King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 57 1 scum in the end

Chapter 57

There was a creaking sound, the wooden door was gently pushed open, and the faint incense had a quiet and sweet taste. The interior layout was elegant, unlike the daughter's residence, but it also gave people a refined feeling. Walking into the house, a faint The red candle made the room a bit more charming and seductive.

Qin Fan noticed that the windows in the room were all sealed so that although the room was lit with candles, it didn't look weird, and a woman in white on the bed was sitting with her back to the door.

"One?" Qin Fan frowned slightly, and couldn't help but feel a little slander in his heart. He walked forward slowly and walked directly in front of the woman in white. Qin Fan couldn't help being stunned by his pear-blossoming little face.

Is Wang Yuyan stupid?Possesses the ability to never forget and has a deep understanding of martial arts, both talent and wisdom are rare in the world, and Wang Yuyan's grandmother is Li Qiushui, the master is Wu Yazi, and her father is from the royal family of the Duan family. If such excellent genes She could be a fool unless Li Qingluo was exposed to nuclear radiation and mutated in her mother's womb when she was born!But some people may ask, if Wang Yuyan is really as talented and well-versed in martial arts as written in the book, why doesn't she have any basic skills?It's a long story here, everyone knows that Wang Yuyan is the granddaughter of Li Qiushui and Wu Yazi, but I'm afraid few people know that Wang Yuyan's mother Li Qingluo was Ding Chunqiu's adopted daughter!

Li Qiushui had been with Ding Chunqiu for a while before marrying into Xixia, and after giving birth to Li Qingluo, she handed her over to Ding Chunqiu to raise her, but she went to Xixia to become the imperial concubine, but this is the problem, Ding Chunqiu may have guessed Li Qingluo's father is Wu Yazi, but he is also afraid of Li Qiushui's superb martial arts skills, but he dare not treat Li Qingluo like him. On the contrary, he treats him as his own. It is her biological father and she is her enemy who killed her father and became her enemy. Therefore, although she would occasionally go to the Wang family to teach Li Qingluo martial arts, she would never legend the truly advanced martial arts, and she would not let Wang Yuyan practice martial arts. I don't like martial arts, so although I am very talented, I just read all kinds of martial arts and didn't practice them. Of course, these are digressions, but whether it is from Wang Yuyan's performance or her father's genes, It is absolutely impossible for Wang Yuyan to be a fool, but then again, is there not enough stupid things done by people who are not fools in this world?
Wang Yuyan has been fond of her cousin Murong Fu since she was a child, and it can be said that her heart is completely hung on her cousin. Now his cousin has made her cheat with another man. The little girl is completely delusional at this moment.If you give her a period of time to think about it, she might think about the Guan Qiao. But now, it's like the kind of child who was slapped on the head by Huazi. She can only do what Murong Fu says. It is very likely. By the time she wakes up, I'm afraid she has made a big mistake.

It seems that someone is approaching, and I look up at that person's head and face...
In fact, Wang Yuyan was already mentally prepared because Azhu and Abi He Qi said that Murong Fu would give the two of them to an ugly looking person, but even so, Wang Yuyan was heartbroken when she saw this ugly face. Wang Yuyan has always felt that, except for her cousin, there is no difference between beauty and ugliness among men in the world, but at this time Wang Yuyan has to say that she was really shallow in the past, and there are still such ugly men in this world. ?No!Are there still people here?
"Cousin! This is His Excellency Qin Fan whom I told you about. Hurry up and toast His Excellency Qin Fan!" Murong Fu who walked in with Qin Fan said.

The faint words made Wang Yuyan's body tremble, and the slap from her cousin just now seemed to still be painful...
"Hey, hello! Are you Wang Yuyan?" Qin Fan really never thought that he would meet Wang Yuyan in this situation, but when he turned to look at Murong Fu, Qin Fan felt extraordinarily weird.

Qin Fan thought that Murong Fusheng would be cold-hearted, but he never thought that he would be so cold-hearted. What does he want to do?Match yourself and Wang Yuyan?This is preparation, let Wang Yuyan sell it to herself!

Qin Fan was really shocked by Murong Fu's scumbag Chengdu, but he didn't know how shocking his ghostly act was to other people in this world, let alone that Murong Fu's scum was more than that!
"Cousin!" The originally gentle tone suddenly turned cold, Wang Yuyan trembled subconsciously, but she heard Murong Fu say coldly: "Don't embarrass cousin!"

Wang Yuyan's little face had turned pale a long time ago. Although Wang Yuyan was already eighteen or nineteen years old at this time, her mother who stayed in the Wang family all the time was of a domineering nature, so Wang Yuyan had a submissive nature in her bones. She thought that after marrying Murong Fu, her future life would be Naturally, it would be well arranged by his cousin, but he didn't think that his cousin would arrange a good marriage for him....
With light white fingers, he took the wine glass brought by Murong Fu and handed it to Qin Fan who was in front of him, but his eyes were downcast, neither daring to look at that earth-shattering face, let alone looking at his cousin.

"Cousin, come! You should have a drink too!" Murong Fu said suddenly.

"Ah? Oh!" After hearing Murong Fu's words, Wang Yuyan saw that there was still a glass on the tray, so she could only reach out to pick up the wine glass. She didn't know what to say, she just drank the wine silently and then still bowed her head. language.

"Okay! Then my cousin will talk to His Excellency Qin Fan. I will send someone to talk to my aunt. Don't worry, cousin!" After saying that, he slowly backed out with the tray, and when he retreated to the door, Qin Fan But Fan suddenly said, "Murong Fu! You are such a scumbag!"

Murong Fu trembled when he heard Qin Fan's words, but he didn't seem to be really angry when he saw the smile on that ugly face, and then he smiled slightly, but didn't say anything, just exited respectfully and closed the door , but the face that was smiling at the moment the door closed was full of ferocity.

No one likes to be a bastard from birth!What is his identity as Murong Fu?Would he be happy if he bowed his knees again and even offered up his cousin?However, after running around for these years, he is well aware of the difficulty of reviving Dayan. If there is no miracle, he will die like his father, but Murong Fuke is different from his father. He was born to be the emperor. People, if you can become the emperor, what is a woman?Yes!What is a woman!
While walking slowly, the tray in his hand was deformed by him...

"Young Master!" The three great officials of Murong's family appeared at the end of the corridor. Although the three of them were tied together and multiplied by ten in the competition for wine power, they were no match for Qin Fan. The ugly ghost was afraid that the three veterans would be really drunk in front of him.

Deng Baichuan stepped forward slowly: "Master! Miss Wang..."

"Bang!" Deng Baichuan had just uttered the word Miss Wang, but he didn't expect Murong Fu to slap him suddenly, and he didn't expect that his son would attack him. Even though Deng Baichuan's martial arts are not low, He was also hit by an acquaintance, he stepped back several steps before being fucked by Gongye behind him, Feng Bo'e supported him with his hands, but the corners of his mouth were bloodshot, it was obvious that the blow just now was not light.

However, Murong Fu didn't even look at the few people, and just said coldly: "From now on in front of me, don't mention that woman again!"

Walking around the three of them like a ghost, Murong Fu went away alone. The three members of the Murong family looked at each other but saw a look of disappointment on each other's faces. One's own woman goes to please others. Since ancient times, great things have been done regardless of the small details. In order to achieve great achievements, let alone a woman who is not married, how many people give away their wives?They were disappointed that Murong Fu's mind was confused because of such a trivial matter. You must know that there is still a long way to go for the Murong family to ascend to the supreme throne. If they don't have a true emperor's heart, they are worried Even if God really gave them this opportunity in the future, the Murong family would not be able to grasp it...
In the room, Qin Fan looked at Wang Yuyan who was still bowing his head silently, but he felt mixed emotions in his heart. Although Murong Fu made it clear that he gave Wang Yuyan to himself, Qin Fan didn't know what to do next, not because of his behavior. Not knowing how to do it, but psychologically!
Qin Fan is not a man of integrity, morals and cleanliness, he feels as if he is scratching his heart, and really wants to rush forward regardless, but at the same time, Qin Fan is also very afraid what will happen if Wang Yuyan struggles desperately if he does this?I am also a time traveler, the main character in the novel before the time travel, could it be that the overlord insists on bowing?Use strong directly?It will be blocked!

"It's so hot!" But just when Qin Fan hesitated and didn't know what to say, Wang Yuyan suddenly murmured.

"Your face is so red, are you drunk?" Qin Fan said subconsciously, but his heart was moved when he said these words, could it be that the wine just now...

But at the same time Qin Fan was thinking this way, Wang Yuyan's body, which was already a little shaky, suddenly collapsed. Almost subconsciously, Qin Fan hugged that hot delicate body in the gorgeous, but he did not expect the girl to be captured by Qin Fan. After embracing it, the body seemed to slip into Qin Fan's arms unconsciously, but a pair of jade hands seemed to be out of control, and began to stroke Qin Fan's fat belly.

"Damn... you do me like this..." Qin Fan almost immediately remembered that Zhong Wanchou seemed to have used aphrodisiac in the original book to solve Duan Yu and Mu Wanqing, and remembered that in the original book, Duan Yu seemed to knock himself out to solve the problem Question, is it necessary to knock Wang Yuyan unconscious?I'm fucking stupid.....
(End of this chapter)

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