King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 6 Mu Wanqing

Chapter 6 Mu Wanqing

On the hillside overgrown with weeds, a lone figure was walking forward with a depressed expression on his face. This person was none other than Qin Fan, but the depression on his face at this time made this toad face look even weirder.

Speaking of which, Qin Fan wanted to kill people. The familiar saying that Xiaobailian has no good intentions is true at all. Duan Yu, who originally said it well, went to Dali with him, but just climbed out of the jade cave cliff, the boy suddenly He kicked it down again with a hard kick.

Qin Fan really didn't think that this kid would dare to do this at the time, but he was kicked straight and fell back directly, and when he climbed back in a hurry, there was no such thing as Duan Yu's figure.

"Grandma's! If you run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. When you catch the boy in Dali, you must shoot him to death, then chop it up and feed it to the dogs! Chop it up into pieces!!!" Qin Fan walked forward with a dark face. muttered softly.

"Hahaha!" Just as Qin Fan was walking forward, a laughter not far away made his footsteps pause, and then he heard a voice from over there: "I heard that you made a rule, if someone Seeing your appearance, either you kill him, or you marry him, right?"

Upon hearing this sentence, the toad eyes of someone who was depressed at first lit up. Although the looks and voices of people in this world are somewhat different from those of TV dramas, the person who said these words is definitely not wrong, Mu Wanqing what!
Following the sound, he quickly searched, and sure enough, he saw a short and fat man with disheveled hair and a crocodile scissors on his back, surrounded by a tall woman in a black hat and a black veil, and said: "Today, I am a bad boy." God is going to see if you are so ugly that you set this bullshit rule!" While speaking, he stretched out his hand to take off the other party's veil!
"Ah! Demon girl, let go of that child and come at me if you have the ability!" Qin Fan suddenly roared, and then rushed out like a gust of wind!

The sudden roar was beyond the expectations of the two of them!

Mu Wanqing: "A witch?"

Evil God of the South China Sea: "Child???"

However, before the two could figure out who the other was calling, Qin Fan's kick had already landed on the ass of the South China Sea Evil God!

"Bang!" Without any suspense, this guy was kicked and flew out, but there was no response!

On the other side, Mu Wanqing was also sent flying backwards by a sudden burst of energy, but Qin Fan, who had noticed this side earlier, of course would not miss this opportunity, and immediately rushed forward and hugged the opponent's waist The other hand directly took off the opponent's veil!

Although he had expected it, Qin Fan was still surprised by the opponent's appearance!It's not that Qin Fan has never seen beautiful women. After all, he was born in an era of advanced information. There are too many TVs and computers. Star beauties can be seen, but compared with the person in front of him... well!It's not that the other party is incomparable, but the sense of reality that is close at hand, coupled with the perfection of the other party's fair face without a trace of blemish, made Qin Fan swallow hard!
And just like Qin Fan, Mu Wanqing was also shocked by Qin Fan's appearance at this time, the difference is... is Nima a human being?It looks too ugly!

In all fairness, it's a bit too much for Qin Fan to look like a human being at this time!After all, although there are noses and eyes, although it is somewhat deformed, it is not human, you are not objective!Still very human-like!certainly!You can't compare yourself with a human, but you can compare it with a toad. It is indeed more like a toad, but he is also like a human!You can't say that he is not a human if he looks like a toad. After all, it can only be regarded as a surprise when a person grows like this. If a toad grows like this, it will become a spirit!

"Ah!!! Let go of me!" Although Mu Wanqing suffered serious internal injuries, she still struggled desperately!But Qin Fan didn't insist on seeing this, and he saw his face anyway, and retreated pretending to be a gentleman, and said: "Miss, don't be afraid, I'm not human, no! I'm not a bad person! I just saw that wicked person committing murder in a hurry. Please forgive me if there is any abruptness in speaking and drinking!"

Who said that Qin Fan has never read a book, and that he can pull out such educated words without reading a book?Qin Fan himself felt overwhelmed by his words!
"You..." Mu Wanqing really wanted to ask you if you were a human or a ghost, but after she calmed down a little, she also guessed that this guy should just look weird, and he didn't seem to have any malicious intentions. It's not difficult to see the method, but he is also a master. Now that he is seriously injured, he doesn't dare to make a strong enemy!

Thinking of this, Mu Wanqing wanted to be polite according to the other party's words, and then leave as soon as possible, but before she could say anything, her gaze fell on the familiar black veil in the other party's hand, almost subconsciously. Stretching out his hand to touch the side of his face, the face that was originally pale due to the injury disappeared instantly.

"My veil!" It was as if the dying man suddenly felt that he saw black and white, fear, despair, unwillingness, all kinds of emotions made the voice of this pretty girl tremble.

But Qin Fan's eyes lit up when he saw this scene, and then he pretended to apologize and said: "Oh! Miss, don't blame me, I accidentally took off Miss's face when I was saving Miss just now..."

Before Qin Fan could finish speaking, Mu Wanqing's eyes, who had been stunned, suddenly shot out an incomparable killing intent. Regardless of whether she was seriously injured or not, she even forgot that the person in front of her might be powerful, so she suddenly raised her hand A sleeve arrow has already shot towards Qin Fan's right eye.

The sudden change was not too unexpected. Qin Fan, who had been prepared for a long time, tilted his head casually to avoid the sleeve arrow, but at the same time pretended to be puzzled and said: "Miss, what is the meaning of this? I just rescued you." Miss, why did you avenge your kindness?"

On the other side, he picked up the dagger that had just been thrown away by the evil god of the South China Sea, and looked at Qin Fan coldly with a pair of beautiful eyes: "Your Excellency did save me just now, after I take your life, I will die, thank you, But I made an oath, I will take the life of anyone who sees my face, so..."

Mu Wanqing didn't finish her sentence, but the dagger in her hand had already stabbed Qin Fan's chest, and Qin Fan was slightly stunned by that kind of killing intent without hesitation.

Almost subconsciously, he reached out and grabbed Mu Wanqing's wrist, Qin Fan said in disbelief, "Isn't your oath that you will marry whoever sees your face?"

No wonder Qin Fan lost his composure, mainly because after the incident with Yu Linglong, Qin Fan subtly had a slight doubt about the plot he was familiar with, so when he heard what Mu Wanqing said just now, he instinctively thought that there was some change However, Mu Wanqing was furious when he said these words: "Bastard! You really did it on purpose! Let go!"

"I... I did it on purpose! You made the oath yourself, do you want to go back on it?" Seeing himself leaking out, Qin Fan fortunately did not pretend to be gentle, and simply pointed out that if the other party reneged, it would be a big deal for him to use force That's it, the other party should not be able to beat him.

It’s not without reason that Qin Fan couldn’t find a wife on Earth, just like at this time he wanted Mu Wanqing to be his wife because she saw her beautiful, and he didn’t even think about whether she really liked him or not. However, just like most scumbags in this world, he simply wants the other party to be a tool to vent his desire, not a lover!

Mu Wanqing is not an idiot. Although she is not familiar with Qin Fan, her first impression is extremely bad. Coupled with this guy's appearance, Mu Wanqing suddenly has a feeling that he is fucking or is about to be fucked by a dog. Feel.

(End of this chapter)

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