King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 20 The Deceitful Life of King Dalunming

Chapter 20 The Deceitful Life of King Dalunming
Ever since he crossed into the world of Tianlong, Qin Fan has noticed that the appearance of the people in this world is quite different from the actors of the TV series he had watched before, so when Qin Fan saw Jiumozhi for the first time I didn't recognize it, and I didn't think about it, but Qin Fan felt more and more wrong when the other party introduced himself.

Who is Jiumozhi? Qin Fan knows too well, this guy can tell fortunes?Count your grandma!

"Oh! So... You, me, me?" Qin Fan was obviously taken aback when he heard the other party's name, but what followed was a burst of anger that was hard to suppress!

"Hehe! Exactly... what did you say?" Jiumozhi never thought that the other party had heard his name before. You must know that although he had been to the Central Plains before, he acted quite low-key, let alone did anything harmful to the world. So he never thought that others would immediately turn their faces when they heard his name, but he was a little surprised to see Qin Fan's tone was wrong.

"I'm your courting death!" Qin Fan is very easy to deceive, but it's not because of his low IQ but because of his low EQ. Before he couldn't travel through time, he was a senior otaku, and the person who communicated with him most face-to-face at home was the courier boy. After crossing, he suddenly stepped into the rivers and lakes. If it wasn't for Qixindan's body protection, his bones would probably be white at this time, but Qin Fan is by no means a fool. Although he believed the other party's words in a few words, once he guessed When he realized that the other party was fooling him, it was logical, and he figured out the strangeness. Qin Fan, who was already holding back his anger, was being tricked like this. Qin Fan can be said to be evil from the side of his guts. It's not a big deal to say "you are looking for death" But the fist went straight to the opponent's front door and hit him.

Jiumozhi frowned slightly when he saw that the other party didn't agree with each other, he was afraid that it would be impossible to talk about it, you must know that Jiumozhi was not confident enough to enter Shaolin because he hadn't practiced the Little Wuxiang Gong and Yi Jinjing at this time However, he himself is a martial arts prodigy, plus he is obsessed with martial arts and his skills can be called a first-class person in this huge martial arts world. Even if he faces Qiao Feng and Murong Fu in the martial arts world today, he will not be weaker by half. At first I didn't do anything, I just thought that it would be easier to get information about the two girls if I could deceive the other party's trust, but now that this ugly ghost suddenly went crazy... Is it true that the Buddha can't cure you?

Seeing that the opponent's fists were chaotic, Jiumozhi's figure was slightly sideways, but he had already moved away from the opponent's attack. At the same time, he pressed his palm on the ugly ghost's chest and vomited... No response! ! !
Qin Fan didn't even feel any abnormality in his chest. He punched empty and immediately changed to sweeping. His movements were clumsy and ugly, and he looked like a little hooligan fighting. If he was normal, Jiumozhi could easily dodge, but just now One palm is with the idea of ​​making the opponent lose his combat power, but not only is the single strike ineffective, but the internal strength he released is like a mud cow falling into the sea and disappearing. What kind of martial art is this?No!Is it supposed to be a human or a ghost?
However, even with such a hesitation, he couldn't avoid the random sweep of Qin Fan's arm, and almost subconsciously blocked it with his hand.

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, Jiumozhi's forearm made a [-]-degree turn, and the white bone stubble made people feel cold!
"Oops!" Jiumozhi cried out in pain, but subconsciously flew back with the opponent's strange power, but his intestines were turning green with regret in his heart.

It's not that he didn't think that the other party would know martial arts. After all, it would be impossible to visit Shaolin Temple at night if he didn't have some knowledge in martial arts. But before chasing him, he had inquired that there was no sound of fighting in Shaolin Temple last night. He thought that the other party could steal Yi from Shaolin. The tendon meridian should have some special secret lightness method, so Jiumozhi just moved close to him just now, and he also had the idea of ​​worrying about the opponent's escape, thinking about shooting and hurting the opponent, so as to save the opponent from having any superb lightness skills I couldn't catch up with him, but I didn't expect this ugly ghost to be so powerful, breaking his arm with just one blow!

No matter how confident Jiumozhi is in his own martial arts, he still knows that he is not an opponent, so he dared not stay for a long time, and immediately used the strength of the opponent to fly back, but his figure that just touched his toes flew back instantly like a rag in the strong wind After reaching more than ten meters and then turning around, we must exert our strength again!

One by one, they come and go whenever they want, do they really think that my place is a public restroom?
Qin Fan is really angry!Mu Wanqing was on fire all the time!Later meeting Xiao Feng was even more suffocating, and now being tricked by Azhu Abi again, Qin Fan felt like he was going to explode!It can be said that Jiumozhi really hit the muzzle this time!
Everyone wants to come here to play with themselves, okay!Then I will let you come and go!
"Bang!" Under the extreme anger, he didn't care about taking small steps, and kicked hard, the whole earth was like being hit by a huge hammer, and the official road that had been compacted for a long time was instantly smashed. There was a collapse with a radius of more than one meter, and then Qin Fan flew out like a cannonball!
But when there was a loud noise from Qin Fan's side, Jiumozhi turned his head subconsciously and saw an ugly face appeared behind him, he was so scared that he almost peed his pants!
Jiumozhi considered himself to be well-informed, but it was the first time he had seen such a bizarre thing like the one in front of him. How could this be a human being?
I have to say that although Jiumozhi's character is not very good, his martial arts are really solid. Even in the face of Qin Fan's unimaginable situation, he did not stand still. How dare he hide his secrets now? The unique skill of the flame knife has already been urged. Ultimate, with a wave of one hand, he slashed at Qin Fan's face, not seeking to hurt the enemy, but only to block one or two!
"Fuck you!" Still without any tricks, he punched directly against the opponent's fiery blade!

To extinguish a candle, you can put some drool on your finger and squeeze it...but what if you punch the candle?

Qin Fan's fist hit the internal force of the flame directly, and the crimson flame was instantly replaced by bright red liquid and splashed backwards. At the same time, one arm swung backward like noodles, and Qin Fan's fist had already struck On Jiumozhi's chest, Jiumozhi who was fully urging his internal energy to protect his body only felt his whole body for a while, and then he didn't know anything!

"Boom! Wow~~~" Have you ever seen people who live on the [-]th floor throw garbage downstairs and the garbage bags haven't been fastened? A generation of martial arts wizards was smashed to pieces by Qin Fan's simple punch up! ! !

Looking at the pieces of meat in front of him, Qin Fan didn't feel nauseated or want to vomit. On the contrary, he felt blood boiling inside his body. He couldn't help it. Although Qin Fan's soul consciousness was human, his body was a genuine demon body. , I said no in my heart, but my body was very honest!

Shaking off the blood stains on his hands vigorously, Qin Fan's face was slightly different, thinking that he would not admit the wrong person, right?How could Jiumozhi be so weak?

really!In Qin Fan's feeling, compared with Xiao Feng, this Jiumozhi is like heaven and earth. You must know that he and Xiao Feng were coaxed to fly out by facing each other. Feel the difference between the two?
Qin Fan didn't know that although Jiumozhi was slightly weaker than Xiao Feng's martial arts at this time, if he really made a move, it would not be easy for Xiao Feng to take down Jiumozhi within a hundred moves. The gap will definitely not be as large as Qin Fan thought, and the reason why the results of the two duels are so different is not because of the level of martial arts of the two, but because of Qin Fan himself.

Back then in Xingzilin, Qin Fan and Xiao Feng faced each other. At that time, Qin Fan used the Beiming Divine Art to absorb other people's internal energy, and then hurriedly faced Xiao Feng. However, this is not the most important thing. It's just a half-baked guy!It's as if Qin Fan, who was driving a tank, wanted to use the machine gun on it to shoot at the enemy. Of course, the effect would not be reflected. However, this time, Qin Fan shot out in anger. He had completely forgotten all about it, and the shot was brute force but he lost the machine gun and directly bombarded him, the effect can be imagined.

However, just when Qin Fan was wondering if Jiumozhi might be a counterfeit product, he suddenly felt a strange fluctuation in his stomach, as if something had penetrated into his body between the heavens and the earth. Average!
(End of this chapter)

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