Chapter 32
"Help! We will be the ones who come!"

"Yes, yes! Is there anyone! Help!"

In the secluded open space of the park, two women in light veils leaned against a big tree and shouted loudly, but the voices of the two women were charming and shy, and there was no trace of fear.

"Aww!!!" A roar came from a distance, followed by a six-legged, three-meter-high strange monster with a bone mask crawling over from a distance, but the moment it showed its head, it was directly caught A wooden stick was hit on the head, and the bones that seemed to be very hard were shattered under the wooden stick like tofu. In an instant, the huge monster turned into dots of starlight and disappeared!

"Young master is great!"

"Young master is amazing!"

The two girls who were calling for help just now turned into cheerleaders and cheered!
The two women in light gauze are of course Xiaoqian and Xiaoqing. As for the one who beat someone with a stick, it is of course Qin Fan.

Ever since he discovered that this world is the world of the god of death, Qin Fan thought of the two ghosts Xiaoqian and Xiaoqing. When he was in Tianlong, Qin Fan worried that there might be no ghosts in that world. Is it because the world itself is not suitable for ghosts to survive, so he only had one ghost? The two ghosts were not allowed to come out, but the god of death is different. In this world, it seems that ghosts can even appear in the daytime. It should be no problem for the two female ghosts, so they directly called the two girls out, but never expected, Not long after the two girls appeared, they were attacked by inexplicable wild Void monsters, but they were quickly dealt with by Qin Fan. However, through this incident, Qin Fan discovered that the Void of this world seems to be particularly fascinated by the aura of the two girls. In addition, Qin Fan found that he would gain luck points by hunting Xuxu in this world just like killing people in Tianlong Babu, so a bold plan came into being.

"You two, don't call for help. Those Xu are here to eat you. It's useless to call for help!" Although Xu is made of spirit particles in this world and there is no such thing as blood, but Xu is killed every time. Qin Fan still likes to shake the thousand-year-old tree heart habitually.

"Oh!" The two women agreed after hearing Qin Fan's words, then looked at each other and shouted loudly again: "Come on, come on, come and eat me! Come and eat me! "

Qin Fan...
Ever since they were captured by the thousand-year-old tree demon, the two girls have been trembling every day. Now that the two girls have been rescued by Qin Fan, although they have only spent a short time together, both girls can feel Qin Fan's love for them and the two ghosts. Indulgence, the two daughters were in the Mood for Love before they died, they were at the age of being lively and active, they had to put down their tempers under the hands of their grandma, and were often beaten severely, not to mention being lively, it would be nice to be able to "live", now facing Qin Fan Of course, it is impossible to be strict with the two girls. The two girls are quaint and weird, and the repressive nature of the thousand-year-old tree demon gradually revealed. Today, being released by Qin Fan is like a bird out of trouble. Faced with a void that any soul would be terrified of... You know, the two girls had been living with a thousand-year-old monster. Although they seemed weak against Qin Fan's grandma, the tree spirit, they could actually live for thousands of years. , except for the prudence of the tree spirit, its own strength is definitely not weak, at least it is more than one step stronger than these weak ones that look scary but are not very powerful, so let alone Qin Fan, Even without Qin Fan, the two girls would not necessarily be at a disadvantage if they faced off against these ordinary and powerful opponents.

It may be because the souls and bodies of the two women are very solid, theoretically comparable to some elementary death gods in this world, so for those who have no wisdom and only have the desire to devour, they are better than two big pieces of fat. It must also be attractive. In just a few hours, Qin Fan hunted and killed hundreds of all kinds of ghosts. Some ghosts seem to be good at outsiders, but they are lucky. But it is quite a lot, even the weakest Xu has dozens of Luck points, and if it is a little stronger, it may even have hundreds of Luck points. In just a few hours, Qin Fan was stunned. It was in this park where few people came to collect more than 3000 luck, which made Qin Fan sigh, the world of animation is quicker to get money!

"Aww!" Another two Xu Yaoyao flew in from a distance, they looked not small but it was only a matter of time for Qin Fan, after killing so many times, Qin Fan also had some experience in killing Xu, As long as the opponent's masked head is smashed, no matter how big the ghost is, it will basically be one at a time. It's just that these two ghosts will fly so much that it is a bit troublesome for Qin Fan, but the two ghosts are running towards Xiaoqian and Xiaoqing. The two ghosts came, so they had to come down sooner or later, so Qin Fan just had to sit and wait for his opponent to kill him!

"Aww!!!" Sure enough, after seeing the two girls in the middle of the park, the two girls obviously became excited, and almost their colleagues couldn't wait to rush to the two girls respectively. As for Qin Fan, who was guarding the two girls, the two Xu didn't even bother to take a second look.

Qin Fan didn't care about these two false loves. After all, he was giving himself luck. Of course, it doesn't matter whether his attitude is good or not. A stick was poked on the head of one, and then the other one was also poked with a stick with the help of its feet.

"It's done!" Qin Fan's figure slowly fell in mid-air, and the two empty bodies turned into light spots. However, at this moment, in Qin Fan's sight, the space behind the two women was A crack appeared strangely.

"This..." The sudden change made Qin Fan jump, and he immediately thought of the animation in his mind. Those virtual objects seemed to be able to pass through the space wall directly, as if he wanted to verify Qin Fan's guess, but a huge claw It slowly came out from the crack: "Oops!"

Although Qin Fan has practiced Lingbo Weibu in Tianlong, Tianlong World is a martial arts plane rather than a fairy tale after all, and he is falling in mid-air at this time. It is impossible to cross the sky, but the crack is good. Coincidentally, they were right behind the two girls, but at this moment, the two girls looked excitedly at the two powerful and excited dancers that Qin Fan had just dealt with, not paying any attention to the danger. It was too late to remind the two girls while waiting for the two girls to respond. In desperation, Qin Fan could only throw out the thousand-year-old tree heart in his hand, in order to stop one or two, and at the same time reminded the two girls loudly: "Get out of the way!"

Almost as Qin Fan's words came out, the thousand-year-old tree heart also pierced through the huge claws, and the movement of grabbing the two women couldn't help but slow down, but then a head with a hideous mask came out of the crack .

"Aww!!!" The howling sound that made the eardrums numb caused the two women who were close at hand to change their colors, and almost without any hesitation, the two women wanted to fly away, but the huge mouth was nothing at all. Not wanting to give the two girls a chance, he opened his mouth and bit at Xiaoqian who was a little closer. If the head had come out first, Qin Fan's stick just now would have killed the opponent directly, but the opponent had stretched out his claws. He went out and grabbed the two women. If Qin Fan didn't make a move at that time, the two women would definitely be injured, but after the attack, Qin Fan has no weapon now, and it was a bit late for his body to fall, and at this critical moment occasion.

"Cry, Hongji!"

(End of this chapter)

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