King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 3 Don't Run!I'm not human!

Chapter 3 Don't Run!I'm not human!
The mountains are lush and lush, and under the staggered canopy, a short and thick figure is lying on the ground. What is surprising is that with the breathing of this person, the whole area seems to tremble slightly. However, a strange toad with a blood red head and a raw meat crown is quietly crouching!
"Huh!" It was like suddenly waking up from a deep sleep for a thousand years, exhaling an invisible breath, but blowing away the leaves within a few meters, and the blood-red toad lying not far away was blown out by the air wave Three meters later, he slammed into a big tree, but the man who knew nothing about it slowly opened his slightly protruding swollen eyes and looked around.

"I'm not dead?" The voice was slightly hoarse, showing a bit of exhaustion. He turned over and subconsciously lowered his head to look at his lower abdomen. However, there was nothing on his naked belly except for a very simple-looking wishful tattoo. Still looks a little injured.

"Huh..." He let out a long breath again, and lay down on the ground with a relaxed body, but after only a few seconds, he suddenly sat up as if someone had stepped on his tail, and then put his hands on the ground as if he couldn't believe it. in front of you.

The stubby fingers don't seem to be surprising, and the dark green skin can only be described as ugly, but...
"Is this... a person?" Looking at the drooping part three inches below her navel, her eyes were swollen and wide open, but after a few seconds of pause, they gradually became moist!
In the barren mountains and wild mountains, a man with an ugly appearance is staring straight at the bottom of him and crying. This scene makes people dare not look directly at him, but who can understand the mood of the person involved.

After finally traveling through time, he turned into a toad. Although he became a toad, it can be seen from the fact that this guy never wears pants... Damn, this body lacks things!Now, for some reason, I have the parts that I should have in my body again. This kind of surprise of finding it again is even more surprising than winning a lottery ticket!
"Uh huh!" The low-pitched name suddenly sounded from the side, causing someone who was staring at him to turn around subconsciously, but saw a blood-red toad lying not far away from him, The meat crown on his head flickered as if to be cute, but Qin Fan, who had just lost and recovered his little brother, was taken aback.

"What the hell is this?" He sat down on the ground but saw the little toad jump forward again: "Stop!"

Qin Fan was taken aback. He didn't know what this thing was, but he knew that toads were also highly poisonous, and according to the theory that the more beautiful animals are, the more poisonous they are, this thing doesn't seem innocent at all. Damn it!
However, a certain person forgot that not long ago, he himself was actually a toad, and he even became a fine toad!

Seemingly able to understand Qin Fan's words, the little toad actually stopped after Qin Fan's exclamation, and then tilted the meat crown on his head to look at Qin Fan curiously at this time, as if asking why the other party wanted to let it stop.

After the initial shock, at this time Qin Fan also found something wrong. For some reason, he seemed to have a natural closeness to this little toad, and he stretched out a hand almost subconsciously. The little toad also jumped up without any hesitation. Qin Fan reached out and touched the meat crown on the toad's head, but it made the little toad look very enjoying it!

Of course, Qin Fan didn't know that the reason why the toad was so close to him was because the breath that overflowed when he was digesting the Qixin Dan benefited the little guy a lot, and at the same time, because Qin Fan digested the Qixin Pill, the toad was so close to him. The aura he exudes comes from himself, which subtly makes this little toad very close to Qin Fan. In addition, this little toad has not yet developed its intelligence, so it almost instinctively regards Qin Fan as his master, or The mother is more appropriate, and the same Qin Fan can also feel the breath from the other party's body, so it is natural to have that kind of intimacy.

"I just turned back into a human and unexpectedly met you. We are really destined! You will be my mascot in the future! How about it? How about a name for you, Xiao Ha?" Qin Fan fiddled The meat crown on the opponent's head said with a smile.

"Hmph!" As if agreeing, the little toad grinned!
In this way, the two toads became partners in this uninhabited mountain forest, and they lived a happy life ever since...
"Help! There are monsters~~~~" Accompanied by the rustling of leaves blown by the wind, a young man with a handsome appearance was already full of fear on his snow-white and handsome cheeks. The one who was chasing after him quickly was even more weird, not only was he ugly with a snub nose and mouth, but he was wearing a strange bracelet on his left wrist, and a very gorgeous brocade bag was hanging on it. In addition, he was naked and ran behind with bare buttocks and bare feet without even a pair of shoes!

"Stop! I'm not human, no! I'm not a bad person!" Of course, this perverted exhibitionist is Qin Fan at the moment. He was a little depressed when he said it. It has been more than a day since he woke up, and Qin Fan is completely lost. I didn't know where the south, east, and north were, so I could only look for a road and wander around. Finally, I came across a living person who wanted to ask the way, but didn't say a word, but ran away as if he had seen a ghost. , Qin Fan was surprised, why did he look like a monster?I have never seen a real monster after seeing this product!
"Little brother, don't be afraid, I just want to ask...Huh? Where's the person?" Although he was full of dissatisfaction, he knew that the more he frightened the other party, the more he would not stop, so Qin Fan could only be patient. Tempered to persuade, but before he could say anything, he found that the person who was still running desperately in front of him disappeared in an instant.

"Damn it! Didn't that guy encounter a monster, but he encountered a ghost?" Suspicious in his heart, his feet accelerated a little bit, but when he jumped out, Qin Fan felt that his feet were empty, and immediately said: "Grandma Yes, won’t you call for help if you fall off a cliff? Help~~~”

"Putong X2" Fortunately, there was a pool of water under the cliff, and the two fell into the water one after another. Qin Fan didn't feel any discomfort, but the little boy was stunned by the strong impact.

"Hey! Wake up! Little brother!" Qin Fan put him by the water and snorted and found that he must have passed out, then reached out and patted the other person's cheek to wake him up, but finally woke him up The first thing this guy said after he opened his eyes and saw Qin Fan was...
"A monster~~~~" Then he rolled his eyes and passed out again!

"Damn! Are you sincere, little bastard?" These days, Qin Fan has also used clear water to take pictures of his own face. In all fairness, it's not very good-looking, er... a bit ugly... Okay!Knock!But it definitely has a nose and eyes, absolutely human-like!Nima, one monster at a time, you look great, aren't you?

In fact, this time Qin Fan really blamed others. To be honest, Qin Fan's appearance at this time is indeed somewhat similar to Xiao Ha, but this is not the most important thing. If you change to a place where people come and go, Qin Fan is wearing clothes If you look like a dog, the other party will at most be surprised that this person looks really independent, but the problem is that it is deep in the mountains, and you are naked and chase after people. In self-defense, someone who just ran away from being scared is definitely considered a good performance!

But the person involved obviously didn't think so. Seeing the other party yelling one monster at a time, he was frightened and fainted in the end. Qin Fan also became angry. Didn't you faint?I'll make you dizzy: "Crack!"

Raising his hand unceremoniously was a big mouth, and then he kept backhanding another blow!Not to mention that this trick is really effective, just slapped the opposite side a few times and was awakened!Without waiting for the other party to open his mouth, Qin Fan shouted directly: "You're yelling nonsense, let me see!"

I don't know whether he was frightened by Qin Fan's beating or frightened by Qin Fan's words. The young man really didn't dare to yell anymore, and he didn't pass out either. The light eyes when he was eating me later made Qin Fan feel sick!
"Look, I'm a human!" Nima, how can you say this so badly?

"Are you... a human?" Clearly, he still had some doubts!But it seems to have been believed!

"Little bastard, if you aren't a goblin, you can still kill you, believe it or not!" Qin Fan said with a dark face.

"Uh..." Hearing what Qin Fan said, he seemed to feel that his question was a little impolite. The young man was stunned for a moment, but then he said with a strange expression: "Then, why don't you wear clothes?"

"You think I want to be naked in front of a big man like you? Fuck, I also timed through when other people time-traveled, and when other people time-traveled and met a beautiful woman out of the bath, I happened to be stared at first not long after I left the house. The other party is still a man! "Qin Fan didn't doubt at all whether the other party was a man or not. Although this boy looked good-looking, the Adam's apple on his neck couldn't be faked. Qin Fan didn't know what to say about what happened to him other than his life!
"What, what time travel?" The young man said with some doubts.

"It has nothing to do with you!" Qin Fan, who was in an extremely bad mood, didn't bother to care whether the other party heard or not!
Seeing Qin Fan fighting against himself, the handsome young man got up from the ground, glanced at Qin Fan warily, and muttered in a low voice, "I don't know why!" to a cave.

"Hey!" Sighing slightly, Qin Fan also stood up from the ground, walked slowly into the cave and said, "Stinky boy, come out and I have something to ask you!"

While speaking, he had already stepped into the cave, but just as he turned in, he saw a statue pointing at him with a sword. The white jade was carved so lifelike, but before Qin Fan could clearly see the statue, he just rushed in The dumb-headed boy suddenly stood in front of Qin Fan.

"You apprentice, put on your clothes quickly, and don't be rude in front of the fairy sister!"

"Wear your sister! If I want clothes, you can tell me!"

"Uh..." The young man paused for a moment, took off his coat and threw it to Qin Fan, saying, "This is for you, put it on quickly so you don't stain the eyes of the fairy sister!"

"There is something wrong! You are still a fairy sister, do you think you are Duan Yu?" Although Qin Fan said so, but Qin Fan still put the coat on his body, but Qin Fan is slightly shorter but thicker than the other party at this time Putting on a lot, wearing the other party's robe not only drags the floor but also can't be buttoned up at all, it can't be blocked at all, so Qin Fan can only take it off and wrap it around his waist directly!

However, the young man ignored Qin Fan's actions and said in surprise, "How do you know my name?"

ps: I wrote a new book in my free time, called Qiji Mozun, which is also invincible, but the setting is much more strictly forbidden than this book!Uh. If I say that I am old and interesting, will it appear that I am not stable?

(End of this chapter)

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