King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 31 Death Plane

Chapter 31 Death Plane
The green mountains and mountains swallow the setting sun, the golden glow slantly shines on the ancient road leader, the Yiren don't know where to go, and the turbid wine is paired with fat intestines!
With seven thousand luck points, that's three Jiumozhis!Of course, Qin Fan couldn't waste it, and exchanged another jar of Nurhong. Qin Fan folded two tree branches and used them as chopsticks to sip the wine and sip the vegetables. He didn't know that the martial arts at this time had been disturbed by him. turned upside down.

In the battle of Juxian Village, just as Qin Fan guessed, the suddenly mad Qin Fan was like a human meat grinder, different from Xiao Feng in the original book, although Xiao Feng was invincible in the battle of Juxian Village, but that was There is a state of trapped beasts still fighting, although trapped beasts can also hurt people, but it is just that the power is not long after the dying struggle, it is not that Qin Fan really crushed everyone in Juxian Village, if Xiao Yuanshan did not make a move in the original book, Xiao Feng probably would not be spared, but Qin Fan Not the same, have you ever seen a bulldozer run out of control and rush into the crowd?It feels like you will die when you hit it, not to mention the flesh and blood, even if you use a sword or weapon to block it, no one can withstand Qin Fan's random blow, almost in less than half an hour, The entire Juxian Village has been smashed into dilapidated condition. Hundreds of people who participated in the hero meeting were killed. The reason why the man in black wanted to leave immediately after seeing Qin Fan woke up was not because he wanted to To pretend to be cold, I was really intimidated by Qin Fan's methods. As for why the other party took action to save Qin Fan since he was so scared, of course he had his own calculations.

Anyway, in the first battle at Juxianzhuang, Qin Fan almost defeated most of the martial arts in the Central Plains. Although the You brothers were average in martial arts, they had a lot of friends. Whether they were heroes or green forest heroes, they all invited everyone they knew, but they didn't expect to be accepted. Qin Fan, who was watching the excitement, was given a pot. This can be regarded as a change of fate. With the fall of the heroes of Juxianzhuang, the name of the blood demon in the world has become more and more popular. Some people say that Qin Fan is a demon. The star came to the world, and some said that Qin Fan was an evil spirit from the foreign lands. Anyway, Qin Fan became famous this time!

Of course, Qin Fan doesn't know anything about his current reputation even surpassing North Qiaofeng and South Murong, but even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care too much. After all, is there anyone in the Tianlong world who can beat him? Putting people aside, even if he is overwhelmed, he can go to other planes to have fun, so don't say that he is called a blood demon, even if he becomes the enemy of the people of this world, Qin Fan will not have the slightest problem Worry.

After gnawing off the meat on the last bone, Qin Fan rubbed his belly, which hadn't changed much, and enjoyed it.

Not to mention, the food and drink with [-] luck value is better than the food with [-] luck value!Before crossing, Qin Fan’s requirements for food and drink have never been very high. Of course, it’s not because he doesn’t like food. The main reason is that he has no money and is lazy, so he can be fooled if he can. However, the conditions are different now. You can't wrong yourself, at worst, kill a few more people.

Subtly, Qin Fan didn't seem to have any psychological burden on killing people, as if he was used to eating, sleeping and beating peas. The bottom line of life has also become extremely blurred.

Satisfied with wine and food, Qin Fan tore off all the rags that looked like beggars' clothes on his body, washed up briefly, and then spent three luck points to exchange for a suit of clothes. How nice is it....
Picking up the locust tree heart, Qin Fan originally wanted to put the thousand-year-old wooden heart into his newly acquired storage space, but the storage space is a bit small, and even a cubic meter cannot fit so long A stick, and Xiaoqian and Xiaoqing are still living in it, Qin Fan is not sure whether his storage space can hold ghosts, but fortunately Qin Fan holds the stick in his hand, while the other hand He took out the random teleportation scroll obtained through the air wheel not long ago from the storage space, and after taking a deep breath, he unfolded it directly...
Unlike the last time, the sky doesn't seem to have changed much, but the surrounding scenery has undergone earth-shaking changes. The mountain path that was originally covered with gravel has turned into an asphalt road, and the mountains next to it have been replaced by reinforced concrete.

"This is... coming to the modern age?" Qin Fan said in disbelief.

Haven't watched a video novel in a long time?How long has it been without the air conditioner?How long has it been since you had a carbonated drink?a month?a year?Qin Fan felt as if centuries had passed. At this moment, Qin Fan's otaku heart finally began to stir again.

"Aw~~~~" A strange howl sounded from behind Qin Fan, followed by: "Paji!"

An inexplicable huge mouth bit down on the not very round head of Qin Fan, who was full of emotions there...
"Huh? Who brought me a helmet?" Qin Fan felt as if his body had been pulled up, and then something seemed to grab his body and pull it down forcefully, biting his neck His mouth increased the force of the bite, as if he wanted to bite his head off.

Qin Fan...
"What has my head been bitten by something?" In the darkness, the corner of Qin Fan's mouth twitched slightly, and the arm holding the heart of the thousand-year-old pagoda tree slightly poked back.

"Pfft!" Seemed to be stuck in something, Qin Fan only felt the pain of the big mouth holding his head and let out the cry that Qin Fan sounded familiar again, and then he felt the sky and the earth spinning for a while, but Qin Fan He stood firmly on the ground again.

"Aww!!!" The huge monster screamed again. Its huge body looked like a bug or a beast, with a bony mask and a huge hole in its chest that seemed to be pierced.

"This is...Xu?" Qin Fan seemed to know what world he came to for a moment, and as Qin Fan pronounced the word "Xu", something in the dark seemed to contact Qin Fan again, almost subconsciously. Qin Fan summoned the exchange light screen, and various items unique to the plane of death were quietly added to the list.

"Qianda, [-] Luck Points? Is this thing so expensive?" Qin Fan was a little surprised when he saw the extra items in the list: "Reaper Yike, wait, this thing seems to be...boom!! !"

Experience tells Qin Fan not to slip away during battle, because if you do not do it well, you will be beaten away. The same experience also tells us not to casually beat anyone you can't afford, because... you will die! ! !

"Boom!" Amidst the huge smoke and dust, Qin Fan shook off the blood stains stained on the heart of the millennium pagoda tree in his hand. The next second, the bright red blood stains turned into dots of spiritual light and disappeared. There was a hint of surprise: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

(End of this chapter)

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