King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 209 Teach me the rules?

Chapter 209 Teach me the rules?

"You came here this time to kill her?" Qin Fan's not very nice voice came from the living room, and Jane who had just closed the door subconsciously said, "What?" But her voice just fell But he found that the man in front of him stopped suddenly, then turned around suddenly, grabbed him and blocked him in front of him. Before Jane could react, he found strangely that in the living room of his home, another At some point, Qin Fan was sitting on his chair and looking at him with a smile!etc!Why are there two?
"Don't come here! If you dare to move, I'll kill her!" The cold touch on the neck made Jane Foster's heart palpitate, even though she was so dull, she understood what happened at this moment!
"You killed Dr. Eric?" Jane Foster wanted to turn around angrily, but a sting from the cold part of her neck had obviously cut her skin.

"Be honest!" The person behind shouted blankly, and at the same time began to pull Jane back a little bit, as if preparing to escape in a hostage.

"Where can you go?" A helpless voice came, and Qin Fan looked at the other party helplessly and said.

In fact, Qin Fan didn't leave from the very beginning, but directly entered the invisible state and followed Jane Foster's side to protect secretly.

Hire a gunman to kill Skye, then let the clues lead him here, and let people witness him killing Eric, so what is the purpose of the other party?

At first, Qin Fan thought that the other party might be trying to provoke him. It would be better to let himself go crazy like the Hulk, and then let the Avengers dispatch to deal with him, but Qin Fan quickly denied this conjecture.

Qin Fan may have acted crazy in other worlds, but in this world Qin Fan consciously didn't do too many outrageous things, even apart from those alien puppet soldiers, the only one he killed was Loki, and it was When the other party invades the earth with a large army, this kind of behavior cannot be regarded as a crime no matter which world it is in, right?It should be impossible for the other party to judge that he is an uncontrollable existence like the Hulk just because of these things, and it is even more impossible to plan to stimulate himself to make himself crazy. Then what is the purpose of the other party?

After seeing Jane Foster, Qin Fan suddenly had an idea, or maybe all of this was just an attempt to drive away wolves. If Sol had his girlfriend assassinated, and he took revenge If he sexually kills Sol's girlfriend, then he and Sol will inevitably have a life-and-death battle, so does everything make sense?So Qin Fan felt that the key to whether his guess would come true was whether someone would come to kill Jane Foster!Obviously Qin Fan guessed right.

"Where can I go? Me." As if caught in a mystery of himself, the body of the guy who was exactly like Qin Fan began to tremble involuntarily.

"Okay! Let her go, tell me, who sent you here!" Qin Fan said lightly.

"Oh! Yes!" The man didn't seem to have any resistance to Qin Fan's order, he let go of the room and said everything he knew like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

However, what makes Qin Fan helpless is that the other party doesn't know much. The only thing that can be considered useful is that the other party is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the order is given by the superior. As for who his immediate superior is, he himself doesn't know. The problem is that it is so easy to point the finger at S.H.I.E.L.D. Transformation, the face is implanted with a special material that can change its appearance at will.

Although Qin Fan can't be sure that all of this is behind SHIELD's manipulation, there is no doubt that the other party is an agent of SHIELD, so Qin Fan feels that SHIELD should give himself an explanation for this matter!
Pull the two of them together and teleport to SHIELD headquarters!Although it was already late at night, SHIELD still had people on duty. Three people appeared inside SHIELD out of thin air, and the security guards immediately issued an alarm. However, Qin Fan directly released pressure on this, and the personnel who had rushed towards Qin Fan immediately felt that This kind of trembling from the depths of the soul was almost instantaneous. But anyone who saw Qin Fan, except for Jane who Qin Fan could bypass and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who came to assassinate him, no one could stand still.

Tell Nick Fury that one-eyed dragon to come and meet me right away, or I'll demolish his lair!

Qin Fan coldly dropped a sentence, then withdrew his coercion and let the security guards evacuate, but he was sitting in Nick Fury's office, waiting for the nigger to give him a reasonable explanation.

Regardless of whether this matter was done by S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Hydra hiding inside S.H.I.E.L.D., Qin Fan has to make some people pay the price this time. Since he can't find the target, he will come Qin Fan still doesn't believe that he would rather kill the wrong one than let it go. The entire S.H.I.E.L.D. executives screened all of them, and they couldn't find the instigator!

However, contrary to Qin Fan's expectations, Qin Fan waited for nearly 10 minutes, but it was not Nick Fury who pushed the door in, but Captain America in casual clothes!
"I don't care how powerful you are, but if you want to live in this country, you must abide by the rules of this country! If you don't know the rules, I will teach you the rules!" After Captain America came in, he spoke righteously to Qin Fan Said.

After the speech, Qin Fan was a little stunned. Originally, this time he came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, but he didn't speak up yet, but he was taught a lesson by others?i'm short tempered
"Hehe!" Seeing Captain America Qin Fan glaring at him, he couldn't help laughing.

"Is it funny?" Captain America was obviously on the verge of anger, looking at Qin Fan coldly and said.

"Yeah! It's funny." Qin Fan's voice didn't even fall this time, but Qin Fan's figure had already appeared in front of Captain America, grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up directly.

The berserk force made Captain America feel like his neck was about to break almost instantly, and the strong suffocation made him unable to lift any strength anymore.

"It's really interesting! Teach me the rules? Hehe! It's really interesting!" With Qin Fan's little bit of force, the strong suffocating feeling made Captain America subconsciously try to pull Qin Fan's fingers away, but this kind of The feeling of suffocation made him unable to use any strength at all, because the severe hypoxia seemed to have hallucinations, and Captain America even felt as if he had returned to the icy sea water once, as if the whole world was gradually moving away from him. Cold, lonely and death!

"Let go of the captain!" Agent Hill, who came with the captain, pointed a gun at Qin Fan, but the sweat on her forehead showed that she was not as calm as the acquaintance showed.

"Heh" Qin Fan didn't even look at the other party, and was ready to exert his strength, but at this moment another voice sounded.

"Qin Fan!" Natasha rushed over from behind but was the first to reach out to suppress Agent Hill's pistol, and then said seriously: "Qin Fan! Calm down, Nick Fury was seriously injured just now. , is still being rescued, the captain is only a little impulsive because of this incident, there should be a reason for you to find Nick Fury, no matter what the reason is, I want to kill the captain is not your purpose!"

ps: This novel will be finished in the near future. The new book [Seven Period Demon King], formerly known as Super Time and Space Instrument, you can go and have a look, thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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