King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 207 Clues

Chapter 207 Clues
In Stark's seaside villa, the supercomputer Jarvis is projecting the collected information in front of Qin and Fan. The image was recorded by a weather satellite that happened to be over New York when Skye died. It wasn't very clear, but the location of the murderer was quickly determined through the direction of the hotel window, and then calculated through big data such as the monitoring of shops within the range, driving recorders and pedestrian selfies, and quickly found his figure. Matched suspected targets are then checked with the databases of S.H.I.E.L.D., FBI, and CIA. The target is a professional killer code-named Red Dot!However, the information is broken here!

Because this so-called red dot does not belong to any organization, he also accepts missions through a neutral website. Someone places a reward on this website, and these killers will accept these missions according to their own conditions, and determine the target's death within the specified time. , no matter how he died, the bonus will be transferred to the killer's account, and neither the killer nor this website will contact the person who hired the killer from the beginning to the end, to ensure the safety of the murderer!

Stark invaded the background of this website and the transfer information again, but also got nothing. The money was transferred from unregistered accounts in multiple countries. These accounts seem to be specially used for such shady things. There is no way to trace the cause, and the whole investigation results can almost be said to be nothing except to prove that the person who bought the murderer is very professional and intelligent!
"I'm sorry! The other party is very careful, and I can't do anything at this point. The person who bought the murder seems to have thought of all the retreats before deciding to attack. Maybe we should start from the motivation. For example, does your girlfriend have any enemies? , or his family, Jarvis has seen the records about her parents in the S.H.I.E.L.D. database, but all of them have been compiled, and her parents seem to be of unusual status, aren’t we?” Star Ke opened his mouth to speak to Qin Fan, but Qin Fan waved his hand and interrupted before he finished speaking.

"It shouldn't have anything to do with her parents. The person who made the attack should be aimed at me!" Although I can't be [-]% sure, there is no plot where Skye was assassinated in the original book. Qin Fan felt that it was because of his own possibility. Sex is very big.

"If this is the case! Then the clue should be completely broken, or do you have any enemies? The energy of the opponent who can do this should not be low. It will be much easier if you have a suspicious target!" Stark said again.

"Do you suspect the target?" Frowning slightly, Qin Fan has only been in this world for how long, and he has no enemies at all, so if he had to talk about the suspect, Qin Fan can only think of Hydra!Those people are always afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and it is not strange to do some crazy things, so.
"Huh?" Just when Qin Fan was about to ask Stark about Hydra's information, Stark, who was controlling the computer, suddenly showed a puzzled expression.

"What? Did you find anything?" Seeing that Stark seemed to have discovered something, Qin Fan couldn't help asking.

"Something is wrong! These overseas accounts seem to be" Stark suddenly hesitated to speak
"What?" Qin Fan asked eagerly.

"Do you remember the device that opened the Rubik's Cube?" Stark asked without saying a word.

"What's wrong?" Qin Fan obviously didn't understand Stark's words.

"That device was not brought over by Loki from an alien planet, but was made using the technology on Earth. Some of the original parts were stolen by snatching goods, but most of them were purchased directly!" Shi Tucker wasn't trying to be tricky, but explained to Qin Fan directly: "Some of the originals, the money in the same account as the one that offered you the reward was used!"

"Loki Saul?" Qin Fan subconsciously said these two names, but immediately shook his head and said: "No, Loki and Sol should not be in the same group, even if Sol It's impossible for Er to know about those accounts, I'm afraid he doesn't even know what the money looks like?"

After saying this, Qin Fan suddenly stood up, and he couldn't help but think of a question in his mind. Of course Sol didn't know the money in those accounts, and even Loki might not know, but the one controlled by Loki's mind Ph.D. in physics should have handled those accounts, right?After all, he made the machine that uses the Rubik's Cube to open the wormhole. Even if you know the money in those accounts, it shouldn't be surprising. But when you think about the relationship between the other party and Sol, if you have to find someone who hates you in this world at home I am afraid that only Sol whose younger brother was killed by himself
"It's still not right." As if thinking of something, Qin Fan sat down again, because Qin Fan really didn't believe that Sol was behind this incident. It is true that he killed Loki, and Sol hated himself. I don't doubt it, but just because of this Saul would he really ask someone to assassinate an innocent woman?Whether it is the Avengers or Thor, Qin Fan has watched these movies. From what he knows, it is absolutely impossible for Thor to do such a thing. Could it be that because of his intervention, not only the plot has changed, but the character of the characters has also changed. Change?

"This is the only clue now! Whether it is possible or not, we can only start from here!" Stark stood up and said to Qin Fan.

Obviously, he is very interested in helping Qin Fan find the murderer. Of course, it is largely because he has seen the magical effect of the liquid metal robot, and it may also be because he has been relatively idle recently.

Unlike in the original book, Stark did not experience the life-and-death situation of sending a nuclear bomb into a wormhole, and he also did not suffer from post-traumatic sequelae. Pepper confirmed the relationship, so now it is not convenient for him to go out and flirt, which makes Mr. Stark, who usually does not have many hobbies, a bit free, so the reason why he is willing to help Qin Fan is largely because of the liquid metal. relationship, but in fact, Stark also wanted to play a cameo detective because he was too boring!

Of course, Qin Fan would not object to Stark's proposal, mainly because he himself had no other good solution, so he flew directly to Eric's laboratory with Stark in his armor. It seemed that he still wanted to compare the speed with Qin Fan, and immediately raised the speed to the extreme after he was lifted into the air. However, Qin Fan, who had been acting a little preoccupied all the time, didn't notice it at all, and followed closely behind with a frown. If Stark speeds up the distance between the two, it will not change at all. In the end, Stark has no choice but to admit the fact that the other party is indeed a monster.

Soon came to Dr. Eric's physics research room, and although Dr. Eric is not very special, a doctor of Da Dao's level is not easy for anyone to meet, so Qin Fan and Stark could only bypass the security guards and sneak in secretly. Of course, it was largely because of Stark's relationship. After all, it would be no big deal for Qin Fan to force his way in. However, when the two pushed away from the laboratory where Eric was, Suddenly, what caught the eyes of the two was a cold corpse!

ps: New show in May [Seventh Demon Lord], a cross-age epic, magic, legend, science fiction, suspense, romance, action, classic, invincible, old and interesting long work!
(End of this chapter)

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