King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 25 Xiahou Swordsman

Chapter 25 Xiahou Swordsman
Qin Fan is not a thousand-year-old tree spirit. Although he is also a demon body, but because of the baptism of Qixindan, his demon aura has long been refined. Not to mention Yan Chixia, a half-hearted Taoist priest, even if the patriarch of Maoshan came to the world I can't see any evil spirit in Qin Fan, so Yan Chixia's methods of dealing with monsters and ghosts are not easy for Qin Fan, but Yan Chixia's pure martial arts is not enough.

"Big Beard, haven't you eaten yet? The grandpa who hit him didn't hurt or itch, that's all it takes?" Suspecting that the other party didn't use all his strength, Qin Fan simply stimulated the other party with words again.

However, when Qin Fan said that, Yan Chixia had a strange face. He was different from Qin Fan. On the contrary, although the strength is not comparable to that of Qin Fan, but the experience and eyesight of the Jianghu are eight blocks away from Qin Fan. The ghost is weird, but the eyeballs turn slightly but suddenly...
"Bah!" Spit out a mouthful of saliva directly at Qin Fan.

Qin Fan is trying every means to stimulate the other party, hoping to detect the damage that the dryad may cause him through the other party's attack, but he didn't want Yan Chixia to make such a move suddenly, thinking that no matter what the other party made a move, he would be tough He was hit, but the sudden spray of spittle was far beyond Qin Fan's expectation, and he wanted to avoid it immediately, but it was too late to be sprayed all over his head and face by the other party.

"Oh! What are you doing, bastard?" Qin Fan, who was just pretending just now, was really angry this time. Didn't he bring such a fight and spit?Hooligan joint brawl?

However, Yan Chixia didn't pay attention to Qin Fan's anger, but looked at the embarrassed Qin Fan with some surprise, frowned slightly and muttered softly, "Aren't you really a monster?"

It turned out that Yan Chixia's saliva just now was not spit out indiscriminately, but she secretly bit the tip of her tongue and spewed out her blood in the saliva. However, there is some evil-suppressing effect in his own blood, even if he is not at the point of punishing evil, if it is touched by a demon body, he will definitely react, but the ugly man in front of him has not changed at all. It means that the ugly ghost in front of me is not a human being, but it looks so strange. Could it be that he didn't send money to the ghost messenger when he was reincarnated?

Yan Chixia was so righteous in her heart, and suddenly a gust of wind blew in Lanruo Temple. Yan Chixia, who was confronting Qin Fan, suddenly changed her face, and subconsciously looked out of the temple.

"Oops! Brother Xiahou!" As if sensing something, Yan Chixia sprinted straight out.

He was sprayed all over the face just now, how could Qin Fan still let the other party go, he immediately launched Ling Bo micro-steps to chase outside, but he didn't think that this Yan Chixia was of average strength, but his light kung fu was good, although it was not as good as The Lingbo Weibu is better than the familiar terrain. Every time you step out, you will land on the adjacent tree trunks. Although Qin Fan's Lingbo Weibu has exquisite steps and a slim figure, this set of steps is originally used for dodging skills in battle. It is not used for driving, even if there are thousands of horses and horses, there is no need to touch the body, but it is not an advantage to compete with others. In fact, if Qin Fan abandons Lingbo microsteps at this time and simply runs with brute force, I am afraid that the speed will be slower. It's more than [-]% faster, but he has a serious lack of awareness of his own strength and blind trust in Lingbo Weibu, so the first thing Qin Fan thinks of when encountering something is that this kung fu has fallen to the bottom.

The two chased after each other, but in the blink of an eye they had already come to a small river. Yan Chixia stopped, but her expression suddenly became a little sad. In the gurgling stream, a mummified corpse was lying in the water: "Brother Xiahou , you were so ambitious when you were alive, and you are still a stinky skin after death, so why bother to care about it?"

Looking at the mummified corpse in the water, Yan Chixia sighed slightly, but she didn't know whether she said the phrase "why bother to care about everything" in her mouth, whether she said it to the mummified corpse or to herself.

"Old miscellaneous hair..." Qin Fan hurried over at this time, but he was also startled when he saw the mummy in the river.

In the movie, those ghouls are not so intuitively scary. Qin Fan is not a bold person. He was really shocked when he saw this living being squeezed dry at first, but he was also angry. Was frightened to the cold.

"Ugly, I want to bury Brother Xiahou, and the grievances between us will be settled later!" Yan Chixia slightly turned her head and said to Qin Fan who was standing there in a daze.

At the same time, Qin Fan also recalled the plot of A Chinese Ghost Story, Yan Chixia called the mummy Brother Xiahou, presumably it was the swordsman who competed with Yan Chixia at the beginning, and lost the fight with Yan Chixia Then I walked here to rest, and I should have been sucked by a dryad in the end. It is said that I saw those stupid and cute corpses in movies and they were a little cute, but looking at this corpse at this time, it looks like a large human skin sticking to it. On top of the dry bones, Qin Fan, who was soaked in the river water and still had pus oozing from his body, frowned, and his original tentative heart suddenly dissipated when he heard that Yan Chixia was going to kill the other party Of course, Qin Fan's burial will not be stopped.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you!" Waved his hand, Qin Fan didn't bother Yan Chixia anymore, turned around and went back along the original road.

Seeing Qin Fan leaving like this, Yan Chixia didn't say much, and sighed again, leaning over to pick up the mummy.

"Brother Xiahou, once you and I met, I would not let you die in the mountains!"

However, as if smelling Yan Chixia's popularity, the Xiahou swordsman who had turned into a mummy suddenly stretched out a pair of dry claws, and at the same time opened his mouth to bite Yan Chixia's neck.

Yan Chixia, who was transformed into an elbow armpit, did not expect that this Xiahou swordsman would be so aggressive. He wanted to fight for the number one in the world during his lifetime, and he refused to live peacefully after his death...
At the same time, Qin Fan, who had left at the same time, of course didn't know about these changes. There was no way that the movie A Chinese Ghost Story was an old movie for Qin Fan, but most of them had been forgotten. The tree spirit was killed and then burned by Yan Chixia. As for why Yan Chixia burned the other's bones, he had no memory or thought about it.

The woods next to Lanruo Temple are occupied by thousand-year-old tree spirits all the year round, and the moon is black and the stars are sparse in the middle of the night. Although Qin Fan's eyesight is amazing, the surroundings are full of ghosts. After walking for a long time, Qin Fan naturally lost his way again.

"Ah! You, why are you here!" Just as Qin Fan was considering whether to yell twice to lure Yan Chixia over, he suddenly heard a strange cry from the side. Seeing Ning Caichen dressed as a scholar, he was looking at himself in shock.

Qin Fan was also taken aback when he saw the other party, but Shun Shun was overjoyed and said dissatisfiedly: "You don't care about me, I still ask you, why are you here!"

"I....Isn't it convenient for me to come out?" Although Ning Caichen already knew that Qin Fan was not a monster, but instinctively felt that Qin Fan didn't look like a good person, so he didn't want to get too entangled with Qin Fan and turned around and wanted to leave.

And Qin Fan didn't have anything to say to the poor scholar, so he was ready to follow him back to Lanruo Temple first, but just after walking two steps, he suddenly heard the sound of a zither, and stopped involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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