King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 2 Seven Heart Pills

Chapter 2 Seven Hearts Pill
Chapter 3

It is said that a certain little toad who got the resurrection spell would certainly not really give this spell to some king, so after leaving the cave of the snake spirit sister, Qin Fan immediately looked for a place to practice this set, which sounds very awesome. However, to his disappointment, this time he didn't get what he wanted.

The reason why he couldn't practice this set of spells was not because he was illiterate, let alone that he couldn't understand the above grammar. In fact, he left a lot of secrets about monsters and even cultivation formulas in his memory as a goblin who ruled his body. The worthless street stalls are enough to deliberate on the resurrection technique, which sounds tall, but it is enough. The problem is that Qin Fan can understand it but can't practice it. Qin Fan felt like countless small bugs were crawling all over his body, itching but stinging constantly. At first, Qin Fan thought it was the snake spirit sister who discovered something wrong with him and used a fake formula to lie to him, but after experimenting with the universe After the treasure bag, he had to give up this idea. The other party had no reason to give the real magic weapon but gave himself a piece of fake scripture, and he couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake snake essence. He could tell at a glance, and the other party had no reason to deceive For the other party, there is only one possibility after thinking about it, and that is... I am not talented enough!
Ok!Although Qin Fan didn't want to admit it, it was an indisputable fact that he was a little demon. He didn't have any adventures, and he wasn't a rare and exotic species. It's not surprising that he couldn't practice this kind of advanced formula by himself!
If it was Qin Fan who had this kind of speculation at the beginning, he might not have any superfluous thoughts. However, winning two treasures in a row made Qin Fan's ordinary homeboy heart a little bit wild. You can't practice, you are a time traveler, what is a time traveler?Those who specialize in beating the protagonist, are you a snake?Why don't you just let yourself play around, your physique is not good, and there are not many traversers who are born with no veins and can't cultivate?Why can't they do what they want?And the most important thing is that now I have already shown my face to the snake spirit sister, and without the baby Ruyi, if the snake spirit and the scorpion spirit will be suppressed by the gourd baby soon, then I will stab the snake spirit sister. No matter how stupid a pair is, they will guess that they are fakes. It will be a lot of fun if they don't go to gourd baby to trouble them all over the mountains and plains to catch toads. It's better to fight with the snake spirit sister...

A pair of toad eyes glared with a touch of determination.

In fact, there is one thing Qin Fan expected wrong, that is, the snake spirit and the scorpion spirit were not suppressed by the gourd babies, on the contrary, as in the original book, they successfully used Qiwa to catch the other gourd babies and then captured the seven gourd babies. The gourd baby was thrown into the alchemy furnace, and when the vicious Qin Fan sneaked into the demon cave, Xie Zijing was ordering a few little demons to breathe fire into the alchemy furnace!It's a pity that as soon as the demon fires of the little demons were ignited, the water gushed out from the furnace and put out the flames. It seemed very difficult to deal with!

"My lord, it seems that these little monsters don't have enough mana to refine those seven idiots!" The snake spirit frowned and said.

"Hmph! It's not a big deal to practice for a few more days, I still don't believe it. After practicing for 81 days, these little babies can't be killed!" The scorpion spirit shouted angrily.

"Hahaha!" The old man who was tied to one side suddenly burst out laughing, but it made the scorpion spirit who was already furious even more angry: "Damn old man, what are you laughing at? Believe it or not, I'll throw you away too!" Let’s practice together in this alchemy furnace.”

"Haha! Monster, even if you turn me into ashes, you won't be able to refine the Qixin Pill. How can the seven gourd babies make you tormented by the centrifugal virtues? I have a way to make them change their minds!" the old man said. Said.

The snake spirit glanced at the old man, then at the alchemy furnace, and thought that Qixin Dan would not be able to be refined in a short period of time anyway, just to see what tricks the old man was up to, even if he measured his old bones, he would not be able to make any trouble. !
Thinking of this, the snake spirit said directly: "Let go of the old man and see how capable he is!"

A certain toad hiding in the dark has a bad heart. Although he can't remember this part of the plot long ago, he can tell just by looking at it that this is the plot of the protagonist's counterattack and rebellion to death. The gourd baby must have been released by the old man by some method, and then killed the two monsters successfully, and then the protagonist Shengli lived a shameless sex with the old man... Ugh!Something seems wrong.

In fact, if according to his heart, Qin Fan didn't want to help the second demon, but if he didn't help the second demon, then they would be beaten to death by the gourd baby, and this little demon might not get better. Besides, he didn't come here this time to watch the fun, seven Xindan is said to be so miraculous, it seems that after eating it, you will be invincible in the world, Qin Fan of course wants to get it, so...
"One, two, three, four, five, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth!" Qin Fan, who was hidden in the dark, suddenly murmured in a low voice, and in the kit in his hand, an ugly-looking bee flew out quietly!
This Qiankun Hundred Treasure Bag is known as the innate magic weapon. It is said that it was conceived and born before the first opening of the world. It contains 36 great treasures. The 36 mentioned here is not a number. What you think in your heart can be changed. Of course, it is not possible to say anything. If you want to change the earth, you can come out. The main thing is to use the user's mana as the foundation. For example, Qin Fan at this time can change into some small mosquitoes and cockroaches. It's fine, but those amazing magic weapons like those in cartoons can't be changed at all. In terms of attack power, they are definitely not as strong as Baby Ruyi, but they can also exert miraculous effects at this special time. Like now!

An ant the size of a fingernail flew quietly to the back of the old man's neck. When the old man moved his wrist and suddenly took out the lotus heart of seven seeds from his arms while the two monsters looked down on him, the ant suddenly slammed on the back of the old man's neck. A bundle!Even though the old man had the will to die, he couldn't hold back the sudden pain, and immediately fell to the ground, the seventh son Lianxin also threw it aside.

And the scorpion spirit who found something wrong took the next step and stepped on the old man's wrist who was about to grab Lian Xin, then reached out to pick up Lian Xin, and then kicked the old man away!

"Huh! The old man still wants to play tricks!" The scorpion spirit holding the lotus heart snorted coldly and returned to the snake spirit: "Ma'am, look! What is this?"

"This... Great King, this is a treasure. I don't know where this old thing came from. Fortunately, the King is smart. Otherwise, let the old man put this lotus seed into the furnace. The calabash baby will definitely increase in strength when it gets the lotus seed. Maybe it will be able to do it at that time." Break out of the furnace!" Seeing the lotus-hearted snake spirit said with lingering fear, it turned out that she thought that the old man's fall just now was also caused by the scorpion spirit.

Hearing the praise of the snake spirit, the scorpion spirit was very helpful but didn't explain it.

"Hahaha! Your Majesty, congratulations!" The snake spirit holding the lotus heart suddenly laughed, and stunned the proud scorpion spirit: "Where does the madam come from?"

"My lord! With this lotus heart, Qixin Dan can be made!" The snake spirit holding the lotus heart said suddenly.

"Oh? But didn't Madam just say that the gourd baby would be able to break out of the furnace with a huge increase in strength if she got this lotus heart?" asked the scorpion spirit strangely.

"Your Majesty! This water can carry a boat or overturn it. If the gourd babies were able to obtain samadhi, there would be endless troubles for this lotus heart, but now we get it, it is very different! This lotus heart is a strange species in the Buddhist world. It contains three flavors and real fire. There is nothing better than alchemy, but if you don't have a good fire to make alchemy, wouldn't you have it!" The snake spirit laughed heartily.

"Oh! Then what are you waiting for, madam, quickly make alchemy!" The scorpion said impatiently as soon as the clips on his head opened and closed.

"Don't worry, my lord, look at me!" While speaking, the snake spirit shook her hands and sent the lotus heart under the alchemy furnace, and then blew out a breath of monster energy, but saw the seven lotus seeds in the lotus heart immediately turned into seven-color flames and wrapped the alchemy furnace.

It seemed that there was something different outside the furnace, and a flood of water poured out of the furnace again to extinguish the flames, but this time, just as the flood poured out, it instantly turned into mist, and then turned into a huge ball of flame like gasoline meeting a fire, soaring into the air. At the beginning of the scorching heat wave, even Qin Fan who was hiding in the dark was taken aback. Looking along the firelight, the alchemy furnace that the two monsters placed high hopes on was already burning red, and you could still see it vaguely. The seven light clusters in the pill furnace are struggling desperately, but after only a few breaths, the originally struggling light clusters have been twisted together and turned into a fist-sized light spot, and then the lotus heart under the pill furnace is rapidly weathering , Qixia Xiaguang drilled in through the hole of the alchemy furnace!

"Ma'am!" Seeing this, the scorpion spirit was startled and thought something was wrong, but the snake spirit said happily instead of surprise: "My lord, it's done, the Qixin pill is done!"

While speaking, a gust of evil wind blew out, and the lid of the burnt red pill furnace was lifted suddenly, and the colorful pills flew slowly into the hands of the snake spirit as if lifted by an invisible force.

"Look, my lord! This is Qixin Pill!" Snake Jing handed the colorful pills to Xie Zijing and said with joy.

"Hahaha! With this pill, my husband and I have nothing to fear in heaven and earth! Hahaha!" Holding the seven-colored treasure pill, the scorpion spirit looked up to the sky and laughed, but before his laughter stopped, he suddenly didn't know When a large number of ants appeared out of thin air and flew to the two monsters, the two monsters were not good, but they turned into elbows and armpits and something happened suddenly, but they also scared the two monsters, and when the two monsters were in a panic However, a thin tongue suddenly sucked the Qixin Dan in Xie Zijing's hand and snatched it away instantly.

"Ah!" The scorpion spirit who was slapping the ants suddenly yelled loudly, and the expression of the snake spirit on the side also changed drastically: "Give me back the Qixinbaodan!"

While speaking, the snake spirit directly pulled out the hard and soft Yin-Yang sword inserted in the bun, and flew like Qin Fan who was desperately withdrawing his tongue.

Contrary to Qin Fan's expectation, the speed of the sword was shockingly fast, and it was obviously the second strike but the first strike. Qin Fan was pierced through the lower abdomen without even a chance to dodge!

Even if the next second the pill was in the mouth, the coldness in his belly made Qin Fan regret it, he was too complacent, even though the goblins inside were idiots, but their strength was genuine, and they succeeded in playing tricks in front of them once , I succeeded twice, but as long as I failed once, I would lose my life.

Is this going to die?Obviously it has been successful. If you get the treasure pill, as long as you can refine it, you can at least have the power to fight these two monsters, right?Did he just die like this?
"Crack!" A faint crackling voice came from the lower abdomen, as if something had been cut by the sword, but at this time Qin Fan didn't care about it, he just thought he should be able to save it, this place can't After staying for a long time, I had to leave immediately, but in my confusion, I only had this last thought: "Leave..."

ps: I wrote a new book in my free time, called Qiji Mozun, which is also invincible, but the setting is much more strictly forbidden than this book!Uh. If I say that I am old and interesting, will it appear that I am not stable?

(End of this chapter)

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