Chapter 199
"Skye?" Qin Fan was taken aback when he heard the name, but immediately remembered who the other party was: "Shockwave Girl!"

There is no mistake, the other party should be Shockwave from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., proficient in hacking techniques, a member of Rising Tide, joined S.H.I.E.L.D. in order to investigate her parents’ information, and Qin Fan remembered pieces of information about her. !

To be honest, Qin Fan really liked this character when he was watching TV dramas, but now that the real person is standing in front of him, that long-lost dirty thought seems to appear in someone's mind again.

"I know you don't really want to be in the limelight, you people with super strength think so, but you know, if you can't go out in front of the public, there is no way to guarantee your safety, those guys in the government I will try my best to make you disappear from this world, I mean arrest you and let other people think that you never existed, they always like to keep their true desires secret, so that no one will know the dirty things they are doing behind the scenes !” Skye said seriously.

"I agree!" Qin Fan said suddenly.

"I understand your concerns, but" seemed to want to persuade, but then paused for a second: "What did you say?"

"I said I promised you!" Qin Fan said suddenly: "I think your idea is very good. If I am a celebrity now, it's better to be a role like Iron Man, a playboy or something, I It’s not unacceptable.”

"Uh, it might be a bit difficult for Playboys, but you are right, as long as you are willing to go out in front of the public and let everyone know the existence of you people, then the government will have no way to keep you hidden!" Skye Said very seriously.

"That's good! What are we going to do?" Qin Fan was also interested, and he could take this opportunity to promote himself, so that he could become famous when the aliens invaded.

"Let me think about it, we can shoot a few videos of you and post them online. Those websites will definitely be monitored by the government, but I have a way to make them unable to delete them completely in a short time. If car! !!" Seemingly noticing the obviously deformed train piled up on the side of the road, Skye suddenly exclaimed.

"Okay, okay! Don't worry about the rags, I'll get you a better one, let's open a room and talk about other things first!" Qin Fan put his arms around Si Kai spoke while walking away.

"What kind of broken car, that's my whole house, open house? Hey! Did you misunderstand something, let's make it clear first, I mean you let me go first, wait a minute! Help!"

Sometimes it is like this, some naive little girls always think that they have discovered a new continent, but they don't think that what they landed is just a shortcut to hell.

The door of the resplendent presidential suite was gently pushed open, and Qin Fan walked in first, took a look around, and then nodded in satisfaction.

Following behind, Skye also walked in slowly, and then looked at Qin Fan with a wary face and said, "What did you mean when you said you knew about my parents?"

Apparently, the reason why this future Shockwave girl followed Qin Fan was not because Qin Fan used hypnotism on her.

"Close the door first, and I'll tell you slowly!" Qin Fan went to a small bar in the corner of the living room, opened a bottle of red wine, went to the refrigerator next to him, took a bottle of soda, blended two glasses, and handed one of them to Cong Xin Skye came over.

At this time, Skye was still concerned about why Qin Fan mixed red wine with soda, but he just put the wine glass on the bar and looked at Qin Fan seriously.

For Skye, finding information about her parents has always been her goal in life, so when Qin Fan said such a sentence suddenly, even though she knew that the person in front of her was very suspicious, Skye followed him resolutely. .

"Okay, okay! Let me introduce myself first, my name is Qin Fan, and I am a prophet!" Qin Fan said after taking a sip of the special drink.

"Prophet?" Skye had doubts about the people his Japanese parents knew, his enemies, and even people in the government department, but he never thought that the other party would be a prophet!
"That's right! Of course, my ability to foresee the future is not very strong. I can only foresee certain things, including some things about you and your parents!" Qin Fan said seriously.

Full of doubts, Skye picked up the glass of red wine blended with Qin Fan from the bar and took a sip, then continued to look at Qin Fan in disbelief and said, "Then you already foresaw my parents' names?"

"I can't remember the name or something, but I know that your father is a doctor and your mother is a superpower, oh! They are called strangers!" Qin Fan said seriously.

"Stranger?" That's all?Skye looked at Qin Fan suspiciously, almost saying you were talking nonsense.

"Let's talk about you first! You should belong to the Rising Tide now, right?" Qin Fan remembered that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. should be about the events after the Battle of New York, but the time interval should not It's been too long, so Skye should have joined the Rising Tide organization at this time.

really!Hearing what Qin Fan said, Skye finally revealed his expression of surprise. You must know that as a hacker organization, not everyone in the Rising Tide organization knows the identity of each member. The other party can say that he is the Rising Tide organization member, that is enough to show that the other party has a certain intelligence ability or predictive ability!

"However, you will leave this organization and join S.H.I.E.L.D. In the beginning, you were investigating your parents' information. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. has a more specialized information network, but you will soon find that your parents' information is in S.H.I.E.L.D. The shield is also extremely secretive, and there are even traces of deliberate deletion or compilation, but during the investigation, you will slowly and sincerely join SHIELD, and eventually become a member of SHIELD agents!" Qin Fan drank red wine Said to Skye.

"It's a good story, but you still haven't told me about my parents!" Skye's tone became a little hostile.

For the ugly ghost in front of him, Skye no longer had a good impression at the beginning. What the other party said was simply nonsense in Skye's view. Where is the S.H.I.E.L.D.? They are some thugs specially raised by the government department. It's just an evil organization that exists to help the government cover up unknown secrets. Will you join them?What are you kidding?
Although Skye has ten thousand reasons for not believing Qin Fan, but one thing is that after so many years of searching for information about her parents, this is the only time she has gained anything, even though the information may be largely false, She also had to take a gamble, after all, she had no other choice at all.

(End of this chapter)

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