King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 198 The Prophet

Chapter 198 The Prophet
In the all-metal room, Qin Fan sat bored on the armchair and looked at his own reflection on the mirror wall next to him.

"It's ugly." After holding back for a long time, Qin Fan suddenly uttered two words, then shook his head as if he had suddenly awakened that the person in the mirror was himself, and then sighed helplessly.

This time I may be bragging and bragging!Originally, in order to win Natasha's trust, Qin Fan deliberately outlined the plot of Avengers 1, what cosmic Rubik's Cube was robbed, evil god Loki!Aliens have invaded!The New York War and the like are talking about having noses and eyes. Our widow sister is no matter how high-level secret agent is, and she is very good at interrogation. , that matter is a big deal, the widow thinks it's better to report it!

Then Director Cyclops was a little confused when he heard the widow's report. First of all, the robbing of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube just happened, and it was a top secret. Not many people inside S.H.I.E.L.D. knew about it. How did the other party know?There are three possibilities, the first one is seen by the other party!Although the location of the base is very remote, it is not uninhabited. It is really unfortunate that it is not surprising that someone happened to see it. There is nothing to say about this. It is nothing more than wasting some time. The second option is that the other party is an enemy spy. Contact They should be trying to achieve a certain purpose!Natasha also had similar doubts about this, and the possibility is indeed very high, but the problem is that since the other party has obtained the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, they have already gained the upper hand. If this person is really the enemy's spy, then maybe it is An opportunity to win the round!The third type is as the other party said that the other party is a prophet. Although it is rare to see the future, aliens have already appeared, and there are still two of them!This kind of thing is not unacceptable. If this is the case, then S.H.I.E.L.D. must accept it. Not only may it become an important bargaining chip to reverse the current situation, it may become a great boost to S.H.I.E.L.D. in the future.

"What do you think?" On the other side of the one-way mirror, the one-eyed director asked Natasha.

Because Qin Fan explained the details of the theft of the Rubik's Cube from the universe, and even the details of Dr. Hawkeye and Dr. Eric's mental control, unless the other party was at the scene at the time, there is no reason to say the details so clearly. Nick Fury had to raise the importance level of this weird-looking man again.

"I can't see any sign of him lying, unless he is a well-trained spy, but his words and deeds don't look like it, so I have no way to determine whether what he said is true!" Black Widow was a little puzzled Looking at Qin Fan who was alone in the interrogation room with a confused face, he said.

"If it is really well-trained, how can it be seen!" Nick Fury is also a little confused about this ugly ghost. As a senior old spy, he and Natasha have the same judgment. He is professionally trained, but the same opponent doesn't seem to be able to know that kind of secret existence. All the information seems to point to the opponent is really a prophet, but the more this makes him more worried, now the human side Already at a disadvantage, there is no way out for him to continue making mistakes!
"Natasha, go meet him and see what he wants!" Finally Nick Fury said to the Black Widow next to him.

"Understood!" Without any hesitation, the black widow nodded and walked out.

In the interrogation room, Qin Fan was bored digging his boogers for fun. Just as he was about to stack a ball of boogers on top of two piles of boogers to achieve a three-peat, the door of the interrogation room finally opened. was pushed away.

Natasha glanced at the three piles of black things on the table, and the corners of her eyes twitched involuntarily, but then she resisted the urge to slap each other and showed a kind smile and said, "How is it?" You are not in a hurry, are you?"

"Why are you not in a hurry! Didn't you say that we are going to find the Hulk? Why did you bring me here suddenly! This doesn't match the plot!" Qin Fan said a little depressed. Originally, he wanted to pretend to be a prophet, but the problem is Because the plot of her own intervention is obviously a bit chaotic, the Black Widow not only did not go to the Hulk but brought him to S.H.I.E.L.D. Whether the subsequent plot will change because of this is unknown to Qin Fan. If so Then the prophet himself may be over.

"Because your priority is higher than that of the Hulk, we can only bring you back first!" Sitting gracefully opposite Qin Fan, Natasha cleverly covered the stack of documents in her hand there On top of the eye-catching three boogers on the table, he said: "Can you tell me about the future you foresee? We need more accurate information!"

"It can't be accurate! It's all messed up!" Qin Fan said a little depressed.

"What?" Black Widow asked suspiciously.

"Nothing!" Qin Fan quickly waved his hands and said helplessly: "Actually, my ability to foresee the future can only foresee some general trends, such as the end of the world. As for some small things, it's like what you will have for breakfast tomorrow. I have no way to predict any discounted items!"

"Of course! Then let's continue talking about the Rubik's Cube. What information did you predict? It doesn't matter about small things!" Seemingly seeing the impatience on Qin Fan's face, the Black Widow suddenly reached out He held Qin Fan's palm on the table and said in a gentle tone as much as possible: "You have to know, maybe it's just a very inconspicuous piece of information that may save us from sacrificing one agent, so please think carefully about it." Think about it!"

Seduction and the like are commonplace for a senior spy like Black Widow, and she knows exactly what situations men are more willing to cooperate with.

Feeling the tenderness from the hands, it is hard to imagine that this is a pair of hands that hold guns all year round. After all, Natasha has also undergone transformation, and it is not surprising that there are some things that are different from ordinary people.

Seeing the finger that had just picked up booger rubbing against the back of her hand, Natasha's expression froze, but she suppressed the discomfort and did not pull her hand back.

"How, have you thought about it?" The black widow smiled and said to Qin Fan, but she said it again in her heart (if you dare to say anything and you can't think of it, I will castrate you!)
"Didn't I tell you all about it, forget it, I'm going to re-do it for you! You brought Dr. Hulk Banner to the flying aircraft carrier and asked him to help you find the Rubik's Cube, but you haven't waited until you find Hawkeye So I led someone to find you, and killed one of your agents while rescuing the evil god Loki. The escaped Loki will open a space channel on the Stark Tower and lead the aliens to attack the earth! That's all. !" Qin Fan said carelessly about the general plot of Avengers 1.

"Wait! You didn't mention the Flying Mothership to me just now, and you didn't say that Loki would be captured by us!" Black Widow frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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