King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 29 Killing again

Chapter 29 Killing again
"Heroes meeting?" Qin Fan silently recited the news he got from the boss of the Shanxi Two Ghosts just now, and it should be about the same time.

Speaking of which, this hero meeting can be regarded as a major event among Tianlong. Whether it is Xiao Feng taking risks alone to save A Zhu, or gathering talents to fight against martial arts heroes, they can all be regarded as Xiao Feng's great achievements. Killing Sifang's heroic image, Qin Fan felt that he had to mess with him!
As the saying goes, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, Xiao Feng has offended himself, he did not let him suffer in the battle of Xingzilin, this time the hero meeting Qin Fan thinks it is a good opportunity.

Although it is possible that because of his own intervention, Ah Zhu was not injured when he stole the Yi Jin Jing, and he may not get to know Xiao Feng again, and even Xiao Feng may not come to participate in this so-called hero meeting, but who makes Qin Fan idle now? Well, go and have a look anyway, there is no loss anyway, if Xiao Feng doesn't come, I will just watch the fun, if this guy comes... Humph!Qin Fan has tried it just now, and sure enough, killing people in Tianlong World will gain luck points, and the Shanxi two ghosts will contribute [-] points of luck each to him. If Xiao Feng really dares to come, Qin Fan thinks this guy At least it should be worth more than [-] luck points...
"Huh? Aren't there two Shanxi ghosts? Why are you the only one here?" In front of the gate of Juxian Village, a man with the appearance of a butler said in surprise holding the hero card handed out by Qin Fan.

"Oh! My second brother has a bad stomach and can't come here!" Of course, what Qin Fan took was the hero post of the Shanxi Ergui. It is said that there are invitations for the hero meeting and weddings. I saw this thing at the time Qin Fan just took it, anyway, the real Shanxi Ergui won't be needed anymore.

"Oh! Big ghost brother, you should have brought the second ghost brother! This time, Miracle Doctor Xue has also come to our Juxian Village, so he can just take a look at the second ghost brother. Maybe the medicine will cure his illness! "The butler said to Qin Fan politely.

Just as Qin Fan guessed, the people in Juxianzhuang had never seen the so-called Shanxi Ergui, so Qin Fan's impostor was quite successful.

"Uh... I'm worried that my brother won't be able to take it because of the exhausted journey. Besides, it's not a serious illness just because of a broken stomach. He should be fine after a few days of rest!" Qin Fan casually said.

"Yes, yes! Please come inside!" Hearing what Qin Fan said, the butler didn't say anything more, and continued to receive the so-called heroes who came over while inviting Qin Fan into Juxian Villa.

In fact, this hero meeting seems to be attended by cats and dogs, but in fact... it is true!
There is no way, when Ding Chunqiu and Duan Yanqing are considered minor characters when watching TV dramas, those elders who host the beggar gang in Shaolin are almost all instant-killed goods, and the sweeping monk Tianshan Child Elder is the real master, let’s look at these so-called Heroes of the Jianghu probably don't need the second trick if they are going to the Child Elder!

"Hmph! That villain Qiao Feng was originally from the Beggar Gang, and those stinky beggars have always protected their weaknesses. I think it is wishful thinking for the Beggar Gang to wipe out that villain!" No matter when there will always be discordant voices. In fact, most of the heroes are some green forest robbers, playing the banner of serving the country and the people, in fact, it is just for fame and fortune.

Qiao Feng can be said to be famous in the martial arts world, his martial arts character is undeniable, and he is also the leader of the world's largest gang of beggars. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the No. 1 martial arts of the younger generation. Stepping on such a person Who doesn't want the superior?But then again, Qiao Feng's name didn't come from his dead father!It was punched and kicked, not to mention the position of the leader of the beggar gang, if Qiao Feng didn't have real skills, how could he let him be the leader of the beggar gang?How about Qiao Feng's martial arts? Even if the people here are dissatisfied with their mouths, maybe they don't feel a little forced in their hearts?But it's hard to catch big fish, so it's okay to bully small shrimps, right?

Now the leader of the beggar gang has become a Khitan dog. In the past, he dared not offend his reputation as the largest gang in the world, but now he has become the target of public criticism. But who is to be blamed for stepping on his feet? Here is a stinky beggar with a flat nose and wide mouth and toad eyes. Hiding in the corner, a few aspiring young men with dreams of becoming famous in the martial arts world decided to teach this stinky beggar a lesson.

"What are you looking at, you are talking about you beggar!" Another man with a single knife said coldly to Qin Fan who was squatting in the corner.

"Me?" Qin Fan was confused and forced to point his finger at his inconspicuous nose, thinking what's going on, didn't he mean the beggars' gang?

In fact, I can’t blame others for admitting their mistakes. The main reason is that Qin Fan’s attire at this time is really a bit non-mainstream. Qin Fan didn’t change his clothes when he came back from A Chinese Ghost Story. The shape is ready to be selected as the top ten beggar rookies of the year. At this time, he is squatting alone in the corner again. The standard begging squatting posture makes it difficult to doubt his enthusiasm for work. If it is not because he did not put a broken bowl in front of him, It is estimated that there may be a lot of income now.

"Nonsense! Do you see any other beggars here?" the man said immediately.

"Uh...but I'm not either?" Qin Fan looked around, and then felt that it might be a misunderstanding.

"Ha! Look at this ugly ghost saying that he is not a beggar? Who would believe it!!!" Hearing Qin Fan's words, the man immediately sneered.

Qin Fan's face turned dark!Surprisingly, Qin Fan, who had been silent for a few seconds, didn't explode this time, instead he let out a "chi chi" and burst out laughing!

"I belong to the Beggar Gang? Hehe! That's right...then you will take revenge on the Beggar Gang!" Qin Fan said the word "ba", but his figure suddenly jumped out and punched him.

The person who just provoked Qin Fan was confident over there, thinking that you are a beggar gang now, and I am clearly bullying you now. With so many people looking at you, you still dare to beat me, but he didn't expect Qin Fan to really Those who dare to beat him, and beat him to death!
The complacent look on the young man's face has not disappeared, but he only felt a gust of bad wind rushing towards him, and then his whole body shook but he didn't know anything!

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, like splashing ink, but the bright red flesh and broken bones were directly sprayed out!
Amidst the blood mist, Qin Fan stood coldly and looked into the distance, but there was a faint red light in his toad eyes.

"Monster!" No one knew who was yelling, and then the group of heroes in the courtyard suddenly went into a commotion.

However, Qin Fan himself didn't realize that there seemed to be something wrong with his appearance at this time!
Ever since he opened the killing ring, Qin Fan's personality has also changed subtly. When he first crossed over, although Qin Fan felt very arrogant by relying on Qixindan to be invulnerable, he always likes to leave a bit of leeway even if he makes a move. Otherwise, even if Yu Linglong's bodyguard was famous, he might have hammered it into a meat sauce, but how long has it been since he came back from A Chinese Ghost Story? Qin Fan has already killed three people, and he didn't feel any discomfort. There is even a feeling that is still unfinished. This is because although Qin Fan's soul is human, his body is a real demon body. Although Qi Xindan has washed away all the demon energy, it is difficult to change the nature of the country. Qin Fan still has such a demonic nature in his body. Usually, this demonic nature is like a firefly placed in the corner. There is neither fire nor smoke, but if you pick it up and blow it gently However, that pinch of small flames can ignite monstrous flames!

"Unlucky!" The mood that came to watch the excitement was completely disinterested by such a commotion, and she curled her lips and prepared to leave, but...
"Do you want to leave after killing someone in Juxian Village?" A shout of anger came to Qin Fan's ears abruptly, but what surprised Qin Fan even more was that the long-lost mission reminder also appeared.

"Random task, defeat the martial arts hero in the Heroes Conference, the task rewards the gas wheel three times!"

The sudden change caused Qin Fan to involuntarily stop his original steps, and turned his head again to look at the people who walked out of the house at some time, but the red light in his eyes became even more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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