Chapter 40
"Oops!" There was an exclamation, followed by a flash of thunder, and the black cat that had fallen on the ground turned into a girl again, and its two arms held Kuroki Ichigo and Ishida Uryuu on both sides of its slender body Then rush straight to the exit of the broken boundary.

On the other side, of course, Qin Fan also realized that things were about to happen, but at that moment, they also set up Chadu Taitora and Inoue Orihime, and then, like cannonballs, they hit the human-shaped Yoruichi directly. body, and then the six of them rushed out from the exit of the boundary...
Meanwhile, inside Central 46...
"Oh! This Lingzi's reaction is... Sifengyuan Yeyi? Are you really walking with that guy?" Aizen said with a smile and pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose.

"That woman? Aizen-sama, if Urahara Kisuke really gets the support of the Sifengin family, I'm afraid our plan..." Tōsenyo who stood beside Aizen said.

"Are you doubting my judgment?" Aizen suddenly looked up at Tosen Kaname.

Although you can't see it with your eyes, you can feel the powerful spiritual pressure without eyes at all. Dongxian immediately knelt down on one knee: "No, Lord Aizen, I never doubted your judgment!"

Ignoring Tōsen Kaname who seemed to be sweating profusely for a moment, Aizen once again restored the kind smile that made people feel like a spring breeze: "But the plan is indeed to be advanced, Urahara Kisuke, then we will see Which one of us is faster! The execution date is advanced to 15 days later!"

"Fifteen days?" Dongsen frowned slightly. The one-time reduction of the 35-day probation period from the 20-day probation may make the other captains suspicious. If Dongsen doesn't understand why Aizen-sama cares about Kisuke Urahara so much This person is obviously just an ordinary captain. Dongxian should feel that even he can defeat him, but why does Master Aizen care about him so much, but for the sake of justice, I must follow in the footsteps of Master Aizen... ..
"Are you an idiot? You used the broken path of No. 88 in the Boundary, you almost killed us all!" Ye Yi, who turned into a human, yelled at Qin Fan angrily.

"Uh... I don't mind, but is it really okay for you to do this?" Qin Fan looked at the other's fit figure with some embarrassment and said, if it was Qin Fan in the past, he might not be able to calmly face such a naked woman Standing in front of me, but these days I have been discussing the truth of life with Xiaoqian and Xiaoqing in depth, and I am used to this kind of scene, so Qin Fan at this time is very calm, at least compared to the other three Little boys are much better.

"Ah! Kurosaki-san, Ishida-san, and Sado-san, are you all right? Did you bump into them just now? Why did you have a nosebleed!" Orihime Inoue said in a panic.

Ye Yi's complexion became a little gloomy, and his figure turned into a black cat again, but his expression was still gloomy!

All these years, she has been transformed into a cat not because she has some kind of transvestite, but because she needs to hide herself. She has to make Aizen unable to determine whether she is helping Urahara Kisuke. It can be said that she is the last Urahara Kisuke Like a killer, she also has an important task to sneak into the soul world this time, but before she can do anything, she exposes herself inexplicably. She has no doubt that Aizen has discovered her spiritual pressure , the only good thing is that Aizen probably doesn't know that he has turned into a cat, so he can only be more careful about the next thing!

"Okay, now the time is even tighter for us, Your Excellency Qin Fan, I'm afraid you need to take action this time, we must invade the Jingling Court as soon as possible!" While talking, Ye Yi who turned into a black cat He has slowly come to the other end, looking solemnly at the place in the distance, whether it is the street or the house, and this place feels like two worlds.

"Hey, hey, hey! How did you do it? It feels so amazing!"

"Is there something wrong with it? Why do I feel weird? He won't explode suddenly?"

"So beautiful!"

The black cat with a dignified face listened to the people who were either nervous or excited, but no one was listening to her, and the veins popped up again: "I said, are you bastards listening...." Suddenly turned around and was about to teach a harsh lesson Ye Yi, who looked at these disobedient children, was also stunned by the scene in front of him the moment he turned around.

It turns out that at some point, the surrounding walls and ground, including the walls and ground that were just crashed by a few people, were rapidly decomposing into the most primitive spirit particles, and then they penetrated into the body of that ugly monster one by one. Yes, it was like returning home. Like a bird in a nest, those spirits just blended into that guy's body, and it looked like...
Yeyi involuntarily looked at Ishida Uryu next to him, that's right, this guy's ability to absorb spirit particles is almost like a Quincy master... No, the other party clearly used it to break the way, and he still gave up singing No. 88 broke the road, the other party could not be Quincy, or he and... Yoruichi turned their heads to Kurosaki Ichigo again, but the cat face was full of disbelief.

It is obviously a human body, but it has a strong physique and extraordinary talent for breaking the way, and now it even has the ability to control spirits like a Quincy master. Who is this guy?Kisuke Urahara, have you really seen this man clearly?

Ye was surprised by Qin Fan's ability. Qin Fan himself was also a little surprised. Ever since he truly mastered the cultivation method of Beiming Divine Art, Beiming Divine Art has been running endlessly in Qin Fan's body to absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth. , Originally in the present world, he would also absorb the unique spirit particles of this world, but in reality, the spirit particles are relatively thinner, so Qin Fan didn't feel it, but after entering the world of corpses and souls, the spirit particles of this world The particle density is obviously different from that of the present world. Every brick and tile here is made up of spiritual particles. Its intensity is like throwing Qin Fan into a sea of ​​spiritual particles, while the Beiming Divine Art has been operating on its own. , plus just using the broken path to consume a large part of the energy in the body, the Beiming Divine Art is now autonomously replenishing the energy consumed in the body, but the strong suction is like a long whale absorbing water, directly turning the world's spirits into 36 The streams of spirit seeds are introduced into the big acupoints all over the body respectively, and these spirit seeds are stored in the sea of ​​darkness in the body like a sea that accommodates all rivers!

This is the power of the Beiming Divine Art. After the Beiming Divine Art has been practiced to a great extent, he will absorb all the energy outside his body to supplement himself all the time, and through the 36 large acupoints around his body, even if Qin Fan empties the energy in his body, he can use it in a short time. Automatically refill, in other words, as long as the Beiming magic power is not stopped, and there are no special forbidden Jedi around, otherwise, the energy in Qin Fan's body will never be exhausted!

The torrent of 36 spiritual seeds quickly faded away, which means that the energy in the body has returned to its peak again!

"Okay! Miss Yeyi, where are we going next?" Qin Fan looked up at the stunned black cat Yeyi and said

(End of this chapter)

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