King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 206 Frogman

Chapter 206 Frogman

"Moo~~~" A cry that sounded like a cow but not a cow sounded from behind Qin Fan, and Qin Fan subconsciously turned around, only to see a very beautiful little toad with a raw meat crown appearing on the ground behind him at this moment. He made a strange barking sound at Qin Fan.

"Why does this toad look so familiar?" Slightly frowned, subconsciously talking to himself.

"Can't you remember?" A soft female voice sounded from behind Qin Fan, and Qin Fan instinctively turned his head to look back, but that unique face that could not eat the fireworks made Qin Fan stunned again, but held on tight It was the instant the surrounding scenery shattered instantly, and the sound of Eggy came into the ear.

"Master, is this gemstone what you said you were going to give me just now?" Series, who was no different from a real person and didn't know how much T it was, stood in front of Qin Fan, looking at the soul gem twisted from Qin Fan's hand, and asked.

"Uh no! I'm talking about this cane. Do you see if this thing is useful to you? I'll leave if there's nothing to do!" Qin Fan threw the cane in the other hand to the other party, and then But he retreated directly into the blood soul space.

Holding the soul gem in his hand, Qin Fan didn't know why the phantom just now always gave Qin Fan a feeling of deja vu, no!It's not an illusion, but that woman. Qin Fan is sure that he has never seen that woman in his life, whether before or after time travel, but why does that woman give him a very familiar feeling?
Holding the Soul Gem tightly again, Qin Fan seemed to want to enter that wonderful illusion again, but this time, no matter what Qin Fan did, he couldn't enter that illusion-like world, but there is one thing Qin Fan can be sure of, That is, the reason why I entered that world just now must have something to do with the mind gem in my hand.

In fact, Qin Fan didn't know that the influence of the Soul Stone on him was far more than the phantoms he just saw. In fact, shortly after he got Loki's scepter, he had already begun to be affected by the Soul Stone. You name kill Loki, such as rape Skye, all because of the influence of the Mind Stone on him. Of course, even without the Mind Stone, he may not be able to do these things, but the Mind Stone is indeed stimulating his heart. something in the depths.

"Maybe this gem is not powerful enough?" Qin Fan remembered that among the six infinite gems, it is said that the power gem can increase the power of the other five gems. Maybe he should get that infinite gem?

Putting away the soul gem casually, Qin Fan returned to the Marvel world again!Qin Fan is not in a hurry about the Power Gem. After all, whether the Power Gem is in Xingjue's hands or not, Qin Fan has no way of knowing. Qin Fan doesn't know where it is now, so he might as well wait. Anyway, Thanos will definitely attack the earth in the future. I'll send the Power Gem along the way!At that time, it will be fine if he snatches it from Thanos. Before that, Qin Fan still wants to find the person who killed Skye.

Returning to the Marvel world again, Qin Fan is ready to ask someone for help!

In fact, even if there is no Dandan in the world of Young and Dangerous, it will not affect much. The reason why Qin Fan did not transfer Dandan to the Marvel world is largely because it is too troublesome. There are already several buildings that are as big. If they are all transferred to the Marvel World, even if Qin Fan has a private space, it will be very troublesome. Moreover, the Marvel World is different from the Young and Dangerous World. The technology here is more developed. He felt that it was unrealistic to place such a large pile of equipment, so Qin Fan temporarily gave up the idea of ​​transferring Eggy.

As for S.H.I.E.L.D., unless Qin Fan acted as a terrorist and destroyed a few cities, Qin Fan didn't think the other party would try his best to help him, so this time Qin Fan was going to look for Tony, Marvel's number one technology expert. Mister Stark!

Although Qin Fan and Stark didn't have any friendship, they had a pretty good impression of him. In addition, Qin Fan felt that the other party was more or less a half-businessman, who was purer than those politicians. They are all extremely special technological products. I believe that even if it is exchanged for Stark, he will be willing to help the Lord himself. The most important point is that Skye's death Qin Fan thinks this is a conspiracy against him. After all, in the original book, Qin Fan I have never heard of Skye having any special enemies. After interacting with him, he was killed inexplicably. Qin Fan thinks it is largely because of him. As for the purpose, Qin Fan is not sure, but he thinks it is very likely that he wants to anger himself. After all The strength I have shown is not weak. If I go crazy, it is likely to cause a certain amount of chaos. In this way, people from the chaotic camp may take the opportunity to make some small moves. Of course SHIELD will not do this as a justice camp, but now God The SHIELD has almost become the cloak of the Hydra. It is better to protect the Hydra than to protect all human beings, and the Hydra is an important suspect for Qin Fan, so let the SHIELD help investigate Qin Fan's suspicion of the SHIELD Will you just throw a corpse to yourself and tell yourself that this is the murderer!On the other hand, Qin Fan felt that Stark should have nothing to do with Hydra, so it seemed safer to find Stark.

The lobby on the first floor of Stark Tower!
"Excuse me sir, do you have an appointment?" The receptionist at the front desk said nervously to Qin Fan.

It has to be said that Qin Fan has also become a celebrity in this world. Reports of the New York War have been reported one after another, and the identities of the superheroes participating in the war have also been revealed. Qin Fan has successfully replaced Thor as a superhero. A mysterious mage from the East, not only that!It is said that Qin Fan is still quite popular in the children's circle. After all, those children have not yet established the three levels, and their perception of beauty and ugliness is even different from that of adults. Therefore, not only do they not think that Qin Fan looks a bit weird, but they also think that Qin Fan is a bit weird. The appearance is quite cute, and kindly gave Qin Fan a nickname, Frogman!
"Frog your sister!" This was Qin Fan's first reaction after hearing this nickname!
Anyway, Qin Fan is indeed famous, and thanks to his special looks, the chances of being recognized on the streets of New York are even higher than Stark's. After all, there is a little green among thousands of flowers, and it's hard not to be eye-catching!

"Sorry! I don't have an appointment, but I have something urgent to talk to Tony Stark, and I don't have his contact information, can you inform him for me? Just say that I have a very special technology, I believe he will be very happy Interested!" Qin Fan was a little helpless, he didn't know where Stark lived, maybe he should ask S.H.I.E.L.D., they should have Stark's address.

"Sir, it's like this! I can only report it for you. As for whether Mr. Stark will watch it, I can't guarantee it." The front desk lady said this entirely for the sake of Qin Fan's superhero status. The front desk at the same level has no way to directly contact high-level people like Stark, and even Miss Potts has no way to contact unless they encounter it. As for reporting, it needs to be passed up level by level. As for Stark, she believes that even if she It is estimated that the person who reported it will not read it.

"Mr. Qin Fan?" A doubtful voice sounded from beside Qin Fan, and when Qin Fan subconsciously turned around, he saw a white man with his hair combed back standing behind Qin Fan with a look of surprise on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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