Chapter 28

"Stop, this great fairy, stop quickly, the little demon knows it is wrong!" A terrified voice came from the ground, and the treant who was still extremely arrogant was trembling like a frightened little daughter-in-law at this time, and the voice above the ground , a section of branches burned by the blazing fire crackled, and the whole mansion already looked like a purgatory on earth.

It turned out that just now, seeing Qin Fan pinch off several of his veins and the tendency to continue, the dryad was going crazy. You must know that those roots are all formed by his thousands of years of practice, and plants like it The life force of a spirited monster is extremely tenacious, as long as the heart of his life tree is still there, and as long as there is one of these roots, it will be immortal. However, every loss of one means that it will be lost for ten or even decades. In this short period of time, Qin Fan has already wiped out nearly a hundred years of his Taoism, and I don't know why the ugly ghost in front of him has a way to accurately lock his roots, even though his roots are all hidden. However, he was still easily found in the ground. If this continues, he might tear off all his roots in a short time. When the time comes, his roots and vines will be dug up, but he will really be close to death.

Sitting and waiting to die is not its style, since it has reached the point where it will never die, then fight this ugly ghost!
It has to be said that this tree spirit's thousand years of practice is not in vain. Although Qin Fan can see that Qin Fan is made of steel and iron and has infinite strength, he is really not afraid of this kind of reckless man. Crazy birth, this ugly man breaks one and ten will grow out, no matter what the other party is, he just uses the word "wrap" to tie his hands and feet off the ground, even if he has great ability, his branches and leaves are endless, I believe that sooner or later it will come to him When exhausted, it will be the time for this ugly ghost to die...
The thousand-year-old tree spirit thought very well, but the ideal was full and the reality was skinny. Seeing that Qin Fan was completely bound by it, he suddenly opened his mouth and a mouthful of flames spewed out from his mouth. The blazing fire wave almost instantly All his branches and vines were completely burned, and at the same time, the rebellious heart of the thousand-year-old dryad was also burned.

You must know that this thousand-year-old tree spirit can occupy this place for thousands of years not only because of its high magic power, but more importantly, its huge roots almost cover a radius of tens of kilometers. Dedicated to hiding, unless the opponent digs up all the ground in a radius of dozens of miles, it is possible to destroy all of his roots, otherwise as long as there is one thread remaining, he will not die, but this ugly man is looking for it. The ability of my own veins, no matter how much I hide from the other party, it will not take long for my roots to be bald, and then it will be my own death, but I am using this ugly There is nothing the ghost can do, you can only hit me, but I can't do anything with you, how can you hit me?

Hearing the submissiveness of the dryad's grandmother, Qin Fan felt relieved. He was entangled by the endless branches just now, and Qin Fan almost used the scroll to return to the world of Tianlong. , Only then did I get out of trouble by luck, I didn't expect that my sudden whim was a stroke of genius, and it directly made the spirit of the millennium locust tree wither.

"Ahem! Are you convinced?" Qin Fan asked tentatively.

"I'm convinced!" Seeing Qin Fan stop the thousand-year-old locust tree spirit, he was slightly relieved. At the same time, he thought to himself, this ugly ghost is too strong, and he knows how to control fire. He is not an opponent. It seems that he can only think temporarily. Appease in the long term.

"Well, then you give me Xiaoqian's golden urn first!" Qin Fan said directly.

"Xiaoqian? This... Shangxian doesn't know. Xiaoqian has been betrothed by me to the old Heishan demon. The old Heishan demon is powerful. If you don't send Xiaoqian to me, you will definitely come to trouble me. How about this?" , How about I send Xiaoqing to the gods! Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing!" The non-male and non-female voice sounded again, and as the locust tree spirit shouted, a woman who was slightly thinner than Xiaoqian But the ghost fell directly in front of Qin Fan as if being thrown from somewhere.

The female ghost seemed to cry out in pain, but when she saw Qin Fan looking at her, she immediately suppressed the fear in her heart and acted charmingly.

Not to mention, Xiaoqing is just a supporting role in the movie, but in reality, although this female ghost is a little less beautiful and refined than Xiaoqian, she is a little more charming and enchanting, and she is not inferior in terms of beauty. How much is Xiaoqian, but the ghost body is weaker than Xiaoqian's solid body, which seems to be the reason for the lack of Taoism.

"This...cough cough! I want it all!" Qin Fan said immediately after swallowing secretly.

"Uh..." The locust tree spirit was quite embarrassed when he heard this.

The Black Mountain old demon was originally a Jingguan Jingcheng Jing, and its body was a mountain of thousands of dead bones. Although it was called the Black Mountain old demon, it was actually a hundred-boned spirit. Therefore, the reason to betroth Xiaoqian to the other party is entirely because of wanting to please this old demon, but if Xiaoqian is given to someone else, there is no guarantee that the old ghost will not turn against him, and it is not good to replace Xiaoqian with other female ghosts. Being a girl from Nine Yins is very beneficial to the Old Black Mountain Demon, which makes the other party tempted. It is impossible to use other female ghosts to prevaricate, but if Xiaoqian is not given to the other party now, it seems that this level will not be easy!

As expected of a thousand-year-old monster, after a little thought, he had an idea.

"It's a blessing for Shangxian to have a crush on Xiaoqian, but I have always treated Xiaoqian as a daughter. If Shangxian really loves Xiaoqian, I can't wrong Xiaoqian. After three days, Xiaoyao will simply make arrangements for Shangxian and then let Shangxian How about marrying Xiaoqian away?" The thousand-year-old tree demon understood clearly that after three days, the gate of hell would open, and he would be able to call out the old Black Mountain demon, and he would surely be able to capture that old demon with his magic power. Let this ugly ghost marry him at that time, so that he will not be reborn forever!
"I can't wait for three days. Either you hand over Xiaoqian's ashes now, or I dig up your roots and find them yourself!" Qin Fan said this not because he saw through the trick of the locust tree spirit, but mainly because he Really don't want to bother.And the reason why he wanted the tree spirit to ask for it instead of really taking it with his own hands was not because he couldn't find it. In fact, with clairvoyant eyes, Qin Fan could easily see where the tree spirit was, and knew that the other party was hiding. The key to the location of these female ghost gold urns is that the tree spirit is hundreds of meters underground and seems to be good at escaping from the ground. Although digging out the opponent's roots can severely injure the opponent, but without the shackles of the roots, the old demon will only run faster underground. If the opponent is really cruel, he will give up his cultivation and only leave a root to escape thousands of miles. Qin Fan There is no way, after all, I don't know the art of earth escape...
Wait, the earth escape technique?
(End of this chapter)

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