King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 48 Destroying Skynet

Chapter 48 Destroying Skynet ([-])

With the help of John Connor, everything seemed to be going much smoother. Even though the rebels were unwilling to give them any support or even removed John Connor's identity as the rebels, but as the legendary leader, he was at the bottom. With extraordinary appeal, and with the help of Qin Fan, the BOG, John Connor re-formed a new resistance army in just a few months, and the destruction of Skynet became even more simple and rude. As the only option for the human army to block Skynet, it is to escape, but now Qin Fan only has two words when he encounters Skynet's armed forces, fuck him!
"Boom!" The huge Reaper fell down slowly and started a series of explosions. The rebel troops wearing standard uniforms covered the panicked civilians and quickly fled, while Qin Fan jumped into the air with a few vertical leaps. on military helicopters.

"What's the matter? Has everyone come out?" Qin Fan said to John Connor who was in the co-pilot seat.

"All of them have been rescued, and our people are escorting them back to the base," John Connor said after nodding to Qin Fan!
"Very good!" Qin Fan stretched out his hand and patted the pilot wearing earphones and shouted loudly: "Come up, let's get him a big one!"

After hearing Qin Fan's words, the pilot immediately made an OK gesture with his hands and then drove the plane to high altitude with excitement.

Standing on the landing gear of the helicopter, Qin Fan slightly raised his stubby palm while looking at the messy Skynet base below.

"Breaking Dao 88, flying dragons attacking thieves and shaking the sky!" The violent beam of energy blasted directly above the base, and the violent flames brought up boundless waves of air. The civilians in the truck in the distance saw it like a miracle. The scene of each one was speechless for a long time, I don't know when someone started to recite the Bible, the violent smoke and dust soaring into the sky, and the pious chanting, such pictures have almost spread all over the world in the past few months!

"Huh!" On the helicopter, Qin Fan withdrew his arm as before, but was stunned for a second.

Killing ordinary terminators in this world also has luck points, and the number is not low. Therefore, Qin Fan's luck points have reached tens of millions in just a few months. The only pity is that these In the past few days, Qin Fan destroyed hundreds of Skynet bases with a large number of servers, but he never caught the main program of Skynet. However, Qin Fan could only destroy while ordering the recruited soldiers to destroy all the transmission lines he could find. Even the man-made satellite, after half a year of busy work, finally had an effect. Just now, among a lot of information about the increase in luck due to killing the Terminator, there was a huge amount of 100 million Luck value, obviously this is not the luck value that ordinary terminators or hunters may have, so...
Sure enough, when I opened the exchange list, there was an option of "Skynet parent program" among the weapons and equipment. It seemed that the hard work of more than half a year was not in vain.

"Looks like it's time to leave!" Sitting on the plane, Qin Fan suddenly said.

"What?" John Connor, who was sitting on the co-pilot of the plane, seemed to feel something and looked back at Qin Fan, but what he saw was the empty seat...

It's still the same valley, it's still the same blue sky, the difference is that the lush woods are now covered with snow.

In Tianlong World, I have not returned for half a year, but there is a feeling that things are right and people are wrong!

"Then, let's start!" Qin Fan rubbed his hands together, then took out the exchange form and exchanged "Skynet" directly!
In fact, Qin Fan has already considered the question of where to exchange Skynet. Since Skynet seems to have the ability to learn, if it is put into the network, Qin Fan is worried whether it will be like the original Skynet. Out of control like that, Qin Fan is not worried that Skynet will threaten him. The key point is that this thing will cost 500 million luck points in exchange for one. Even for Qin Fan at this time, the price is really a bit high. Even Qin Fan would feel distressed if he let himself play badly, so in order to ensure that Skynet would not be polluted, he felt that it would be safer to put it in Tianlong World.

"Kang Dang!" A metal box with a length of two meters and a height of two meters appeared in front of Qin Fan out of thin air. The whole body of the iron box was pitch black, without any patterns or symbols, only a palm-shaped pattern on the side facing Qin Fan. It seems to be used to scan palm prints.

"It's quite high-tech!" Qin Fan excitedly pressed his palm on it!

"Buzz!" A dark red light swept across Qin Fan's palm, and a somewhat blunt synthesized voice came out from the iron box: "Basic information is being entered..."

As Qin Fan raised his palm, the dark red light appeared again, this time it began to scan Qin Fan's whole body. After a few minutes, the red light also disappeared and the light blue projection appeared in front of Qin Fan. A round ball with only eyes and a mouth suddenly appeared in front of Qin Fan.

"Master, T-1 is here to serve you at any time!" The projection of the ball looked very crude, and the tone of the speech was also very stiff. Qin Fan felt that it was a bit of a waste to spend 500 million luck points on such a thing!

"You are Skynet?" Qin Fan asked unwillingly.

"Skynet? Is this my new name?" Yuanqiu seemed curious, but his voice suddenly became exactly like Qin Fan's.

"Uh... don't call me Skynet anymore, let me give you a new name! What do you think of the name Eggy? And can you stop using my voice? I feel weird!" Looking at the other party The spherical projection Qin Fan spoke.

After hearing Qin Fan's words, the eyes on the ball blinked playfully, and then paused for a few seconds, but the voice became a little thinner, as if Qin Fan was speaking with that cartoon voice changer again. : "My number is T-1, can I use this name?"

"Okay! Let's call it Eggy!" Qin Fan said directly.

"Eggy?" The weird cartoon voice seemed to be a little more mellow again, sounding more like a child's voice: "Then the owner of Eggy, is there anything I can do for you?"

Qin Fan frowned slightly, just as he expected, the evolution speed of this intelligent program was surprisingly fast, and this was still not connected to the external network, and when Qin Fan named the other party Dandan just now, unexpectedly Being opposed by the other party already made Qin Fan a little uneasy, and what surprised Qin Fan even more was that after he insisted on the name Dan Dan, the smart program actually changed his name. Does this mean that the other party is taking revenge? What about yourself?If the answer is yes, Qin Fan suspects that this T-1 may become uncontrollable like Skynet in a short time?
"Are you angry?" The innocent child's voice sounded again, and the ball's eyes in the projection blinked at Qin Fan again, and there seemed to be an extra movement of tilting his head: "It's because I called you Dandan Is it related to your master? The name Eggy doesn’t sound good, does it?”

Qin Fan didn't answer, but he was thinking about how to deal with this Skynet issue in his mind.

First of all, Qin Fan is not worried that this thing is out of control. In Tianlong World, there is no internet at all, so how much trouble can such a big iron box cause, but the problem is that 500 million luck points, Qin Fan can't be used as an ornament Just put it like this?
"I think I'm in love with you!" The spherical projection actually only showed a shy expression with a pair of hollow eyes.

Qin Fan felt as if he bought a fake Skynet, what the hell is falling in love with me?Couldn't Skynet be infected with a virus this day?

However, what surprised Qin Fan even more was that when he didn't know what to say because of this inexplicable confession, a piece of information that surprised Qin Fan came into Qin Fan's mind.

"Whether the special life body's application to become an attendant is approved!"

"This..." After receiving this information, Qin Fan was a little stunned. He remembered that this was an unexpected reward he got when he hunted Lan Ran. Qin Fan didn't know that this servant function can be applied by others besides his own invitation: "Wait a minute! If that's the case...."

"I agree to the application!" Qin Fan suddenly manipulated it with his mind, but the transparent light screen appeared in front of Qin Fan's eyes, and what caught his eyes were the heads of two girls.

squire one
Name: Nie Xiaoqian (Advanced...)

Combat power: ?

Loyalty: 89
squire two

Name: Xiaoqing (advanced...)

Combat power: ?

Loyalty: 93
Page Three

Name: Eggy (special life form)
Energy: 134
Force: 0
Life: 51
Combat Strength: 0
Loyalty: 61
However, during Qin Fan's observation period, Qin Fan discovered that the loyalty of the intelligent program named Dandan by Qin Fan had dropped a little bit, and became 60. It seems that if Qin Fan left it alone This loyalty will continue to decline, but Qin Fan did not show the slightest worry about it. On the contrary, the expression on his face showed a little more expectation. At the same time, he reached out and made a move from the storage space Take out a golden special scroll.

Covenant Scroll: Use it to permanently lock a servant's loyalty to 100%
This scroll was opened from the treasure chest that was obtained together with the attendant system at that time. Since there was only one scroll, Qin Fan hadn't used it all the time, and it happened to come in handy this time.

The golden scroll was unfolded by Qin Fan and instantly turned into a stream of light and penetrated into the huge iron box. The original spherical projection was almost instantly extinguished and then lighted up again after a slight pause for a few seconds. The light blue light wave was in front of Qin Fan. After flickering slowly for a few seconds, the spherical projection appeared, and the child's voice, which seemed to have not changed in any way, sounded again.

"Master! Is there anything I can do for you?" It was still the same sentence, neither the tone nor the voice changed. It turned into 59, and at the same time, the original white number also turned into golden yellow...

(End of this chapter)

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