Chapter 52
Leaving aside the concept of 70-year internal power, Ding Chunqiu, the star monster alone, can be considered number one in this arena. Even Murong Fu is quite proud, but in all fairness, he is less than [-]% sure that he can beat Ding Chunqiu. , it can be seen how strong this Ding Chunqiu's master is, just thinking about the lifetime skills of such a master makes people envious.

However, Qin Fan frowned slightly when he heard this. At this time, he really didn't care much about Wu Yazi's 70-year internal strength. Not wanting to take away his chance, thinking of this, Qin Fan couldn't help but said: "Do you think it's okay, Ding Chunqiu will kill you for you, and you can keep your internal energy for yourself!"

Qin Fan's words made Murong Fu next to him tremble in his heart, 70 years of internal strength, what a chance this is, yes!This ugly bastard is good at external strength and doesn't cultivate internal strength at all, so he doesn't want the opponent's internal strength. In this way...
"Ahem!" Murong Fu suddenly felt that he should express it. Although he may not be Ding Chunqiu's opponent at this time, if he has 70 years of internal strength, with his Mo Rong's family education, he will definitely be able to beat Ding Chunqiu. One way, at that time, even if you help that Xiaoyao faction to clean up the sect, it will be all right, besides, Ding Chunqiu is notorious in the world, if you can get rid of him, it will be very beneficial to your reputation, it will be more than one stroke. !

Hearing Murong Fu's cough, Xu Zhu turned his head to look at him, then said with a bitter face again: "Brother, you don't know that I am a Shaolin disciple, so how can I cultivate the inner strength of the Xiaoyao School, even if you don't want my inner strength?" It is also prepared to be melted, so it is better to pass it on to you, big brother, and it can be regarded as living up to the hard work of the old senior Wu Yazi!"

"Uh... what this little master said makes sense, but you may not know it. Brother Qin is practicing external kung fu, which is not suitable for receiving your internal energy at all..." Murong Fu was hesitant to speak, After all, it's the first time I meet the other party, he can't just say you, pass on your internal strength to me so directly!However, apart from the two retainers, there were only the ugly ghost and himself present. Now that the ugly ghost is not suitable, then no matter how stupid the little monk is, he should think of himself, right?When the time comes, I'm going to make a resignation, but I can't bear to accept it... Thinking about it, I'm a little excited!

"I think Xu Zhu, you'd better think about it carefully. Otherwise, this internal force will be placed with you first. You go back and think about it for two years. If you still don't want this internal force after two years, you don't want to pass it on to me. Tonight, what do you think?" Qin Fan said.

When Murong Fu heard this, he said quickly: "Xu Zhu was worried that other Shaolin monks would find out that he had other sect's internal power in him, so he was so anxious, it's understandable! In fact, if Brother Qin is inconvenient..."

"That's right! Brother, I don't need to say more. I have lived in Shaolin since I was a child, and I plan to be a monk for the rest of my life. The internal strength of the Xiaoyao Sect must never be retained. I know that you are doing it for my own good. I only hope that you can help me." , take away your internal energy!" Xiao Xuzhu begged.

Murong Fu turned his head to look at Xu Zhu again and said with some embarrassment: "Actually, your eldest brother doesn't want that internal force, so you don't have to make things difficult for him!"

"Your Shaolin Temple also has monks who have introduced martial arts? Don't tell me that those who put down their butcher knives and become Buddhas will have their original martial arts completely abolished when they enter Shaolin Temple?" Qin Fan said unwillingly.

Murong Fu looked at Qin Fan again and said seriously: "Master Xu Zhu is a Shaolin disciple after all, and he is different from those who came to Shaolin later!"

"That's right! If the head abbot finds out the internal energy in my body, he will definitely misunderstand it, so it's better to pass the internal energy to elder brother as soon as possible!" Xu Zhu nodded quickly and said.

Murong Fu looked at Xu Zhu again and said: "Actually, your elder brother also has difficulties, after all he is a foreigner..."

"Well, wait for me to go to Murong's house to pick up two people in two days, and then I will go back to Shaolin with you. I will explain to your abbot for you. If he agrees with you, pass the internal energy to me, can you pass it on?" Qin Fan Just say so.

Murong Fu quickly looked at Qin Fan again and said, "No way..."

Before Murong Fu finished talking about Xu Zhu, he wanted to say first: "Impossible! This matter must not be let the head abbot know, the disciples of this temple are strictly forbidden to practice outside martial arts, although this time it was just an accident, it is considered a violation by me. If you let the head abbot find out, you will definitely punish me, big brother, just treat it as me begging you, please let me pass on the internal strength of Senior Wu Yazi to you!"

"I just think..." Qin Fan wanted to say something else, but Murong Fu, who was standing between the two, couldn't bear it any longer!
"Okay!" An angry roar startled Qin Fan and the two of them, Qi Qi looked at him as if asking you again, are you sick?
Taking a deep breath, Mo Rongfu was almost driven crazy by these two people, without such a person, one desperately wanted to send internal energy and the other just gave up all kinds of excuses, didn't see this one wanted of it?It's really a drought, a drought, a flood, a flood!
"Can you two listen to the next sentence?" Murong Fu looked at Qin Fan and said seriously: "Brother Qin, I know you are thinking of your sworn brother, but people in this world have their own aspirations, this little Xu Zhu It is understandable that you don't like martial arts and internal force, which is a murderous skill, so why do you bother him! And this little brother Xu Zhu, I understand your heart towards Buddha, but you may not know it , Brother Qin is practicing outer martial arts, and he has reached the pinnacle of his practice. You can't just give up the outer martial arts that you have been practicing for many years and practice inner martial arts for you, right? You may not be clear about Brother Qin's external martial arts talent It is rare in the world, not to mention the 70-year-old internal strength, even the 170-year-old Brother Qin would not want it! So..."

Indeed, since ancient times, people who practice martial arts have either cultivated external or internal skills, and few have practiced both.

In the practice of external kung fu, it is important to first repair the skin membrane, then repair the muscles and bones, and finally, after the viscera are cultivated, the steel and iron bones will not be broken. However, the problem lies in this. In the process of internal strength cultivation, it is inevitable to need to pass through the pulse. The so-called bottleneck of ordinary people's cultivation is this. At that time, the meridians were too closed to open and unable to improve, and the meridians of people who practiced external skills were extremely hard, and it was several times more difficult to clear the meridians than ordinary people. The meridians are estimated to be as hard as gold and iron. This kind of system can't open the meridians even with strong internal force. The result is that even if 70 years of internal force is poured into the ugly ghost's body, it may not be as good as the average practice of one or two years of internal energy. How strong are people.

"It doesn't matter at all, I have both internal and external training!" Qin Fan said after waving his hands as a matter of course.

"Did you hear, Brother Qin, he... what?" At first Murong Fu was thinking about how to direct the little monk's attention to himself, but he didn't expect Qin Fan to say such a sentence suddenly.

"I said I cultivated both internally and externally!" Qin Fan waved his hands impatiently, then turned his head and said to Xu Zhu: "Forget it! You really don't want Wu Yazi's internal force?"

"Yes! But if it will affect you, big brother, then I'd better find a way to dissipate the internal energy!" Xu Zhu said with some worry.

Hearing this, Murong Fu's heart skipped a beat, and he said goodbye, he doesn't need it and I'm still there!But before he opened his mouth to speak, Qin Fan suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Xu Zhu's shoulder, and the Beiming Divine Art in his body was running almost instantly, all of the 70-year Beiming Qi in Xu Zhu's body was sucked in.

But as Qin Fan drained his internal energy, Xu Zhu's body softened involuntarily, but Qin Fan stretched out his hand to support him and said helplessly: "Now you don't have any internal energy, what's the matter, do you regret it?"

Now that Qin Fan's Beiming's supernatural power has been achieved, he can send and receive freely, but under his deliberate control, he didn't hurt Xu Zhu at all, it's just that he suddenly lost his profound inner strength and felt a little weak all over!

"No, no!" Standing up again, Xu Zhu felt for a while that there was no internal energy left in his body, and then he heaved a sigh of relief, then clasped his hands together and waved to Qin Fan, saying: "Thank you, big brother, for fulfilling the task. If there is no internal energy, you can start again." Practice, it’s okay! The little monk still needs to meet up with the senior brothers in this temple, if the eldest brother and the benefactor Murong have time in the future, they can come to Shaolin Temple as guests, the little monk said goodbye!"

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that Xu Zhu turned to leave, Qin Fan suddenly called him to stop, then took Xu Zhu to a few steps away, and then whispered a few words to Xu Zhu!

"What?" I don't know what Qin Fan said to him, but Xiao Xuzhu's calm expression turned into a wonderful expression in an instant, and Qin Fan patted him on the shoulder vigorously at this time, and then smiled gracefully. Turning around and walking back to Murong Fu again, he said, "Let's go too!" After finishing speaking, Murong Fu, who was still there with a troubled expression, ignored him and walked away first.

(End of this chapter)

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