King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 58 Trading

Chapter 58 Trading
Even though it was just crying, it consumed a lot of energy. Wang Yuyan was just an ordinary person. Without the blessing of internal strength, she could cry for a long time, but her voice had weakened after only ten minutes, and she hadn't fully recovered after crying for a long time. The little girl had already fallen asleep again.

Gently covering the girl with a quilt, Qin Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and checked the loyalty again, but it was already 20 o'clock!Although I don't know the difference between the ten points and twenty points of loyalty, Qin Fan obviously noticed that the loyalty point will not increase after it reaches twenty points. Obviously, the idea of ​​earning loyalty by relying on girls crying is not a good idea. It can't be realized, but Qin Fan is not too disappointed about it. As an otaku, Qin Fan used to play cultivation games to improve his favorability, which was much more troublesome than this.

Seeing that the girl seemed to be completely asleep, although he hadn't slept all night, Qin Fan's physique, let alone a night, would not have any effect even if he didn't sleep for ten days and a half months. Putting on his underwear, Qin Fan gently pushed her away. The door went out, which was beyond Qin Fan's expectation. After going out, he saw a maid guarding the door. After seeing Qin Fan coming out, the maid immediately said respectfully: "Master ordered the food to be ready. Do you need a servant to bring it to you?"

Hearing this, Qin Fan was stunned, but immediately realized that he had been in the room for more than ten hours, and of course a normal person would feel hungry. Speaking of which, Wang Yuyan hadn’t eaten for more than ten hours, but Qin Fan thought about it for a while. I still think not to wake her up, even if she wakes her up, Wang Yuyan is not in the mood to eat at this time, so let's wait until she wakes up.

"Take me to see you, son!" Qin Fan thought it would be better to have a chat with Murong Fu...
It was still the banquet living room, but this time there were only Qin Fan and Murong Fu. Compared with the Murong Fu yesterday at this time, he seemed a little haggard, but the feeling was not decadent, but a kind of almost morbid spirit. , It's like the feeling that a gambler feels after putting all his wealth on the table.

"This is the hereditary score sheet and jade seal of the Emperor of Great Yan Kingdom!" Murong Fu stood in front of Qin Fan and handed a piece of yellow satin and jade seal respectfully to Qin Fan!

"Why are you showing me this?" Of course Qin Fan knew about Murong Fu's identity, so after Murong Fu took out these two things, he didn't show the slightest surprise, but asked a little puzzled.

He frowned slightly, but Murong Fu spoke again in an instant: "I, the Murong family, are from the Xianbei tribe. In the past, the Great Yan Kingdom was so powerful that Heshuo conquered a splendid country, but it's a pity that the enemy was vicious and vicious and overthrew our country. The reason why I chose the name is to let me never forget the legacy of my ancestors, to destroy the Great Song Dynasty and rejuvenate the Great Yan..."

"Stop, stop!" Qin Fan interrupted Murong Fu's impassioned enthusiasm a little impatiently, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Why are you telling me these things? Are you interested in Dayan having something to do with me?"

"Your Excellency Qin Fan! Nowadays, the officials of the Great Song Dynasty are corrupt and the emperor is incompetent. In the north there is the Langgu of the Liao Kingdom, in the west there is Xixia and Tubo in the south, and in the south there is Dali and in the east there is Dali, and in the east there is my Great Yan. Just a little provocation and the strength of our five kingdoms can carve up this great land. Song..."

"Wait, wait!" Qin Fan raised his hand again to interrupt the other party's impassioned enthusiasm, and then said with some helplessness: "Let's not talk about whether the four countries will join forces, even if they will, do you think your Murong family can be called a country?" ?”

Hearing what Qin Fan said, Murong Fu's face obviously flashed with anger, but he immediately covered it with a smile: "Your Excellency is very true, it has been six hundred years since Dayan destroyed the country, but Don't forget, Your Excellency, since ancient times The most important thing is not the right time and place, but the righteousness of the body and mind. Only by obeying the righteousness can we control the world. Although my Great Yan exists in name only, my Murong family is the orthodox of the Great Yan Kingdom. As long as the world is in chaos, my Murong family will be fine. Taking advantage of the situation, I believe it will only take time to restore Dayan's former prestige."

What Murong Fu said was sonorous and powerful. He had already thought clearly about how to persuade Qin Fan last night. I have to say that although Murong Fu is scumbag, he also has some talents. After all, he was cultivated since childhood. If he is really a Murong Bo, who couldn't afford it, would not be willing to give Murong Fu another chance with his own life. What Murong Fu said made sense, but he really picked the wrong person this time. For example, even if the Xiao family father and son disagreed with the other party's proposal for various reasons, they would never be able to tell the fault of the other party's words, but the problem was that Qin Fan was sitting in front of him.

"Okay, okay! I didn't come here to listen to your bragging! I just asked you if you want to restore the country and become the emperor? What good will it do me if I help you?" Qin Fan said directly.

"As long as I succeed in restoring the kingdom of Yan, I can make Lanruo Temple the state religion, Your Excellency Qin Fan will be the national teacher, and I can become brothers with different surnames to rule the world!" A stranger like Qin Fan can't just give the other party a woman casually. He will be satisfied if he gives his cousin to the other party so that the other party will not pursue him for setting up an ambush. How would my cousin feel if she knew that her body was just a little extra for him?

"That's all right!" Qin Fan waved his hands and got up to go outside.

"Your Excellency... You are!" Unexpectedly, Qin Fan would leave after leaving such a sentence, Murong Fu stood up in a daze.

"In a few days, I'll ask someone to send you some gold. You should straighten your airs first, and the restoration of the country has to look like a restoration of the country!" Qin Fan shook his head and walked out.

"This..." Hearing what Qin Fan said, Murong Fu opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he closed his mouth. He wanted to say that the difficulties of a rich country should be considered in the long term, and before that, he should not be too ostentatious. , but the same year he is already 27 years old, if he doesn't step up, even if he succeeds in restoring the country in the future, how many days can he be emperor?This ugly ghost is impotent and powerful, and has amazing skills. If it is used properly, the current strength of the Murong family may not be invincible.

Murong Fu has his own thoughts. Of course, Qin Fan is not in a rush. Ever since the opening of Skynet, Qin Fan has had the idea of ​​setting up a base in Tianlong World, and with Qin Fan's current ability, it is really true that he wants to build an empire. It's not difficult, the T-800 can be exchanged directly, and it is not a problem to exchange Qin Fan's current luck value for a thousand or eight hundred. With these robots and thermal weapons, it is almost crushed in this world, but the problem is that after they are defeated Woolen cloth?Let Qin Fan manage it?Qin Fan really does not have the dream of being an emperor. If he had to be chosen, he would rather be a leisurely emperor than any emperor, so Qin Fan thinks that the emperor should be let those who have the dream of being an emperor. As for himself as a Han Is it a bit traitorous to help Dayan fight the Song Dynasty? Qin Fan said that the 56 ethnic groups belong to one family, not to mention Dayan, and even the Daliao in this world is an inseparable part of our country. Does it need to be so clearly distinguished? ?

And this kind of thing is something for later, Qin Fan's first priority is to think about how to coax him well...
Pushing open the door, Qin Fan carefully raised his foot, trying not to wake up the girl in the room, but Qin Fan's expression suddenly changed in the next second: "You, what are you doing?"

Following Qin Fan's gaze, she saw that Wang Yuyan was throwing a belt on the beam at this time, but she didn't know it was because Qin Fan was tormenting her too much yesterday and she didn't eat all day and night, but But there was no way to throw the belt over the beam, but when she heard Qin Fan's cry of reaching out, the little girl's body shook slightly and fell directly to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Qin Fan hurried forward to save him, but the girl shouted hoarsely, "Let me go! Please!"

The voice is indifferent, but there is no hatred, and some are just lifeless.

Qin Fan quickly dropped the opponent's attribute, and sure enough, the original sadness turned into collapse at some point.

(Why does this change back and forth?) Qin Fan frowned slightly, but it might be because the girl woke up and started to dig into the horns again?

"Calm down!" Qin Fan said helplessly, "You won't be able to solve the problem even if you die. What happened has already happened, why don't you stab me a few times to relieve your anger?"

Looking up at Qin Fan faintly, Wang Yuyan said indifferently: "Can you look at me for a while, can you look at me forever? Even if you can, I will die if I don't eat or drink. I just want to die soon!"

The indifferent voice made people shudder. Qin Fan obviously felt that Wang Yuyan's state was worse than 01:30 compared to the crying just now.

"Or, are you crying for a while?" Qin Fan is in the same place. Before time travel, he was a single dog with all abilities, and he didn't know how to coax people at all, but then again, even if he is a veteran of Huacong, he might encounter this situation Is it wrong?He's not a psychiatrist, in this case... wait a minute!Psychologist?

"I just want to die quickly, I just want to die quickly!" Wang Yuyan said calmly in an indifferent voice without any emotion.

"Do you really want to die?" Qin Fan said suddenly.

"I just want to die quickly!" Wang Yuyan didn't seem to hear what Qin Fan was saying, and Wang Yuyan's eyes seemed to become a little hollow.

"Okay! Do you want to die? Then I'll kill you..." The short and thick hands easily pierced the suet-like skin like a sharp knife, and the originally empty eyes seemed to feel the pain that represented death But there was a trace of fear, and in the next second, a different kind of peace appeared in the eyes that were originally empty.

"Is this death? Thanks...."

(End of this chapter)

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