King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 197 Black Widow

Chapter 197 Black Widow
"Boom boom boom!!!" As if celebrating the salute of some ceremony, a series of loud bangs sounded in the air, and the one who made the loud noise was the boy wrapped in a strange protective cover, and the other side was of course Qin Fan, who kept attacking him in a state of haste, was gone.

The At force field is very strong, there is no doubt about it, and even in the Eva world, the most important reason why conventional weapons cannot defeat the apostle is that the apostle possesses the AT force field, which is almost an absolute defense. You must know the weapons used by Eva They are all made by humans. Why can you kill the apostle if you hold it in the hands of Eva, but it is useless to use the aircraft and tanks? Because of this, Eva can also use the at force field to neutralize the apostle's at force field, so that The opponent's defense is invalidated. Only in this way can the apostle be successfully killed. That's why the opponent said that Qin Fan without the at force field is doomed to be unable to defeat the existence with the at force field. As for how Qin Fan killed an apostle that time, SEELE On the one hand, I suspect that the apostle was careless when Qin Fan made a move, okay!Although it is a bit far-fetched, this is the only explanation. After all, it is reasonable for the apostle to despise the attack of an existence like Qin Fan who looks like a human being. He did not use the AT force field in time and was directly killed. It also makes sense, so as long as the at force field is used in time, the inference that Qin Fan will definitely lose is completely established!

Is it really established?

Under the absolute speed, the boy couldn't fight back at all, but could only meet Qin Fan's fierce attacks that were as dense as rain hitting plantains but as powerful as a battering ram.

The AT force field's defense is indeed very strong, but it is not absolute in the true sense of the Dao. At the beginning, Qin Fan's attack could be easily resisted, but as Qin Fan's strength continued to increase, even the boy with the AT force field defense But his body has already begun to be overwhelmed!
"Crack!" The sound of broken eggshells sounded from the energy shield covering the young man, and Qin Fan's indifferent voice also reached the young man's ears: "Don't worry, I won't kill you! Because I You won't feel any pain knowing that way."

For a long time, the boy who is the container feels that everything is the same to him, there is no joy and no fear, just like a robot without emotion. That's right!Li Lin called it like this, but just now the boy found out that the Li Lins were wrong. He also has feelings, but because he has been in contact with Li Lin and him in a different dimension, his feelings cannot be felt by the Li Lins. , and he who was locked in Li Lin's body couldn't perceive it, and just now, facing a higher-dimensional existence, he finally recognized himself. Like Li Lin, he also felt fear
The endless darkness disappeared and covered all the boy's consciousness. He casually threw away a syringe. Qin Fan reached out and grabbed the boy's hair so that he would not fall to his death. Then he exchanged for a dormant chamber and put it in.

This guy has Adam's soul in his body, maybe there is some use for it, even if he doesn't, Qin Fan is not reconciled to letting him die like this, there may be people who are not afraid of death and pain, but there will always be people who he doesn't want to face or don't want to face. Doing things, as long as he is forced to do these things, the other party will feel pain. The saying that he would rather die than surrender actually has two meanings. The first one is of course that we are familiar with not surrendering, not even dying!But there is also another layer that actually says that the only way to not succumb is to die, as long as you don't die, you will eventually succumb!After all, there are really too many ways to make a person suffer!
Send him directly to the world of Young and Dangerous, and tell Eggy to treat him well, but Qin Fan is returning to the world of Eva again. He doesn't seem to be playing anymore. The two apostles, Lilith and Adam, were all taken away, but just as Qin Fan was about to fly to where NERV was, the huge explosion sound could still be felt by Qin Fan even hundreds of kilometers away, but at Qin Fan's location it was You can just see the huge mushroom cloud rising in the distance.
"Damn it!" Qin Fan was taken aback by this sudden change. There is no doubt that the location of the mushroom cloud is really where NERV is. NERV destroys and cuts off the clues to find them. Is this considered a tail-docking survival?Qin Fan has to admit that this method is really effective!After all, if the other party really hides it sincerely, unless he destroys the entire earth, it is really not easy to find one among hundreds of millions of people.

"Very good! Increase the difficulty of the game? Let's play with you!" Qin Fan didn't continue to go to NERV's location. I'm afraid that old guy Ikami Tang would have disappeared long ago, but with Ikari Zhentang's character, even if he ran away He wouldn't just wait to die in a certain place, his plan would definitely continue to be carried out, as long as he took some action to find him, it wouldn't be difficult.

After falling on the ground, Qin Fan directly exchanged for one hundred T-1000 Terminator. The liquid metal robot is really suitable for spy intrusion. As long as a high-ranking official or even the head of a country is killed, they can be easily replaced. Qin Fan If you still don't believe it, control all the heads of all the big countries on the earth, and then hunt them down with all your strength, unless the other party hides in the mouse hole and never comes out, otherwise
After doing all this, Qin Fan retreated back to the blood soul space and confirmed that Diana was fine, which made Qin Fan heave a sigh of relief, but then Qin Fan felt exhausted for a while!
Even though they have already adjusted Invincible, why does Qin Fan feel deflated again and again after experiencing these worlds? The world of Dragon Ball is like this, and the world of Naruto is like this. Now Eva also makes Qin Fan feel unhappy. Is it because these worlds are too high or because he is himself? too stupid?Once again, I exchanged a time travel scroll, looking at the non-special scroll, Qin Fan suddenly had a desire in his heart, if this time he travels to a world without any super powers, he will pretend to be an ordinary person, and then stop fighting It’s about relaxing. In fact, the world of Young and Dangerous is pretty good, but now it’s been ruined by me and I can’t live in it. If I travel to a similar world this time, I can manage it better. Buying a company or something is also a high-society addiction.
In the dilapidated warehouse, three men and one woman seemed to be playing some kind of torture game. The woman was tied to a chair, and among the three men, the old man who looked enough to be the woman's grandfather was talking proudly.

"Solohob? It's just a middleman! Outdated information has hurt you!" The old man walked slowly to the woman who was tied to the seat and said jokingly: "The famous black widow is just a vase !"

"Black Widow???" A slightly surprised voice sounded from behind the few people, but a short and fat man with a flat nose, wide mouth and toad eyes looked at the four of them in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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