King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 41 Killing Aizen

Chapter 41 Killing Aizen

In the icy tower, the girl's body was weak and limp on the ground, and the bowl-sized hole in her chest was slowly healing!
Looking at the gem the size of a bull's eye in his hand, Qin Fan's expression was dignified. Now that Beng Yu has been obtained, it seems that he can start to deal with Lan Ran.

Qin Fan has always been jealous of Lan Ran's strength. Even without Bengyu's boost, his strength is enough to overthrow everyone who is the captain. Moreover, based on the few words in the anime, Qin Fan speculates that the reason why Lan Ran wants to One of the most important reasons for Beng Yu is actually because his powerful spiritual pressure has reached the limit of his own soul. His talent allows him to have a cultivation speed that ordinary people cannot match, but his body restricts his growth limit. A game that reaches the full level after two days of playing is of course boring, so he would rather risk the world's dissatisfaction and study the illusion of death, in order to allow himself to break through the limit and reach another height.

As a result, it was obvious that both the ordinary soul and the soul of the god of death ended in failure. This is why when he learned that Kisuke Urahara had developed a special substance called collapse jade, which could instantly break the boundary between the god of death and the void, Aizen would So eager to get it even at the risk of defecting!
In any case, there is no doubt about Aizen's strength, but to be honest, Qin Fan doesn't think he is the opponent of the opponent, especially after contacting Ichimaru Gin, you must know that Ichimaru Gin successfully attacked Aizen, although in the end it was It ended in failure, but at that time, Aizen had already been approved by Bengyu, which was almost equivalent to turning on invincibility. In fact, in terms of attack power alone, Qin Fan even felt that Ichimaru Gin's god-killing gun could instantly kill Aizen without Bengyuhua , but he was too afraid of Aizen's mirror, and Aizen before the collapse of jade was impossible for others to touch his blade easily, so Ichimaru Gin couldn't be sure whether the person standing in front of him was really Aizen It's not a phantom under the mirror, so Qin Fan feels that as long as he doesn't hit the opponent's mirror, it should not be impossible to defeat the opponent.

Throwing Beng Yu casually into his private space, Qin Fan's figure disappeared again!

Central 46 Indoor...

"Your god-killing gun can't penetrate his body?" Even Lan Ran couldn't help showing a hint of doubt after hearing the news.

Aizen knows very well that Ichimaru Gin has always had reservations about him, but the relatively loyal idiot Aizen prefers this kind of capable and smart person, but just now Ichimaru Gin, who has never let him down, unexpectedly brought himself such a According to the news, Aizen has never doubted Ichimaru Gin's strength, so Ichimaru Gin is lying?No!Aizen doesn't think so, the battle of the god of death is a competition of spiritual power. It is possible for the opponent's spiritual pressure to surpass Gin Ichimaru's, but it is possible to be unscathed by Gin Ichimaru's stepless blade. Aizen never believes it, because such Reiatsu has already exceeded the limit that any Shinigami and Xu can achieve, so there is only one answer. The other party's ability is similar to his own, and it is also a hypnotic type!
What is being clever and being mistaken by cleverness?As a man who plays with the whole world of corpses and souls between applause, Aizen is of course a smart person, but smart people often trust their own judgment too much, and they always like to put on something they can understand when they don't understand. His coat was unscathed by Ichimaru Gin's Mutap and Blade?He doesn't believe that someone can do it at all, so in his opinion, it is very likely that the opponent used some kind of illusion to make Gin Ichimaru think that he hit the opponent, but his attack obviously failed, which made him He mistakenly thought that his stepless combo could not cause any damage to the opponent.

"Silver! I'm a little disappointed in you!" Accompanied by Aizen's indifferent voice, the bloody atmosphere in the entire Central Room 46 seemed to become a little bit stronger.

Hearing Aizen's words, Ichimaru Gin's forehead began to ooze cold sweat. He understood what Aizen meant, but he knew very clearly that he had never been hit by any illusion!
Because from the moment he followed Aizen, Ichimaru Gin was thinking about how to deal with Aizen, and for Aizen's Zanpakuto mirror Hua Suigetsu ability, of course Ichimaru Gin would not do anything about Zanpakuto abilities such as hypnotic illusion learn!That kind of feeling is definitely not something that can be achieved by illusion, and even Aizen's Mirror Flower and Water Moon can't achieve that effect. Besides, even if I was really hypnotized, the fact that Baidaomen was punched through can't be fake, right? ?
(Perhaps... maybe this is a good opportunity?) Ichimaru Gin suddenly thought to himself.

"What are you thinking?" Aizen suddenly said as if he could see through Ichimaru Gin's heart.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about something about fighting that person!" Ichimaru Gin said.

"Oh!" Aizen took a deep look at Ichimaru Gin, but she felt something and suddenly frowned slightly, holding the handle of the knife at her waist slightly with her palm, but slowly pulled out her Zanpakuto come out!

Faced with Aizen pulling out the Zanpakuto, Ichimaru Gin also squinted his eyes, but he didn't ask what the other party wanted to do. He just looked at the other party lightly, as if he believed that the other party would not attack him, but only Ichimaru Gin I know that in the case of being caught in the other party's mirror, I am like an ant being squeezed in the other party's hand. If the other party really wants to kill me, no matter how much I resist, it will be useless. It's better to be free and easy.

Aizen didn't really attack Ichimaru Gin, but suddenly pointed the tip of the knife at the ground, without any gesture, but a light blue brilliance flashed inexplicably on the blade.

"Damn it!" There was a sudden curse in the originally empty hall, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps, and the blade that Lan Ran was walking on suddenly swung forward.

It turned out that Qin Fan had sneaked into the central room 46 at some point, and Lan Ran didn't know why he found Qin Fan in an invisible state, but it seemed that Qin Fan's general location could not be determined. Fortunately, he released it directly to the air. Qin Fan thought that he wanted to attack Ichimaru Gin, but after seeing the light blue light on the blade, he immediately realized that it was not good, and immediately wanted to grab the opponent's blade, but this This kind of clumsy attack was really not enough for Lan Ran. It was just a random blow, but it easily pushed Qin Fan back. When Qin Fan showed his figure again, Lan Ran's expression was rare. There was a hint of solemnity.

(End of this chapter)

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