King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 46 Destroying Skynet

Chapter 46 Destroying Skynet ([-])

Rebel Base!
"You are Kyle Rees?!" The legendary leader of the rebels, John Connor, stood in front of his father, who was obviously younger than himself, and said strangely.

Yes, just as Qin Fan expected, a few people got a reply from the rebel army through the radio, and sent a special plane to take them to their base. As for why their efficiency is so high, the reason is very simple Qin Fan just introduced himself out of politeness every time he asked Kyle Rees to send a report.

"Uh... yes, yes!" Kyle Reese replied nervously, seeming a little embarrassed.

Wei Wei looked around at the remaining three people and nodded: "I'm glad you joined the Rebel Army!"

For John Connor, any human being is a member of the Rebel Army, not to mention that he has been looking for the whereabouts of Kyle Reese, his biological father, so it is almost logical to invite a few people after meeting them. Join the Resistance.

"This... I'm afraid there is a small problem!" Qin Fan said suddenly, ignoring Kyle Reese who was excited after hearing John Connor's invitation.

Hearing Qin Fan's words, John looked at Qin Fan with some doubts, but at this time Kyle Reese said, "John Connor, let me introduce you to this gentleman named Qin Fan, who is a superpower!"

"Super power?" John Connor frowned slightly. As a soldier, as a veteran soldier who has fought against Skynet for more than ten years, he doesn't believe in super powers. He was not even interested in listening to one more sentence of what his father said.

Not only did John Connor not believe it, but in fact all the soldiers present showed expressions of disdain when they heard this, and some even laughed outright, but they were very calm about this kind of ridicule of Qin Fan, and even looked at it with the same smile. He said to those who were whispering: "It's interesting? There are more interesting ones! This gentleman is a robot!" Qin Fan pointed to Marcus next to him while speaking.

However, when Qin Fan said this, all the smiles of the soldiers who were laughing at Kaierlis and Qin Fan disappeared, not because they believed Qin Fan's words, but because of their resistance to fighting against Skynet all the year round. To Jun, robots represent only pain and death to them. Even though they think Qin Fan is deliberately telling a joke, the joke is not funny to them.

"Sir, it doesn't matter if you don't want to join us, we won't make things difficult for you, you can leave anytime!" John Connor looked at Qin Fan coldly.

"You think I'm joking?" Qin Fan's expression also turned cold, and he looked directly at the cold John Connor and said.

"Ugly ghost..." A black soldier behind John Connor obviously didn't have a very good temper, he snorted coldly and wanted to show Qin Fan some color, but before Qin Fan could speak, John Connor was Reach out and block the opponent directly.

"Maybe you find it very interesting, but what I want to say is that in our place, it's best not to make jokes about that robot!" John Connor's voice was cold, and his perennial iron-blooded military temperament gave off a different sense of majesty, but This so-called majesty is only limited to ordinary people!

"Really? You really think I'm joking!" Qin Fan shook his head slightly, facing John Connor's eyes staring at him, but actively moved away, as if he was shocked by the other party's sharp eyes. Instead of looking at each other, but accompanied by that understated smile, an invisible but real coercion erupted from Qin Fan in an instant.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!" Except for Qin Fan and Marcus, everyone in the room suddenly felt their whole body go limp as if being pressed down by a mountain, and even the unnecessary struggle It can't be done, especially the guy who scolded Qin Fan as an ugly ghost just now, his whole body is shaking like chaff.

"What did you...?" Although Marcus didn't fall to the ground like the others, there was a look of fear on his face, but because most of his body was made of machines, even if his soul was affected Despite the influence of Qin Fan's coercion, the body can still stand upright.

"Oh! It seems that you are indeed different from ordinary robots, at least you have a soul!" Qin Fan glanced at Marcus with some differences, and then looked around at some people who were lying on the ground at this time, but slowly turned his power Press back: "Now you don't think I'm joking, do you?"

Getting up on the ground, several members of the rebel army, including John Connor, looked at Qin Fan involuntarily with a look of horror. For them, even if they are Terminator, they at least know how to fight. , but the man in front of them gave them a feeling that they couldn't match at all.

"You! What the hell are you?" John Connor couldn't help but said.

"Isn't that the point? I just said that he is a robot, aren't you curious?" Qin Fan felt that he seemed to be acting too much, so he had no choice but to shift his attention to Marcus.

"What nonsense are you talking about? What robot? I'm human!" Marcus looked at Qin Fan in puzzlement, but John Connor suddenly drew his gun and pointed at Marcus next to him.

"Hey! Calm down, I'm not some damn robot, I don't know why he framed me, but I'm a human, a real human!" Marcus quickly raised his hands but did not forget to make an excuse.

"Connor!" It seemed that Marcus did not look like a robot, and the person next to John Connor patted him on the shoulder and couldn't help but say.

"Bang!" Although the T-800 developed by Skynet has not yet been put into production, John Connor is different from others. He has seen the T-800 and the more advanced T-1000 and other terminators, and he knows the advanced terminators. Those who can completely imitate human beings to the point of making it look like real ones, so John Connor shot without hesitation, but it hit Marcus' calf, and the crisp metal collision sound instantly turned the faces of all the rebel members present pale. .

I have been fighting against Skynet all the year round, and I am very familiar with the unique sound of bullets hitting the Terminator. Is this really a robot?

"Bang bang bang!!!" Almost instantly, all the rebels in the room raised their guns at the same time and pulled the trigger without hesitation. In front of Marcus, the indestructible body of King Kong, not to mention ordinary pistol bullets, even the artillery loaded on the hunter's body has no effect on Qin Fan. These small-caliber bullets hit Qin Fan's body basically the same. Itching is the same.

"He's also a robot!" Someone shouted, but it made Qin Fan's face even more helpless. In the end, he could only unleash coercion again and put everyone behind him before saying depressedly: "Calm down, I If it was a robot, do you think you can still live now? Well, well, I have something important to talk to you about."

(End of this chapter)

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