King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 208 Disguise

Chapter 208 Disguise
Stark and Qin Fan looked at each other involuntarily when they looked at the old man with scorched black marks on his body in front of the test bench!
Obviously, the other party should have died from an electric shock. It is easy to think of the title of Thor. The problem is that if you want to kill an ordinary person, and you are a scientist who is weak even among ordinary people, you need to use it. The power of lightning?It doesn't take much to be clever, even Qin Fan can see the key.

Stark walked slowly to a closed test instrument next to the test bench, reached out and pressed the switch on the instrument, and then directly moved the instrument away, revealing the scorched socket behind and two equally scorched wires.

"It seems that someone deliberately blamed Sol! It's just that this guy's method seems a little simple!" Holding the two wires, Stark turned to Qin Fan and said.

However, before Qin Fan could reply, there were noisy footsteps outside, and then the door of the laboratory was pushed open vigorously, only to see Thor's little girlfriend leading a group of security guards into the laboratory In the room, he was taken aback when he saw Stark head on, and then he was shocked when he saw Qin Fan. He pointed in the direction where Qin Fan was, and he was the one who killed the doctor!

The sudden change made Qin Fan a little surprised. He looked at Stark and couldn't help but said, "I'm afraid this guy's methods are not simple!"

"Wait a minute! I can give him a positive, he was alone with me just now, Dr. Eric's death has nothing to do with him!" Stark quickly stepped forward to stop the security guard and said.

"I saw this man attack the doctor with my own eyes and electrocute the doctor with the wire in your hand! He is a madman at all!" Thor's little girlfriend Jane Foster said seriously.

"Trust me! There are many ways to fool your eyes. I just checked, and Dr. Eric's death will definitely not exceed an hour! And Mr. Qin Fan has been with me for the last five hours! said Stark.

"Or you are lying at all!" Jane said, looking at Stark coldly.

"Maybe you are lying!" Qin Fan suddenly stepped forward at this moment, looked at the other party calmly and said, "Tell me about you but what did you see?"

Seeing Qin Fan approaching, Jane Foster subconsciously wanted to back away, but the guarded expression that had just landed on the back foot showed a hint of confusion: "I, I saw you were arguing with the doctor, saying that the doctor Made an unforgivable mistake in New York, you punish him, and then you knock the doctor out and electrocute him!"

"When did this happen?" Stark said suddenly.

However, Jane did not answer Stark's words, but still looked at Qin Fan until Qin Fan ordered: "Answer him!"

"About 10 minutes ago, I was so scared that I hid in the toilet and didn't dare to come out and waited until you left before I went out and asked the security guard to come and help!"

"Twenty minutes?" Stark immediately contacted Jarvis to search all the monitoring equipment nearby, and sure enough, he found a person exactly like Qin Fan who left in a taxi, got out of the car, entered a shopping mall, and then disappeared inexplicably. not see.

"It seems to be some kind of super power!" Seeing the influence Stark used the armor to project, Qin Fan subconsciously thought of Mystique.

Although there are no X-Men in Marvel, both Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch belong to the mutant sequence, which means that there are indeed mutants in this world and there are also aliens. It is not surprising that they have the ability to change their appearance.

"It seems that someone is indeed trying to frame you on purpose! What do you want to do?" Stark's chancellor Qin Fan said.

After pondering for a few seconds, Qin Fan said directly: "You are famous! There will inevitably be some neurotics who can't get used to it, it's no big deal! Just leave this kind of matter to the police! I'm tired and don't want to pursue it anymore ! Let's go!" After finishing speaking, he ignored Stark's recovery and disappeared directly.

It was inexplicable to hear Qin Fan’s words. Stark said that he believed in you, but anyway, he and Qin Fan are just employed. The liquid metal robot is still at home at this time. Since Qin Fan I said that I don't need to help myself, so I have no reason to meddle in my own business, so I can just go back and study the magical liquid metal.

Shrugging, Stark also flew out of the window, leaving only a group of people staring at the room.

The next thing is of course waiting for the police to deal with it, and because of Eric's special status, even SHIELD sent someone over to inquire about this matter. Of course, the specific investigation has not been announced, and the matter seems to be here. It's over.

In Jane Foster's independent dormitory, Jane, who just took a shower, was looking up all the information about Qin Fan in front of the computer in her pajamas. To be honest, she had never had a good impression of this weird-looking guy before today, although she did not. She has actually seen it before, but during the New York War, she saw the scene of Qin Fan beating Sol on TV, and assuming the identity of Sol's girlfriend, of course she would not have any affection for the guy who beat her boyfriend, but I don't know why, but the original dissatisfaction seemed to disappear after seeing this person today, replaced by some curiosity about this man, as if this man had an indescribable attraction to her, Jane herself I can't tell what kind of feeling this is, anyway, it's just that she wants to know more about this man from the bottom of her heart.

"Hehe! She looks so cute!" Looking at the toad face in the computer, Jane suddenly said such a sentence, and from the twisted aesthetic view of the other party, it is not difficult to see that Jane Foster at this time The consciousness is obviously not clear, no!To be precise, she was in a state of being hypnotized at this time.

That's right!Qin Fan used Jinghua Shuiyue on her. Although he didn't give the other party any specific instructions, but this absolute hypnosis still affected this woman, making him subtly develop a good impression of Qin Fan. At this time, Qin Fan didn't even need extra inducement , as long as you hook your fingers, the other party will happily strip himself naked and throw himself into Qin Fan's arms.

"Ding dong!" The melodious doorbell rang, and Jane, who was looking at the big face on the computer in a state of obsession, woke up subconsciously. She turned off the computer in a panic like a girl in Huaichun, and then hurried to the door. He opened the door and asked, "Who is it?"

Almost at the same time as her words fell, the door of the room was opened, and what she saw was a big face that was very familiar to her.

But outside the door, a short and fat man with a flat nose, wide mouth and toad eyes was standing at the door with a smile.

"Uh you, why are you here!" Pretty face blushed slightly, like a girl waiting for her beloved boyfriend, Jane Foster said with some coyness.

However, Huaichun's expression froze the smile on the face of the short and fat man outside. He glanced at the girl suspiciously and said, "Why? I'm not welcome?"

"Ah no! Of course not! Please come in!" Seemingly a little flustered, Jane hurriedly moved away, and then closed the door while explaining: "Actually, I have always wanted to apologize to you. What happened today is my fault, although I was also deceived, but I accused you of being a murderer without a clear investigation, if Mr. Stark hadn't testified for you, I really don't know what would have happened!"

The man who entered the room with a suspicious expression on his face slowly revealed a relieved expression when he heard this, and walked slowly into the living room. The smug smile on his face suddenly froze, as if he had seen a ghost. A figure sitting on a chair!
(End of this chapter)

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