Chapter 53
In Gusu City, Yuelai Inn...
"Smelly girl, let me ask you something, who is the one who poisoned you!" Feng Bo shouted in a cold voice, but opposite him was an eleven or twelve-year-old girl who was hiding in the bed in the inn shivering and refusing to say anything. A word.

"Okay! It seems that she can't talk at all, so don't embarrass her. Take her back to Murong's house first, and you can rest assured that Brother San's hatred will not be forgotten like this!" Murong Fu looked at it coldly. Glancing at the girl, he turned to Qin Fan who was standing beside him with a strange expression, and said, "Brother Qin, Fourth Brother Feng and I are going to contact the boat at Huiyanziwu, and please stay and help take care of this girl for a while!"

"No problem!" Qin Fan waved his hands and said, "Don't be in a hurry to come back, I can just get in touch with this little sister!"

Hearing Qin Fan's words, Murong Fu frowned slightly, then glanced at the girl and said, "Yes! Brother Qin, you can do whatever you want!"

After saying that, Murong Fu and Feng Bo E walked out together.

"My lord, the corpses in that place are all crooked ways from the underworld. It's impossible to bring a girl by your side. There must be something wrong with that little girl!" Feng Er, who had just walked out of the inn, couldn't help but say.

"Maybe! But it might be the kind of villain like Ye Erniang who likes girls." Murong Fu said, not forgetting to glance at the direction of the inn before saying: "Fourth Brother Feng , you will go directly to Yanziwu by boat and let the two brothers Deng and Gong prepare, I will leave that Qin in Yanziwu!"

"What?" Feng Bo'e was taken aback when he heard this, and also raised his head to look in the direction of the inn with some puzzlement, and said, "Master, do you want his inner strength-absorbing technique?"

Although Murong's family has a good reputation in the martial arts world, they still use Shi Shui Pavilion to collect the world's secret books, which cannot be bought with money, so when I heard Murong Fu say this, I immediately thought of that ugly ghost absorbing the inner energy of that young monk. unique method.

"You don't need to ask about other things. In short, you must prepare properly when you go back. That ugly ghost has great external skills, and the method of attracting people's internal energy. I don't know how high the martial arts are. Remember to hit it with one blow, do you understand?" Murong Fu Seriously.

"Yes!" Feng Bo'e immediately nodded and turned around to leave, but after taking two steps, he stopped and turned to Murong Fu and said, "Young master, Bao Sange's revenge!"

"Don't worry, Third Brother Bao is from my Murong family. I, Murong Fu, will never let my retainers die in vain. This matter will not end like this." Murong Fu said solemnly.

"En!" Hearing Murong Fu say this, Feng Bo'e finally showed a look of gratitude on his face, then turned around and walked quickly to the edge of Taihu Lake.

However, Murong Fu shook his head in disdain when he saw the turmoil that was gradually going away. Murong Bo would give up even himself in order to revive Dayan. How could the son he raised care too much about the relationship between master and servant, including different things In his opinion, death is nothing more than a trivial matter. How important is the technique of absorbing internal energy? Of course, this matter cannot be left alone. After all, Bao Dong is one of the four great ministers under him. The matter of winning people's hearts must also be investigated clearly, but that is only a later story, the most urgent task now is to obtain the martial arts that absorb people's internal strength.

At the same time, Qin Fan, who was missed, was still sitting on the edge of the bed without knowing it, looking at the shivering girl who was hiding in the corner of the bed like a frightened deer.

"You really don't look like a dwarf!" Qin Fan looked at the girl carefully, but said to himself.

The girl didn't seem to understand what Qin Fan was saying at all, she just hid in the corner and lowered her head tremblingly without saying a word.

"Hehe! Not to mention, this ageless Changchun Kungfu is really good. It's not good to be able to rejuvenate once in 90 years. It would be great if you can stay young forever!" Qin Fan looked at the girl with a smile and said .

That's right!Qin Fan is 36% sure that this girl is Tianshan Child Elder, the reason is similar to what Feng Boxie guessed, so many people died in the barren mountains and wild mountains, but there is only one girl who seems to be powerless, what do you think? It’s not normal. Looking back at the original book, it seems that Murong Fu did encounter the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference held by Wu Boss, who mistakenly took Tianshan Child Elder as a little girl from Vulture Palace on his way back to Yanziwu after participating in the Zhenlong Chess Game. I remember that in the original book, Xu Zhu got off the child grandma after taking a shot. Now because of Qin Fan's intervention, Xu Zhu not only gave Wu Yazi's skill to Qin Fan, but also returned to Shaolin with other Shaolin people, and never passed by here. Of course, he would not just go down to Tianshan Child Elder. Thinking about it this way, the people who died in the woods were obviously people who participated in the 72th hole and [-]nd island of the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference. The girl's child elder is easy to form an alliance with, but now that the child elder is fine and those people are all dead, Qin Fan has to suspect that the poison that seems to turn people into zombies is probably made by this child elder.

Sure enough, when Qin Fan uttered the words "Changchun Gong of Immortality", the girl's body froze suddenly. Of course, the majestic Tianshan Child Elder would not be lucky like ordinary people. Since the ugly ghost in front of her could tell her The name of the martial arts practice means that the other party has a deep understanding of himself, and it is not surprising that he knows what he looks like. Fortunately, Tianshan Child Elder is not putting on an act. Laughed: "Hmph! To know the disadvantages of my martial arts, are you sent by that bitch?"

"Li Qiushui?" Qin Fan glanced at the other party and said, "Don't worry, I'm not familiar with that Li Qiushui. In fact, it's the opposite. Maybe I can help you."

"Help me?" Hearing that the ugly person said that it wasn't Li Qiushui, even the Tianshan Child Elder couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. At this time, the Child Elder's skill had only recovered to nine years old, not to mention her arch enemy Li Qiushui. At this time, she couldn't beat the old boss who didn't need a second move to kill him, so she didn't feel that this ugly ghost would lie to her. If she wanted to kill her, she could just shoot her directly. Now she has no way to fight back Li: "If you want to help me, do you know how high that bitch's martial arts is?"

"I don't need to know how good her martial arts is, because she's not as good as me anyway!" Qin Fan said stinky.

"Uh..." Child Elder asked herself that she was well-informed, but it was the first time she had seen such a self-proclaimed person, and she was slightly stunned: "Hahaha! Interesting, interesting! That bitch's martial arts are even It’s grandma and I can’t say that I will win in my prime, but you dare to say that you are better than her in martial arts?”

"Don't believe it?" Qin Fan was not angry when he saw the other party say this, but said, "Then how about we make a bet?"

"Oh! What do you want to bet?" Tianshan Child Elder asked curiously.

"Then it's not certain whether Li Qiushui will be able to meet you. When your martial arts return to its heyday, I will fight with you. If you win, I will help you eliminate Li Qiushui. On the other hand, if I win, I will remember you guys." There seem to be four sword servants in Vulture Palace, how about giving them to me?" Qin Fan said suddenly.

"Uh...hahaha!" Hearing Qin Fan's words that day, Child Elder Shan was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed as if she had heard the funniest joke in the world!
"Why, don't you dare?" Qin Fan couldn't help but said when he saw that the other party was laughing and not playing.

"Don't you dare? Hahaha! Brat, you're really interesting, grandma likes it! In this way, don't try it anymore. If you can find a way to protect my martial arts from returning to its heyday, I will be the four girls of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum." How about giving it to you?" Tianshan Child Elder said with a big smile.

"Then it's settled! It's noon soon and I'll get you some blood!" Seeing what the other party said, Qin Fan nodded and ran out in a panic.

Seeing Qin Fan walk out of the inn, the Tianshan Child Elder, who was still smiling, turned gloomy involuntarily.

What is the origin of this ugly ghost?It is said that the only practitioners who are familiar with their own martial arts are from the Xiaoyao Sect, but the problem is that with that ugly face, whoever dares to accept him into the Xiaoyao Sect will simply deceive the master and destroy the ancestors, but Child Elder doesn't care about the origin of the other party. As long as the other party is not with that bitch, it should be fine.

(End of this chapter)

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