King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 26 The Female Ghost Xiaoqian

Chapter 26 The Female Ghost Xiaoqian

Bi Tao sings the piano lightly, and the night wind gauze is like a cloud tower. The non-human and non-celestial singing is melodious, but there are ghosts singing together!
On the river, a few clusters of blue flames fluttered with the waves. Among the dilapidated water pavilions, a girl with a real and unreal figure was sitting in front of a guqin. Hearing this, Qin Fan shuddered involuntarily.

no way!I don’t know why the movie remembers that this should be a beautiful scene, but what Qin Fan sees at this time is not the case at all. The water pavilion that should have been quiet and refined looks dilapidated at this time, and the veils that should be white are even more so. It seems that it has become dilapidated and yellowed after many winds and rains, and there are a few will-o'-the-wisps floating on the river. If it wasn't because he was mentally prepared, Qin Fan might have escaped!
Speaking of which, I can’t blame others for this matter. It’s mainly Qin Fan’s own problem. The water pavilion by the river was originally like this, but in the original book, Nie Xiaoqian used magic power to captivate Ning Caichen’s eyes, which made it look brand new. As for why what Qin Fan saw was so different from what Ning Caichen saw in the original book, it was not because Miss Xiaoqian deliberately cut corners when she saw him looking shabby, it was entirely because his body was tempered by Qixindan, not only reinforced and iron Water and fire are not invaded, even ordinary illusions can't affect him in the slightest, and Nie Xiaoqian is just a kid who has just died for a year. The mana she cultivated can only confuse some ordinary people, not to mention Qin Fan, even a little Anyone with a little mana is powerless, so in Qin Fan's view, Nie Xiaoqian is kneeling and sitting in a dilapidated pavilion that seems to have been demolished for a few months, fiddled with this guqin in a decent manner, Fortunately, the guqin that Nie Xiaoqian is playing at this time is not an illusion, otherwise Qin Fan might not even be able to hear the melodious sound of the qin.

"Uh..." Slowly approaching the dilapidated water pavilion, looking at the girl Qin Fan who looked like a three-dimensional projection in front of her, she frowned.

Not to mention, Nie Xiaoqian's looks are quite good in Qin Fan's eyes. She is not the same as the actors in the movie, but her appearance is still better. Not only the appearance, but more importantly, the uniqueness of ancient beauties. Qin Fan was even more amazed by her temperament. In all fairness, she is more beautiful than Mu Wanqing, but it is a pity that she is a ghost body, which looks like a phantom, which makes the elegant figure a little more weird.

Qin Fan looked at Nie Xiaoqian here, and Nie Xiaoqian also saw Qin Fan, with a flat nose, dilated mouth, swollen eyes, and a toad face that really made the female ghost jump. However, Xiaoqian has gained some insight in the year since her death, although Surprised by the other person's appearance, but as the saying goes, a hundred kinds of rice feed a variety of people, so it's not surprising that all the big monsters in the world have strange-looking people.

"Hey!" Sighed secretly, thinking in his heart that it wouldn't be a pity to die so ugly, but what he thought in his heart was a charming smile on his face: "My lord, what are you looking at?"

In ancient times, there was a saying that a smile is all about life. Qin Fan had heard it before but he really saw it. Originally, it looked fresh and clean, like a non-human fireworks, but this shallow smile is like a slow dance in the sky to charm all beings. Qin Fan had known for a long time that the other party was a ghost but not a human being, but he was also fooled by this smile, and the terrifying scene around him suddenly became less important, as if he only had eyes for the beauty in front of him.

"Uh...hehe! Hello there!" Qin Fan looked at the translucent Xiaoqian with a smirk and said.

Frowning slightly again, Xiaoqian felt a little dissatisfied in her heart. According to her previous experience, these lustful and stinky men would have rushed over. She didn't expect that the man in front of her was ugly but had the heart of a gentleman. , but if the other party is a scholar with a gentle appearance, Xiaoqian may chat with the other party for a few words, looking at this ugly face... But she has no interest at all.

Of course, Qin Fan is not a gentleman. The reason why he didn't rush over is because he has a generation gap with the people of this era. He didn't know that there was still such an operation. You must know that the world of A Chinese Ghost Story is corrupt and the folk bandits are rampant. In a troubled world, people living in this era will inevitably feel a little gangster. When they encounter the temptation of a beautiful woman, of course they will ignore it and rush to it. But growing up in the modern age, although they think they are not a good person, they will be more or less restrained. , plus as an otaku, you can read countless movies, and if you don’t take off your clothes, is this considered temptation?
Since the Millennium Dryad and Yan Chixia have an agreement that they will not harm good people, the female ghosts under it will also be told not to use force as much as possible, so...
"Young master is well! Why don't you play another song for him?" Xiaoqian said softly.

"Okay!" Qin Fan nodded. Although he was not a literati, he liked good music very much.

Xiaoqian saw that the ugly man in front of her stood like a log and stared at her, frowned again, and then said with a charming smile, "How can you hear me clearly when you stand so far away, why don't you come here and listen?"

"I can hear you clearly! I have very good ears!" Zhu Gusheng Qin Fan said hastily without thinking too much.

Frowning again, Xiaoqian could only lightly press the strings with her fingers...

"Dang!" The sound of the piano trembled, but Xiaoqian pretended to cry out in pain, and then lifted her finger lightly as if crying out for pain.

Because Nie Xiaoqian didn't know that Qin Fan had seen through her illusion from the very beginning. At this time, in Nie Xiaoqian's illusion, she accidentally plucked the string of the piano, and her finger was cut by the string. Xiaoqian, who was translucent in Fan's eyes, stretched out her middle finger and swayed slightly at him...
"Are you... looking down on me?" Qin Fan said with embarrassment.

"Ah?" Xiaoqian was even more puzzled, thinking that I am bleeding, you should show something even if you are a gentleman, right?What do you mean by despising you?

However, just when Nie Xiaoqian was about to say something, an angry shout suddenly came from a distance: "The devil is harming people again!"

Accompanied by a roar, the bearded swordsman sprang out from the crown of the tree, but an iron needle had already shot straight at Xiaoqian who was in trouble for the ugly ghost in front of her.

Nie Xiaoqian was taken aback by the sudden change, but it was already too late because her attention was on Qin Fan just now and she was trying to avoid it, so she could only close her eyes and wait for her soul to dissipate, but she didn't want to be stabbed by the stinky Taoist's magic needle But the pain has not been heard for a long time, and he opened his eyes and looked secretly, but saw that the ugly man in front of him was holding the iron needle with his short and thick palm, and saw that the stinky Taoist priest who was even afraid of grandma had already rushed towards him. It was too late to run in front of him, so he could only take Qin Fan as a life-saving straw and hurriedly hid behind him and said, "My lord, help me."

It is reasonable to say that Yan Chixia and the thousand-year-old tree spirit have a consensus, that is, the tree spirit does not harm the good person Yan Chixia regardless of the other party's absorption of yang energy, but the death of the Xiahou swordsman also made Yan Chixia a little angry, although He and Xiahou Swordsman are not considered friends, but after fighting for seven years, they have developed some friendship. That tree spirit killed him just like this. Seeing this female ghost wanting to kill someone again this time is like taking the opportunity to kill the other party, but I don't want to be stopped by this ugly man.

"Stupid boy, you can clearly see that she is a ghost and not a human!" Yan Chixia could only remind her because she was afraid of the ugly ghost's fighting power in front of her.

"I know!" Qin Fan said naturally.

(End of this chapter)

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