King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 5 What the hell is Yu Linglong?

Chapter 5 What the hell is Yu Linglong?

No wonder Qin Fan was stunned. At this moment, Duan Yu's white shirt was a little dirty and he looked a little embarrassed, but his pretty face was still handsome. You must know that although Qin Fan didn't hit hard just now, that was relative, at least Qin Fan Fan can be sure that the little white face at that time has indeed turned into a pig's head. It is a bit serious to say that her mother can't recognize it, but it takes a little effort to identify it. However, looking at it now, it seems that there is no injury at all. Damn it The protagonist's aura is also a bit too heaven-defying, right?How many hours has it been?In less than a day, not only did the swelling disappear without leaving any traces?

"You... what's the situation?" Qin Fan felt that his head was not enough, and he thought to himself that he had entered the legendary samadhi after practicing martial arts, and he lost the sense of time. In fact, several days have passed?No way?

"Did you hear that, if you obediently return the things belonging to Sister Immortal, I can let the past go, otherwise..." Duan Yu's words are much stronger than before, although he still looks like he doesn't have much confidence, but he is being held How dare I say that after being beaten so fat, it just shows... Grandma just played lightly~!

"You're really magnanimous, that's good! I'm beating you up and you're ignoring me!" Qin Fan was not polite as he said that, just taking this opportunity to vent his depression, he strode forward and grabbed the opponent's arm The big ear scraper on the collar was about to slap it, but before Qin Fan's palm fell, he suddenly felt a strong force in his chest, and then his whole body flew upside down and hit the cliff fiercely!
"Bang!" The violent vibration even knocked down several pieces of gravel, but it made Qin Fan, who was slightly stuck on the cliff, stunned.

"This...what the hell?" Qin Fan stared blankly at Duan Yu who was also shocked not far away, but he looked like he had seen a ghost!
I remember clearly that just now, this guy looked very weak, but this punch... Qin Fan didn't know the martial arts levels in this world, but just from the strength that sent him flying and framed on the stone wall, it was absolutely amazing. It's not something ordinary second-rate masters can do, it only takes less than a day, no matter how powerful the martial arts is, it's impossible for people to change so much so quickly, right?Could it be that this guy who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger already knows martial arts?Never heard of it!
"You..." Qin Fan didn't know what to say for a while!

"You, are you scared! Let me tell you, hurry up and return the things belonging to Sister Immortal, and kowtow respectfully to admit your mistake, otherwise...don't blame me for being rude to you!"

It seems that because of this moment just now, he regained a lot of confidence, and Duan Yu's tone became even tougher.

"I'm being polite to your grandma!" With a little force on both arms, the whole person easily broke free from the stone wall and stepped forward a few steps, but he hit his head with his arms!

Qin Fan took Qixin Dan, and his ability to possess seven gourd babies is no longer comparable to that of ordinary humans. Although he doesn't know what's tricky about this reputation, but in terms of strength, speed and physical strength, he can be said to be on a par with Qin Fan. One underground, and both of them don't know martial arts, Beiming Shengong is an inner strength method that has no martial arts moves at all, and Lingbo Weibu is too mysterious, Qin Fan just memorized the steps and couldn't use them freely, so the two fought like The children are messing around, you hit a big punch, I hit a toad kick, the punch is so dark that the ground shakes, but the appearance is very funny.

However, the more unskilled the fight, the more important it is to suppress the strength. After only a few strokes, Duan Yu was pushed to the ground by Qin Fan again, and then the big ear scraped his bow left and right: "Say! Why did you suddenly become so big?" Strength! Did you take some Dali pills?"

"I..." I was obviously very dissatisfied with Qin Fan's rude treatment of Duan Yu, but in the end he had no choice but to succumb under the increasingly severe slaps: "Stop hitting, stop hitting, yes, it was Sister Immortal who gave it to me. My Yu Linglong, it's like this after I ate it!"

"Yu Linglong???" Now Qin Fan was confused and forced!

Qin Fan had a vague impression of the name Yu Linglong, but this seems to be the plot of a movie, right?And it doesn't seem to be discovered here, what the hell is this?It's a mess!
Although he was puzzled, he quickly put it behind him, no matter where Yu Linglong came from, since it came out, he must have it himself!
"Spit it out!" While speaking, he still didn't forget to step on Duan Yu's lower abdomen vigorously!
Although there is Yu Linglong's body protection, but Qin Fan's strength is really stronger, when he stepped on it, Duan Yu couldn't help but bowed into a shrimp and retched vigorously.

"Ugh!!! Don't, don't, ah!!! Don't, it's gone, Yu Linglong is gone!" Duan Yu said struggling while desperately dodging Qin Fan's beating.

"There's nothing left! Have you stopped eating? Spit it out, hurry up, if you don't spit it up, don't blame me for digging you up to find it yourself!" Qin Fan said viciously.

"Ah! No! It's really gone. When I put it in my mouth, I felt that Yu Linglong suddenly turned into a stream of heat and dissipated. You, even if you really kill me, you will definitely not find it!" Being trampled by Qin Fan, he couldn't move at all, Duan Yu could only beg bitterly!
"there is none left?"

"there is none left!"

"No, what if there are some leftovers? How will you know if you don't try it? It's better to dig it out!"

"Ah... no no no! It's really gone, it's really gone! I can feel it! You can only see a pile of rotten meat when you dig it open, but you can't find anything!"

"It's good to try!"

"No, no, no! Brother, please! At worst, I don't want Sister Immortal's stuff! Please don't!"

Looking at Duan Yu's terrified face, Qin Fan felt a little helpless, he really didn't have a glass heart and didn't dare to kill people, although he didn't kill him before, but if you asked him to kill one or two people, he really didn't care Burden, but the problem is that if you ask him to dissect a large living person, it will be a bit difficult, mainly because it is too disgusting!
But Yu Linglong sounds tall and tall. Although she has the ability of Qixindan to be like seven gourd babies, who would think too much of this thing? It's a pity to give this little face for no reason!
It turned out that this guy had already regarded Yu Linglong as his own personal property, and he never thought that Yu Linglong had nothing to do with him.

"Forget it! I don't have to kill you, but there are conditions!" Qin Fan said suddenly after pondering for a while.

"Ah! Good good! Big brother, tell me, as long as I don't kill me, I will agree to any conditions!" Duan Yu was obviously frightened enough. Although Duan Yu was already 19 years old at this time, he was born in the royal family and was used to being pampered. Spine is more like a boy's stubbornness. Now that he has been beaten many times by Qin Fan, he has long been afraid of being beaten. In addition, Qin Fan's dignity is too intimidating. At this time, Duan Yu still has no temper at all!
"That's good! Yu Linglong is the supreme treasure of our sect. If you eat it for no reason, even if you can't spit it out, you will have to pay for it!" Qin Fan said directly.

"Compensation? How to compensate?" After hearing Qin Fan's words, Duan Yu was taken aback and asked.

"I heard that your Dali Duan family's one Yang Zhi and Liumai Shenjian are very powerful in martial arts, so you can use these two martial arts to compensate me!" Qin Fan said as a matter of course.

"Ah? Yes, but I can't!" Duan Yu said with a bitter face.

"Idiot!" Qin Fan raised his hand and slapped him, and then said dissatisfied, "You still have your father? Just let him pay me back!"

"But..." Duan Yu still wanted to say something, but when he saw Qin Fan's fierce face, his eyes rolled slightly: "That's good! But you have to accompany me back to Dali!"

Duan Yu thought clearly, the ugly monster in front of him is very powerful in martial arts, he is not an opponent, and he is also terrifyingly fierce!Instead of arguing with him, it is better to lead him to Dali, and then naturally his father and uncle will rule him!

"Okay!" Thinking of this point, Duan Yu nodded directly and said, "My father is in Dali Kingdom, as long as you go back with me, I will ask my father to give you those two magical skills!"

Even if the opponent's Xiao Jiujiu Qin Fan didn't know it, he could probably guess it. Leaving aside the Yiyang Finger, the Six Meridians Excalibur doesn't belong to the Duan family at all but is a unique skill of Tianlong Temple. Even if Duan Zhengchun promised him, he couldn't give it to him, but Qin Fan But don't worry, relying on his understanding of his body these days, strength alone is no match for a first-class master with a steel and iron body, so Qin Fan has already figured it out, if the other party doesn't give it... snatch it!

"Okay! Since that's the case, I'll go with you!" Qin Fan sneered, and he must win the Yiyang Finger and the Six Meridians Sword!

(End of this chapter)

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