Chapter 27
"I know!" Qin Fan said naturally.

Yan Chixia...
It’s as if one person is eating, and another person kindly reminds you, “You’re eating shit!” Then that person calmly says, “I know!” Then the person who reminded me is stunned, what should I say at this time?Be careful not to burn it?
"You, you know?" Yan Chixia said in disbelief.

"Hmm! Her name is Nie Xiaoqian, she is a good ghost, what's the matter!" Qin Fan said confidently.

Yan Chixia...
"Nonsense! Since ancient times, human beings and ghosts have different paths. People belong to yang and ghosts belong to yin. When yin and yang meet, there will be injuries. Since they are good ghosts, they should be reincarnated as soon as possible. What good ghosts are there to stay in the yang world!" Yan Chixia said angrily.

"Hey! You're being unreasonable. There's nothing she can do about being controlled by that dryad. Why don't you go to trouble that dryad if you're so awesome? What's the point of embarrassing a little girl here!" Qin Fan was furious. Said recklessly.

"You...well, well! Since you are so capable, I don't bother to care about you, so let you be killed by this female ghost!" After speaking, Yan Chixia turned around and left with a flick of her sleeve.

"Okay, okay, it's okay, the bearded man has already left!" Seeing Yan Chixia leave, Qin Fan quickly turned around and said to Xiaoqian, the female ghost hiding behind him.

Hearing what Qin Fan said, Xiaoqian hesitated slightly but still asked, "Master, do you know I'm a ghost?"

"That's right!" Looking at the translucent female ghost in front of him, Qin Fan actually had a complicated heart at this moment. Although Qin Fan didn't have any prejudice against ghosts, but when it came to ghosts, his heart was still a little fuzzy!This has nothing to do with strength, it is a kind of habitual cognition, when it comes to ghosts, normal people instinctively have to stay away, but think about Xiaoqian's life experience, if she can be rescued from the tree spirit As a concubine... Hehehe, I'm a little excited when I think about it! (Mystery voice: If the other party is pitiful, shouldn’t Nie Xiaoqian be rescued and reincarnated?)

"Ding!" Just as Qin Fan thought of something and involuntarily let out a discordant laugh, an inexplicable piece of information came into Qin Fan's mind suddenly: "Random mission, rescue the female ghost Xiaoqian , Rescue Nie Xiaoqian from the dryad's grandmother, task reward, activate the function of the gas wheel!"

The sudden sound made Qin Fan stunned, and immediately wanted to change out the light screen to check. However, at this moment, Qin Fan suddenly felt a sudden shock under his feet. Immediately afterwards, it seemed that something wrapped around his legs and pulled him down suddenly.

Changing into elbows and armpits, Qin Fan didn't have time to react, the violent tugging almost instantly pulled him into the water, and then he seemed to be pulled abruptly into a muddy swamp. He didn't know how long he had been dragged, and suddenly felt light on his body. , seems to have fallen into some void.

"Bah, bah, bah!" It seemed that he had just taken a mud bath and stood up from the mud, and wiped the muddy water off his face with his hands indiscriminately, looking very embarrassed.

"Grandma, please forgive me! This young man just saved me from the big bearded man, please let him go!" Nie Xiaoqian's voice suddenly reached Qin Fan's ears. Qin Fan followed the voice and found that he had arrived at some point. We arrived at a dark mansion, and the surrounding area was extremely lively at this time. Besides myself and Nie Xiaoqian, there were more than a dozen female ghosts. The 60-year-old guy who looks like a man and a woman is looking at him eagerly.

To be honest, ever since he saw his face after crossing, Qin Fan never thought that one day he would be stared at by such a hot stare, but he thought of the plot of A Chinese Ghost Story, and he was kneeling there at this time. The pleading female ghost Xiaoqian Qin Fan knew who the old guy was without having to guess.

Swallowing unconsciously, looking at the female ghosts all around, Qin Fan felt like he had fallen into a ghost's den, and reached out his hand to touch the scroll that he had been wearing all along. Pulling didn't let this thing fall out, even though he couldn't beat the opponent, but he believed that if he wanted to run away with all his heart, he wouldn't be able to stop him, so he felt a little more at ease now.

"Xiaoqian, it's because you know that filial piety brought me such a good blood food, it's not bad!" The old man who was neither male nor female was even more erratic when he spoke, Qin Fan couldn't help but slapped I shuddered.

"No, grandma! He..." Xiaoqian wanted to say something but was interrupted by the tree spirit: "Okay! Xiaoqing, your sister is scared by that beard, take her to rest, by the way Xiaoqian, I have betrothed you to Master Heishan, and I will pass through the door in three days, I am very satisfied with the blood food today, go down and rest!" After speaking, he ignored the empress who heard that he was betrothed to the old demon of Heishan. The terrified Xiaoqian came to Qin Fan slowly.

"It's good, it's full of energy and blood, and it's been a long time since I tasted this kind of top product..." While speaking, he stretched out his hand to touch Qin Fan's cheek.

Frowning slightly, Qin Fan reached out and grabbed the other's wrist, which was touching him, and squeezed his five fingers hard.

"Crack!" There was a crisp sound, as if the rotten wood was suddenly crushed, and Qin Fan pinched the entire wrist of that male-female old guy to pieces.

"Huh?" The face that was originally full of joy suddenly froze. Although the monster spirits such as grass and trees can also feel pain, they are different from ordinary animals. Even if some branches are cut off, it will not hurt them very much. But Qin Fan's move really made the dryad grandma jump.

You must know that although this body was transformed by him, the hands and feet are composed of extremely hard parts of his body. As the branches of the thousand-year-old dryad, even if it is not much inferior to the refined iron refined by hundreds of years, but it is Was it crushed by the bloody food in front of him?Is it because I am a little calcium deficient because of my age?Of course not! ! !

One hand turned into pieces of wood, and the other hand of the tree spirit grandma directly touched Qin Fan's chest.

"Touch!" There was a muffled sound like a wooden hammer, and Qin Fan's body moved slightly, but the tense expression on his face eased: "It seems that you are not doing well either!"

While speaking, Qin Fan suddenly raised his fist and punched the tree spirit grandma in the face.

"Crash!" The huge force directly smashed the head of the dryad grandma, but the remaining torso turned into a wooden stake and went straight into the ground.

Almost at the same time, the whole mansion suddenly began to shake violently, and at the same time, the voice of a man and a woman sounded again: "Nie Xiaoqian, what did you bring back for me! How dare you destroy my Dharma Body! !"

Following the furious roar of the dryad grandma, the whole mansion was shaking endlessly as if it had encountered an earthquake of magnitude ten, and the female ghosts in the mansion were all paled by the blows and screamed again and again.

Qin Fan frowned slightly, and subconsciously gathered his eyes to look at the ground. After a slight glance, his face suddenly became happy, and he took two steps forward quickly, and then suddenly stretched out his hand to grab the ground directly.

The ground originally paved with bluestone slabs was like tofu in Qin Fan's hands, almost lightly grabbing his entire arm, and it sank into the ground. After that, Qin Fan seemed to have groped under the ground for a while, and then he seemed to have caught something and pulled it up. .

"Ah!!!" The exclamation was the voice of the dryad's grandmother, and looking at Qin Fan's hand, a bright red tree root as thick as a child's arm was torn out of the ground by Qin Fan, but it seemed that because of Qin Fan used too much force, and the tree root was torn off abruptly. At this time, a milky white liquid was flowing from the cut.

"Break my veins, you are so brave, I will fight with you!" Grandma Treant's voice became more and more angry, but a huge tongue suddenly came out of the ground and wrapped itself around Qin Fan.

However, this time Qin Fan was prepared, but he would not sit still. Almost at the same time as the tongue was approaching, Qin Fan suddenly clamped the huge tongue under his arm with one arm and hit the huge tongue with the other hand.

"Crack!" There was another crisp sound, the thousand-year-old dryad's tongue was even more brittle than a white radish in Qin Fan's hands, but the seemingly random hammer directly broke the huge tongue.

"Ah!!!" There was another scream, and the broken tongue quickly retreated into the ground, but Qin Fan glanced a few times, but rushed to the corner of the mansion again, and then stretched out his hand to penetrate it just like before. The right hand pulled hard on the ground.

"!!!" A piece of blood-red root vein was pulled out by Qin Fan again! ——
ps: By the way, the cover seems to have been replaced by the editor, how good my original cover is, and how meaningful it is!Blue skinny shiitake mushrooms, my wounded little heart needs to be soothed, yes!I need.
(End of this chapter)

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