King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 4 Beiming Divine Art

Chapter 4 Beiming Divine Art
The sudden sentence made Qin Fan's movements pause, and he glanced at him in surprise: "Your name is really Duan Yu?"

"That's right, I'm going to Dali, Duan Yu! Dare I ask what your name is!" the young man said after cupping his hands at Qin Fan.

"I'm sick!" Without thinking too much at all, he replied directly, but the expression on his face froze as soon as the words came out, and he secretly thought in his heart that it couldn't be true!If so, then this bridge is too familiar!
Originally, I didn't think about it from the beginning to the end and didn't think much about it, but now I think about it more and more.

"If you say that?" Qin Fan suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled out a little toad with a red head and raw meat crown from his messy hair: "You can't be a red clam, can you?"

"My God! It turns out that there is a toad on your head. I thought it was an abscess! It seems that you are really human!" Duan Yu looked at Zhenghe and Qin Fan with wide eyes in surprise. The little clam said.

Hearing Duan Yu's words, Qin Fan rolled his eyes, but he didn't pay attention to the other party's heart, but thought to himself, if he said that, then he had really time-traveled again, but why did he time-travel again?Is it because he died?As long as you die, you can pass through?If this is the case, do you want to try it yourself?Depend on!Why try this?Forget it, Tianlong Babu is not bad, there are many beauties and martial arts, it's okay to learn martial arts... martial arts?

No matter how unresponsive he was, he now thought of where this place was!At that moment, Qin Fan directly pushed away Duan Yu who was standing in front of the jade statue, and saw the futon in front of the jade statue at a glance!
"Hey! What are you doing! Don't be rude to the fairy sister!" Duan Yu seemed to be going forward to pester him, but was kicked to the ground by Qin Fan casually, and then Qin Fan pulled hard, and the two scrolls in the futon slipped instantly !
"Really!" Seeing this scene, Qin Fan was overjoyed, and opened the two scrolls, and wrote the Beiming Divine Art in beautiful handwriting, which made Qin Fan almost burst into laughter!
The small characters below first read Zhuangzi's Happy Journey... a lot of blah blah blah blah, followed by 36 pictures**** but Qin Fan's eyes lit up watching it.

Don't get me wrong, even if Qin Fan is in a hurry, he won't have any interest in this ink porn. After all, the small movies that he is originally an otaku watch are all about T, and there will be no one at this level. Impulsive, but the content of it made him unable to calm down.

Beiming Divine Art Hey!The whole Tianlong Babu, no!It should be said that the following Condor Shooting, Divine Condor and Yitian at the end are counted. Ming, but I didn't expect that this luck could not be stopped. After I came in, I came to this jade cave of Wuliang Mountain by accident and got this set of magical skills easily!
"Hehe! Oops! There's no reasoning for this!" Looking at the 36 pictures in his hand, the corners of Qin Fan's mouth were about to crack and the back of his head cracked!
"Ah! This...give it to me quickly! Don't be rude to the fairy sister!" Duan Yu seemed to realize that something was wrong with Qin Fan. To snatch!
"I'll fuck your sister! You dare to snatch my things!" Qin Fan raised his leg and kicked it!
Being kicked over again, Duan Yu was still relentless, but he didn't dare to step forward and just shouted loudly: "What do you want to do, you disciple, it's the fairy sister's thing, how can you mess around and look at it! "

"What's the mess? This is something from our Xiaoyao faction, and it has something to do with you?" After a pause, seeing Duan Yu still looking furious, Qin Fan simply stepped forward and kicked this guy. On Xiaobai's face: "I've disliked you for a long time! Among the three in Tianlong, I don't like you the most. You dare to stare at me. I'll kick you to death, shameless!"

"Ouch! What are you doing, don't fight, Ouch!!!" At this time, Duan Yu didn't have any martial arts at all, and he was a scholar with no strength to restrain a chicken, let alone Qin Fan, who had merged with Qixindan now. He is a casual third-rate expert, and even a slightly stronger farmer is no match. In front of Qin Fan, he can only be beaten. He can only cover his head and face desperately. !
Looking at Duan Yu Qin Fan who was howling like a rolling mouse on the ground, he felt very happy. As he said, the three protagonists in Tianlong are the ones he hates the most. The second-generation kid of the rich is still thinking about poaching people's corners all day long, damn it!This is simply the enemy of otaku!
Thinking of the place where he was angry, he couldn't help but feel a little heavier on his feet, but he kicked him and passed out!

Seeing Duan Yu who had fallen to the ground and turned into a pig's head, Qin Fan curled his lips, thinking that someone's child would die, and then walked out of the cave without paying attention!
Unfolding the two scrolls, Qin Fan began to study them carefully.

He is different from that Duan Yu, he is really looking at martial arts rather than looking at it as a erotic picture, and he doesn't care about whether it is good to attract people's internal energy, so he studies it very carefully!

Beiming Shengong is divided into 36 pictures, representing the twelve main meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians, a total of [-] meridians, each of which has a way to practice the second meridian of Ren and Du. The [-] meridians exclude the second meridian of Ren and Du , the remaining eighteen meridians are repaired one meridian for every two pictures!
In fact, when Duan Yu practiced Beiming Shengong, he didn't complete it, because he pretended to be noble and didn't like martial arts. He only practiced the Taiyin Lung Meridian and Ren Meridian. Therefore, in the Beiming Divine Art, he can only partially absorb people's internal energy, but he doesn't know how to refine it. Therefore, after absorbing the internal energy of Zhong Wanchou and the three villains in the Valley of Myriad Tribulations, he almost killed himself because he couldn't refine it. Toss to death!Moreover, the Beiming Divine Art is extensive and profound. It is not based on absorbing people's internal energy, but focuses on gathering the strengths of thousands of families. Wu Yazi's 80-year internal energy is also Beiming Divine Art, but it is completely cultivated by himself. This shows that Beiming Shengong is not a vicious martial art as Duan Yu said!

Of course, Qin Fan is not very clear about these twists and turns. He didn't even know that Duan Yu didn't learn the Quanbeiming Divine Art in the original book, but only learned one of the 36 pictures!But none of these can affect his enthusiasm for learning Beiming's magical skills.

Although Beiming Shengong is broad and profound, it is much easier to practice than the resurrection technique cheated from the snake spirit. At least it can be practiced. The memory is also surprisingly good, and he has memorized all 36 pictures in just a few hours. It is a pity that he has no internal strength, so he can't achieve the effect if he wants to practice in a short time, but it is not without benefits, that is this A set of martial arts requires the elimination of the original internal strength, but Qin Fan, like Duan Yu in the original book, does not have internal strength himself, so there is no need to eliminate it!
Of course, it's only a few hours, Qin Fan is only a beginner to Beiming Shengong. If he wants to really learn it, I'm afraid it will be impossible in a few years!Lingbo Weibu is extremely complicated, but it is also not easy to learn. Although it is easier to learn than Beiming Divine Art, it is also limited. At first, I felt that Duan Yu seemed to have learned it casually, but his personal experience is not the case. I don't know if it's because Duan Yu is gifted with the protagonist's halo, or because he has a limited IQ...

"Hey! Listen, return the fairy sister's things immediately, or I will be rude to you!"

Qin Fan was depressed, when Duan Yu's voice suddenly sounded behind him, but turning around almost subconsciously, Qin Fan was stunned

(End of this chapter)

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