King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 47 Destroying Skynet

Chapter 47 Destroying Skynet ([-])

Standing at the door early in the morning, brushing your teeth and looking up, how would you feel when you saw an ancient dinosaur suddenly walk by?filming?mischief?What about the dinosaur opening its mouth and biting off your arm?This is how the rebels feel at this time, something that is obviously impossible to happen is happening right in front of them!The robot has become exactly like a real person. Is it possible that their comrades-in-arms and even family members may be disguised by robots in the future?And super powers, isn't that something that only exists in comics?

Compared with ordinary rebel fighters, John Connor is much calmer. Although the latest robot developed by Skynet is only the T that was found in the base he captured not long ago, it is still under development and has not been put into mass production. -800, but he knows that there are T-1000 and even TX behind, not to mention completely simulating human beings and even weapons and equipment. As for superpowers, the time machine has been invented by Skynet. What counts?

"Are you from our side?" John Connor stared at the man in front of him, as if he wanted to see a trace of sincerity from that seemingly mutated face.

"You have no choice!" Qin Fan didn't give the other party an accurate answer, but stretched out his hand and said directly.

In the blue sea, a submarine is silently hidden in the endless waves...
"Super power? Is this the method of you, the legendary leader of the rebel army?" The real commander of the rebel army at this time looked at John Connor and the ugly ghost next to him with a playful face.

What are you kidding?Is the last hope of human beings based on illusory superpowers?Does that mean that I should pray to God to punish the machine demon that almost destroyed mankind?
John Connor was not trying to quibble, but turned his attention to Qin Fan!
Facts speak louder than words, and no explanation at this time is more convincing than Qin Fan showing his so-called superpower.

Although somewhat reluctant, he still raised a finger: "Bai Lei!"

The silvery-white light streak instantly hit a seat beside it, and the crisp electric light almost instantly pierced the seat on the ground, forming a scorched black mark the size of a fist...

At the same time at the rebel base, Marcus, who was imprisoned in the cell, slammed on the iron door frantically, and the buzzing in his mind made him restless. He felt very bad, and he didn't know why, but he was imprisoned like this It made him very uneasy. In addition, the metal skeleton exposed by the wounded part of John Connor made him have countless questions. He had to leave here and find Dr. Cogan to ask clearly what happened and why he didn't Death, what happened in the past ten years, and what I have experienced.

However, he didn't know that all his restlessness and eagerness to find Dr. Kogan were caused by some instructions left by Skynet in his brain. Unknowingly trying to complete the mission that Skynet wants to entrust to it...
Inside the nuclear submarine, several high-level rebels looked at the slightly damaged metal plate on the ground in disbelief, then looked at Qin Fan in front of them and said, "What the hell are you!"

"He's on our side. We came here this time to destroy Skynet, but we need to find the location of Skynet!" John Connor said.

"The location of Skynet? Are you kidding me? If we knew where the main brain is, the war would have ended long ago! And I don't believe in any super powers. Even if he really has some damn super powers, can he still fight thousands of people? Thousands of T-600s or even the latest model of T-800? Besides, we have now found the weakness of Skynet, war is not a child's play, and there is no need for fairy tales!" The man wearing a sailor hat said with some disdain .

Indeed, what if a shot or two of electricity is shot through your finger?Can it be stronger than missiles?Stronger than a plasma cannon?Facing the sea-like Terminator, not to mention his fingers can generate electricity, even if his whole body becomes electricity, how much destructive power can it cause?Relying on one person to save all mankind?These people don't believe it at all, just like they don't believe that the savior is John Connor at all!
"Skynet's weakness?" John Connor couldn't help but said when he heard the other party's words. He has been committed to fighting Skynet. He has never known any weaknesses in this almost invincible Skynet.

"This is our top secret, you have no right to ask!" The commander said directly, as if dissatisfied with John Connor's sudden arrival of a superpower.

"He should be talking about a short-wave signal that can shut down the robot. In fact, it is a trap of Skynet. After they send out the signal, Skynet can lock their position and wipe them out!" Qin Fan remembered that there seemed to be such a paragraph when watching the movie. , so when he heard the other party say this, he couldn't help interjecting.

However, what Qin Fan just said casually shocked the rest of the people in the room. You must know that they had just obtained the main frequency signal that can control the robot not long ago, and they didn't even conduct experiments, although they thought it was feasible. Sex is very high, but the number of people who know the good news is definitely not more than one hand. How does this ugly monster know?Is this also his superpower?

Qin Fan ignored the shock of these people, but continued to say: "Maybe you have some misunderstandings. Skynet is not a machine, and there is no switch to turn it off. Skynet is a program. It is hidden in the entire network. Among them, but even the Internet has a carrier to build it, so it’s not that you didn’t find it, but you didn’t find it in the right place.”

"Nonsense! This is all just your wild guesses, right?" The commander sneered at Qin Fan's words. In all fairness, Qin Fan's words were quite reasonable, but they were related to the safety of the entire human race. It makes sense that he would not be able to overturn and change the original decision of their entire headquarters based on a few words from a stranger: "Okay! I think our meeting this time is simply redundant, and I have nothing to say. What you said, and in order to keep it secret, I think I have to take the time to detain you!" He waved his hand to the guard at the door, and the two soldiers immediately stepped forward to subdue Qin Fan and the two of them.

"Bang bang!" There was no suspense in the two muffled sounds. In the world of the god of death, Qin Fan also encountered one or two opponents who might tear him apart. However, in this world of terminators, let alone ordinary people Even if TX came, Qin Fan would never use a second blow if he wanted to tear down the other party. It was just a joke for two ordinary soldiers to subdue him.

The cold muzzle of the gun was aimed at Qin Fan in an instant, and the commander immediately pulled out his pistol when he saw the two soldiers fell to the ground. As a soldier, even as a commander, it is impossible to be completely helpless.

"Calm down! Our enemy is Skynet!" John Connor said eagerly.

"Boy, I don't care what bloody superpower you are, but I have the final say here!" The commander stared at Qin Fan as if he would pull the trigger as soon as he made a slight movement.

"Why don't you understand!" Qin Fan sighed a little bored, but in the next second his figure appeared directly in front of the commander and pinched the cold muzzle of the gun.

"Bang!" The commander subconsciously pulled the trigger the moment Qin Fan held down the muzzle of the gun, but before the bullet shot out of the muzzle, Qin Fan pressed it back forcefully. Released everywhere, but the whole pistol was blown to pieces.

"Mr. Qin Fan!" Behind him, John Connor quickly came between Qin Fan and the commander who was holding his hands and backing away: "Calm down, we need everyone's efforts to deal with Skynet, and we need his help." !"

"Whatever, in short, I want all the locations of large server centers that can be used as the carrier of Skynet, and I want it now. If he can't give it to me, I will kill him and find it myself!" Ignore a few people.

Taking a deep breath, John Connor turned his head again to look at the pale commander and said, "Your Excellency, if what Mr. Qin Fan said is true, then Skynet cannot be shut down at all. Your plan will only let Skynet lock your location. You have just seen the strength of Mr. Qin Fan. As a sharp knife, it is very likely to break through Skynet’s blockade. I believe it is only a matter of time, this may be our last chance!"

"You want me to believe a lunatic who threatened me?" the commander said with a gloomy face.

"No! I just want to tell you that you may be facing two lunatics!" John Connor seemed to have lost his last patience, but he drew his pistol and pressed it against the commander's chin!
(End of this chapter)

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