King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 30 Good Luck 3 in a row

Chapter 30 Good Luck Trifecta

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Hahaha..." He suddenly opened his eyes, and the crazy smile on his face slowly faded away, replaced by surprise and doubt.

"This... what is this place? How could I..." Looking around, Qin Fan found that he had come to a huge cave at some time!

"I remember that I'm not in Juxian Village... Wait a minute! I seem to be..." The memory in his mind made Qin Fan's face slightly ugly. He remembered that he seemed to have killed someone in Juxian Village, and then... again Kill more people!
"You're awake!" A slightly hoarse voice came from the entrance of the cave. Subconsciously, I followed the voice and saw a man in black clothes and head wrapped in black cloth standing there abruptly. I saw Qin Fan looking at his black face. The clothes man directly threw a wooden stick over.

He reached out to take the wooden stick, but it was the heart of the thousand-year-old locust tree. He raised his head and looked at the other person again, but before Qin Fan could speak, the man in black said directly: "You went crazy in Juxian Village, I brought you here. Here!"

The man seemed to have changed his voice on purpose, but he could still hear that the man seemed to be getting older. After leaving such a sentence, the man didn't seem to want to have too much communication with Qin Fan, and he turned around and was about to leave!

"Hey..." Qin Fan subconsciously wanted to call out to him, but the man in black paused for a moment, and instead of turning around, he said flatly, "You owe me a favor!" Whether Fan agreed or not, he immediately started his lightness kung fu and rushed out, as if Qin Fan was not a person but a demon.

"Wait a minute!" Being brought here inexplicably, he is now in a mess and wants to ask what happened to the other party, why he fainted, and what he did before he fainted?But he didn't expect the man in black to run so fast. After Qin Fan ran outside the cave, he saw a black shadow in the distance and disappeared completely after a few leaps.

"Wearing all black in broad daylight? Are you fashionable?" Some dissatisfied, Qin Fan frowned again.

I remember that I did go to Juxian Village. Later, someone provoked me and seemed to be beaten to death by me in a fit of anger. Then... there seemed to be some mission!
Qin Fan quickly called out the exchange light screen, but the first thing he saw was not a reminder that the task was completed, but his remaining luck value increased by more than 1000. This figure really shocked Qin Fan , You must know that Jiumozhi only had more than 2000 luck points, and he killed five Jiumozhis inexplicably?Or... Qin Fan vaguely seemed to have guessed what he did before he fell into a coma.

Looking at the exchange light screen again, sure enough, the random task before coma has been completed, and the remaining number of uses is displayed on the gas wheel 3, which means that the task of defeating everyone in the hero meeting has been completed, and this task is no gas. In other words, he might kill everyone in the hero meeting!
Thinking of this, maybe Qin Fan was taken aback by his own thought, not because he felt guilty and remorseful for killing innocent people, but because he was worried that his inexplicable coma was caused by something wrong with his body!
In fact, this is indeed the case. In fact, if Qin Fan is a little more careful, he will find that all the century-old skills in his body have been melted away at this time!This is because of the demonic energy in his body, and this overbearing demonic energy does not allow Qin Fan to have other abilities in his body, so even though the demonic energy has just formed, it swallows up all the hundred years of internal energy in Qin Fan's body!So at this time, Qin Fan has just entered the way of demons. Although they were called demons in ancient times, not all demons are demons. It's like Bai Suzhen said that she is a thousand-year-old snake spirit, but no one calls her a snake demon. Yes, is there a demon called a demon?Of course, in the Journey to the West, the bull demon king was originally a bull demon who became a spirit, but he was not called a demon king. Calling him a demon king is the best representative. At this time, the demonic energy in Qin Fan's body has already entered the demonic way, if he hadn't had seven hearts Dan Huyou, at this time, Qin Fan might not be the normal person he is now. As for how long this Qixin Dan can protect him, whether it can keep him unaffected by the evil energy, I am afraid only God knows up!

Qin Fan, who didn't know anything about it, didn't know what the devil energy was at this time. He had to say that the ignorant had nothing to fear. Although he was a little worried about his sudden coma, he didn't feel any discomfort in his body after all. Qin Fan didn't understand, so he didn't think too much, but focused on the qi wheel.

Because of completing the random task, Qin Fan now has three more chances to use the Qi Wheel, and he doesn't know if there is a time limit for this thing, so Qin Fan decided to use these three chances as soon as possible to save more nights and dreams.

"It's better to just give yourself luck points once a thousand luck points!" Qin Fan didn't like gambling games since he was a child, because he had never won any of these types of games, and he was really worried about this kind of game. If a thousand-point luck value shakes out a Dongpo Meat Buddha jumping over the wall or something, it's better to just give yourself a food voucher to get more benefits!

"Use the qi wheel!" Qin Fan thought, and slowly pushed the huge turntable above the light screen!
The light screen in front of Qin Fan was only one foot square, and the turntable was no bigger than a human head. However, when it turned slowly, it gave Qin Fan a feeling of shaking the world, as if endless worlds were contained in it. When the rotating turntable was slightly fascinated, a piece of information suddenly came into Qin Fan's mind.

"Ding! Obtain the secret technique of Beiming Shengong x1"

But along with that piece of information, there was an old thread-bound book in Qin Fan's palm, which didn't look like anything out of the ordinary, and the four characters of Beiming Shengong were impressively written on the cover.

"Halo! Is this my luck or not?" Qin Fan was a little depressed. You must know that in the exchange list, the value of this Beiming magic skill is definitely among the best, and it is [-] luck points cheaper than the elementary sword control technique. That's it, it's more expensive than the Immortal Changchun Kungfu and the Little Wuxiang Kungfu, and it needs a total of [-] luck points, but the problem is that this set of celestial dragon skills is the supreme treasure for others, but it's useless for yourself No, because I have already memorized this Beiming Divine Art by heart!It's no use giving yourself a little bit!
"I said, can this secret skill be discounted?" Qin Fan said unwillingly.

Following Qin Fan's questioning, a piece of information entered Qin Fan's mind again: "The system only buys items that contain luck, and items sold by the system do not contain any luck and cannot be purchased!"

Qin Fan was not too surprised to get this answer. Although it was a pity, it was for nothing anyway. While comforting himself, Qin Fan stretched out his hand to open the thread-bound ancient book written with the Beiming Divine Art, wanting to take a look at the Beiming produced by this system. Will the divine power be different from the Beiming divine power obtained in Linlangyu Cave? However, the moment Qin Fan unfolded the ancient book, the ancient book that looked no different from a normal book suddenly turned into a stream of light , and then directly drilled into Qin Fan's eyebrows. At the same time, Qin Fan only felt that a piece of information appeared in his mind like a tide. A lot of understanding and experience about this set of magic skills, it seems that Qin Fan has practiced this set of magic skills for countless years in a flash, and those places that were originally ambiguous seem to suddenly become integrated.

"Phew!" He spit out a foul breath, obviously only for a moment, Qin Fan seemed to have spent months or even years, and his expression of astonishment gradually turned into joy: "Not to mention, this reward is still worth it!" It really suits me!"

(End of this chapter)

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