King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 19 The Deceitful Life of King Dalunming

Chapter 19 The Deceitful Life of King Dalunming
Under the bright sunshine, a short and fat man with a snub nose and open mouth is walking silently along a spacious dirt road. Of course, this man has officially left Shaoshi Mountain for several days. Qin Fan, as you can see from his lonely figure, This kid was dumped again!Uh!Why do you say again?
Ok!After leaving the farmhouse that day, Qin Fan randomly found an inn and asked for a guest room. In the past, when Qin Fan asked for a room, even though Qin Fan had always been very disciplined, the two women would still ask for an extra room, even if it was a firewood room. He didn't want to be in the same room with Qin Fan, but this time the two girls didn't say much, which made Qin Fan think that the two girls were disheartened and decided to break the jar to make money for him, so he was secretly happy for a while, but It never occurred to me that after entering the guest room, the two women made up the bedding and put the bedding on the floor as before, and then closed their clothes and went to sleep. Since the two women were extremely depressed at that time, the negative energy exploded. Qin Fan's tentative molestation The two women ignored the sentence and fell asleep as usual, but Qin Fan did not expect that when he woke up, Yi Jin Jing and the two women would disappear together and run out. Sure enough, the two girls left before dawn and bought two fast horses in the inn without even leaving a note. First Mu Wanqing and then Azhu Abi, Qin Fan thought he was good to the girls , I didn't expect that everyone would leave him one by one, which made Qin Fan really doubt life. Could it be that ugly people can't have true love?
"Amitabha, where is the benefactor going?" Under the shade of the trees beside the official road, the dusty monk was sitting cross-legged, looking at Qin Fan who was walking towards him from a distance with a smile on his face. Dalun Mingwang, who has been waiting all night in the inn!
It was depressing enough to say it, at first I thought it was a good idea, but I felt more and more wrong staying alone in the vacant room for the night, so I ran back to the farmhouse where the two girls were housed, and sure enough, the two girls had disappeared, so I hurriedly inquired about it. The strange combination of ghosts and two beauties still has a sense of existence, and soon there was news of Qin Fan and his party, and because the two girls, Azhu and Abi, were worried that Qin Fan would catch up, they rushed to the horse, and Jiumozhi certainly couldn't catch up. On the other hand, Qin Fan was disheartened and hurried on the road as if he was wandering. In addition, the time to go out of the city and Jiumozhi was only a matter of front and rear, so it didn't take half an hour for Jiumozhi to chase him up.

He glanced lightly at Jiumozhi Qin Fan who was sitting cross-legged on the side of the road looking like an eminent monk, but he didn't bother to pay any attention to him. He just glanced at him casually and then continued to walk forward on his own.

"Uh..." I am most afraid that the air will suddenly become quiet, Nima is so embarrassing!
The corners of Jiumozhi's mouth twitched a few times. You must know that Jiumozhi, as Tubo's national teacher, even met the emperor of the Song Dynasty. Even if you don't know yourself, I'll greet you nicely Do you know promise?What the hell is it to turn around and leave?rude!

"I wear a peach blossom on my head, and it never blooms all year round. I just wait until it blooms, but let others pick it! This benefactor has peach blossoms on his face, but also has evil spirits on his face. It seems that there is a peach blossom robbery!" Seeing this ugly Han walked by, Jiumozhi suddenly spoke.

Originally, because Qin Fan was in a bad mood, he was too lazy to talk to the other party, but the words that the other party popped up suddenly were peach blossoms, and they were picked by others, but it somewhat reflected what happened to him at this time, although Qin Fan didn't really believe it. These gods and ghosts, but the problem is that there are things like time travel, maybe there is such a thing as fortune-telling in this world?

Slightly stopping in his tracks, Qin Fan subconsciously turned his head and looked at the monk from the Western Regions. However, Qin Fan was just an otaku before crossing over. How could he know how to look at people? Can't see why.

"What do you mean?" Qin Fan couldn't help asking.

"Hehe! The benefactor is trapped by love?" Jiumozhi smiled slightly and said with an inscrutable look.

Jiumozhi had already thought about it when he came here. The other three planned to steal the Yi Jin Jing, and they had obviously made some moves last night. The result was nothing more than three. One is that they were not successful and were not discovered by Shaolin. It stands to reason that If that's the case, the three of them should stay at the foot of Mount Shaoshi and wait for an opportunity, at least they won't leave one after another before dawn the next day!The second is that they were also unsuccessful but were discovered by Shaolin. This might make the three of them leave in a hurry. After all, Shaolin is the master of martial arts. It is certainly worth fleeing if they fail in stealing scriptures in Shaolin. But according to Jiumozhi's special inquiries before, There was no major incident in Shaolin Temple last night. If someone came to Shaolin at night, there would be no reason and no movement at all. Moreover, the ugly man was not in a hurry, and he didn't seem to worry about chasing him at all, so in Jiumozhi's opinion There is only a third possibility, that is, the opponent succeeds in one blow, but after getting the Yi Jin Jing, he is blackmailed by his companions. Look at the appearance of the opponent and think about the appearance of the two girls who left first. The two girls who came here to steal the scriptures in Shaolin may have been intentionally instigated by the two girls, using the ugly man's ability to steal and then steal the scriptures from the ugly man. He guessed all about what happened to Qin Fan and the three of them.

"Trapped by love?" To be honest, Qin Fan didn't even know if he was trapped by love, but the other party felt that what he said made sense.

"Master, you said I have a peach blossom calamity?" Probably because it was true that he was free, Qin Fan also became slightly interested, looked at the other party and said.

However, hearing what Qin Fan said about Jiumozhi, he was not in a hurry. Unlike most first-class experts, Jiumozhi knew how to be flexible, and he was not as pedantic as those martial arts masters. The clue to the secret book is of course the best, and of course the most important thing is that since the other party can steal the secret book from the heavily guarded Shaolin room, he will not be a mediocre player, although Jiumozhi does not think that the other party will definitely be stronger than himself. He just suffered a setback at Tianlong Temple, and this matter is related to secret treasures such as the Yi Jin Jing, of course he doesn't want to make extra troubles.

"What's the name of the benefactor!" Jiumozhi asked pretendingly, but he had already thought about it in his heart. With the departure of the two women and the bad luck on the face of the ugly ghost, he should have been deceived by the two women Let's go, since that's the case, the primary purpose now is to extract the identities of the two women from the other party.

"My name is Qin Fan, may I ask the master what to call you!" Qin Fan said angrily involuntarily.

"The poor monk Tubo State Teacher, known as the King of the Great Wheel, Jiumozhi!" Jiumozhi did not lie about his origin. Firstly, he was disdainful, and secondly, he had already expected that the secret book was not in Qin Fan's hands, so he did not intend to learn from Qin Fan. It was snatched by everyone, so it might be easier for him to win the trust of the other party with his status as a national teacher. At that time, he might still be able to use the pretext of helping him, and go with the other party to find the two women to help him regain the Yi Jin Jing. If it is proposed to borrow a view and believe that the other party is not easy to refuse!

"Oh! So it's..." Qin Fan wanted to be polite, but when the flowers bloomed, he felt something was wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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