the mirror to hypnotize them one by one. No matter what kind of Qin Fan can get NERV in his pocket, even if Qin Fan Using the latter method is estimated to be unnoticed, even SEELE will not find out, but if it is done that way, it will be a bit too boring. Although Qin Fan likes to be invincible when playing games, it does not mean that Qin Fan If you don't enjoy the process of playing, otherwise, just record the scene where the boss at one end falls or the base explodes and play it repeatedly!It is not impossible to hit mosquitoes with cannons, but if there is a real bang.
"Boom!!!" A violent bang sounded from around Qin Fan, and the scorching heat swept across Qin Fan's body almost instantly, without giving him any chance to react. When Zhong woke up, he was already slowly falling with a puff of smoke and the wreckage of the plane!

"Master!" An exclamation sounded from not far away, waking Qin Fan up from his beeping. Following the sound, he saw Diana falling slowly in mid-air with the same disheveled face. Qin Fan quickly looked around again. However, the entire plane was torn apart, where there were still figures of Ritsuko Akagi and Misato Katsuragi. Reminiscent of the feeling when the flames approached just now, the two women had no chance of surviving. Thinking of this, Qin Fan couldn't help but become extremely ugly. A flickering shape appeared next to Diana, stretched out her hand and put her into the blood soul space, and at the same time, she looked at a young man with two feet standing in the air with cold eyes.

"Did you eat that woman?" The young man didn't seem to care about Qin Fan's angry eyes at all, but looked at Qin Fan's location with interest.

"Are you that human-shaped apostle?" Although the person in front of him looks different from the boy in the anime who enshrined Adam's soul, but in this world, this Adam's soul is probably the only one who can stand in the air like Qin Fan of the container.

"You know me?" The young man was a little surprised, then Qin Fan shook his head slightly and said, "I can't feel your heart, you are not human? What are you?"

"Hey!" Seeing the indifferent young man in front of him!It was a look that seemed to be indifferent to everything in the world. Maybe life and death had no meaning at all in his eyes. In the original book, this guy chose to die in the end, so even if Qin Fan killed him at this time, I am afraid that it would be very difficult for him. It's okay to say, right?
"The people from SEELE asked you to kill me?" Qin Fan said with a somewhat dispirited voice.

"Forget it! But I don't want to kill you! Because it doesn't matter to me whether you die or not. I just came here this time to confirm something, so if you run away now, I won't continue chasing you." I'll kill you!" the boy said in a flat tone.

"Yes!" Qin Fan shook his head slightly, but a huge metal machete suddenly appeared in his hand in the next second, and the blood dripping on the machete made it look a little weird.

"Yeah..." The painful voice came from the boy's mouth. On the other hand, looking at the boy's appearance at this time, his hands and feet were cut off at the root, leaving only his body suspended in mid-air like this, and the bright red blood was even more intense. It’s like throwing money away!Under the effect of time stop, everything is so weird in the eyes of others.

"Hey, hey, hey! I remember that you should be able to use that AT force field, right? Can't that thing help you stop the bleeding? If you continue like this, you will bleed too much and die!" Qin Fan said, shaking the machete in his hand.

"When?" The boy's unchanging face finally revealed a look of surprise, and Qin Fan's expression became a little weird.

"Trouble!" While speaking, Qin Fan's figure had disappeared, and the next second he appeared behind the boy. On the other hand, the boy's body had been wrapped in a lot of gauze into a huge cocoon, with wounds on his limbs. The blood that had been flowing even after being strangled finally stopped.

"Buzz!" With a strange buzzing sound, Qin Fan's body seemed to be hit head-on by a high-speed truck, and he flew upside down, but stopped again after flying only a few meters away. There were streaks of energy light around the boy who was wrapped into a cocoon.

"This is definitely not the ability that Li Lin should have. What are you?" The boy's tone became a little hostile.

"What am I?" After hearing what the other party said, Qin Fan smiled slightly and said, "I don't know what I am, but is this important to you?"

"Yeah! It's not very important, no matter what you are, as long as you kill you, you should be fine!" While speaking, the strange light pattern in front of the young man suddenly changed, as if violently fluctuated by some kind of stimulus, However, Qin Fan, who was standing not far away, felt a surge of energy condense in an instant. Almost subconsciously, Qin Fan's figure disappeared and a beam of light passed directly from where Qin Fan was. The next second, Qin Fan was There has been a look of indifference at a place more than ten meters away from the original position.

"I'm curious, why does SEELE think you can kill me! After all, I killed the apostle with my own hands. The second one I did was more subtle. Do you know that I'm not sure, but I killed the first one openly. , They should be more or less aware of my strength, right?" Qin Fan said helplessly.

"Of course the Li Lins you mentioned know it, but they also know another problem, that is, you, who are not an apostle, lack an important power, and that is the spiritual barrier!" Almost accompanied by the boy's words, originally The bandage wrapped around his body instantly shattered, followed by the original broken hands and feet, as if wrapped in an invisible film of light and then strangely grew transparent hands and feet.

"Li Lins call this kind of power an at force field, and without this kind of power, you are doomed to be unable to defeat me!" While speaking, the young man rushed to Qin Fan's place at an extremely fast speed. Under the evolution of Fan Shen's Speed ​​Force, all the opponent's movements seemed so slow and monotonous.

"Yes! Then..." Qin Fan shook his head slightly, his body flashed with lightning, but he was attacking at the opponent's moving speed dozens of times, and then a series of explosions sounded in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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