King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 59 Gold

Chapter 59 Gold
On the Taihu Lake in the early morning, a building boat is approaching from far away. It is obviously a huge building boat without sails and paddles, but it is driving fast on the waveless Taihu Lake.

The word Wu in the Yanziwu book originally meant a fortress, and there were archery towers and towers built around it. Although the Murong family did not really raise the flag to rebel, they did have a certain amount of military power inside. They were so eye-catching, they were discovered by Murong's family members from a long distance away, and when the boat sailed to the pier, the three generals under Murong Fu had all arrived at the pier.

These days, the Murong family has frequent major incidents, and everyone in the Murong family has long been panic-stricken. Suddenly such a big boat came to Yanziwu, and they don't know if it is an enemy or a friend. It stands to reason that the other party came to Murong with such a big boat. No matter whether you are familiar with someone or not, you should first send someone to send a letter of worship, and wait for the host to invite you before docking. However, if you say that the visitor is not good at building ships and is not a warship, how many armors can this building ship hold?
"I don't know where the friend on the boat is!" Standing on the pier, Deng Baichuan asked. Although he was [-] meters away, his strong internal force made his voice envelop the entire boat, as if the voice was transmitted from the boat. Out rather than a hundred meters away.

A simple sentence shows Deng Baichuan's strong inner strength, the seemingly questioning is actually a deterrent, although Deng Baichuan is not as ostentatious as his son, and he is rarely seen in the world, but his inner strength is very strong, When it comes to martial arts, he will definitely not be inferior to Murong Fu, he has confidence in this sentence alone, and he will weigh a thing or two if the weak opponent is really bad.

"We are warrior monks from Lanruo Temple, here to bring gold to Mr. Murong!" It was the same sentence, different from Deng Baichuan's internal energy crossing voice, this voice was shouted out alive, but the voice was as loud as The tiger roared like a mountain forest, even standing on the pier, he was slightly frowned by the sound, but he couldn't feel the other party's internal strength.

If things go wrong, there must be a demon. The three ministers looked at each other, and they also saw fear in each other's eyes. It is said that the ugly ghost was from Lanruo Temple. The palm is even more like a fairy Buddha descending into the world, and now the person who teleports the speaker in this building has such a voice even though he obviously doesn't use any internal force?Unbelievable, simply unbelievable.

"Boom!" A muffled sound came from the boat above, and a springboard made of gold and iron was set up on the boat and the pier, followed by two bald men in monk robes, one behind the other. The huge iron box got off the boat, but just as the first big man walked halfway, the wooden pier suddenly broke, and the bald man in front fell directly into the water, but the huge iron box was smashed hard. There was a loud bang on the splint and the metal diving board.

The three members of the Murong family who were standing on the shore frowned slightly, but it was still Deng Baichuan who spoke first: "Save first..."

Originally Deng Baichuan saw someone falling into the water, although he was very wary of this Lanruo Temple, but since he came to their Yanziwu, he had no reason to refuse to save him, so after seeing the monk falling into the water, he subconsciously wanted to say "" Save people first." But just halfway through the words, it was the mail. The monk on the deck actually pushed the huge iron box down in the direction of the person who fell into the water just now!

When the huge iron box hit the diving board just now, Deng Baichuan and the others guessed that the iron box was not light, and seeing the speed when it fell into the water at this time confirmed this point, but the question is what do you want to do?I'm afraid that the person who just fell into the water will not drown, so make up again?
And just when Deng Baichuan and the others were stunned, they saw a few bald men in monk robes jumping off the boat on that building, and they disappeared as soon as they entered the water. It seemed that they were all watery, but what happened next The thing is that the open mouths of Deng Baichuan and these veterans can no longer match.

I saw that the iron boxes on the boat on the building were pushed down into the lake one by one. You must know that those boxes are made of metal at first glance, even if they don’t contain anything, they will definitely not be light. It's very difficult to salvage it just like this, but looking at the other party, it seems that they want to let the monks who jumped down before bring those boxes ashore from the bottom of the lake?

Deng Baichuan really didn't know what to say at this time!Are these people idiots?Transported from the bottom of the lake?What do they think?Not to mention the limited strength of a person, it is inconvenient to breathe in the lake water, and if he fails to carry such a heavy object, he may be drowned alive. Even if these problems are not considered, one must know that the silt in the lake water is accumulated The whole person may fall into the quagmire, and at that time, he will not be able to move an inch, and he will not be able to get out...
However, when Deng Baichuan and the others couldn't understand why these people ran all the way to their Yanziwu to throw themselves into the lake, they saw the lake water by the pier suddenly rippling, followed by the black iron box. Just like that, he came up from the bottom of the water.

"Damn..." The three great ministers stared at this scene for a long time, the iron box sank in the water, it was obviously very heavy, no matter how good a person's water skills are, he would not be able to swim with such a big iron box, no!The other party obviously didn't swim out of the water, but walked over at the bottom of the lake like this, but how could the silt accumulation at the bottom of the lake come out?
If the three retainers had clairvoyant eyes like Qin Fan at this time, they would have seen that there were several bald men carrying iron boxes at the bottom of the lake, walking slowly one by one, just like Deng Baichuan. As one would think, most of these bald men are carrying the iron box and most of their bodies are sunk in the mud. For ordinary people, even if their inner strength is extremely deep, it would take a lot of energy to break through the mud and move forward. But these bald men The big man turned a blind eye to the mud. Although his walking was obviously a bit sluggish, his speed did not slow down at all from the beginning to the end, and he just walked forward in the mud step by step.

"Boom!" The huge iron box was placed heavily on the gravel on the shore, and the bald man in monk's robe walked back into the lake with no expression on his face, and then he saw another bald man in the lake. Carried the iron box and moved it to the shore.

Just like this, the boxes were moved out of the water and then stacked neatly. In a few minutes, there were as many as forty or fifty of the iron boxes on the shore.

At the same time, Murong Fu also hurried over from Canhe Village, he frowned slightly when he first saw the mountains of iron boxes piled up on the bank, and his frown deepened after he came to Deng Baichuan and the other three for a brief question.

Qin Fan told him that he would give him some gold and silver to facilitate his return to the country, but the other party had no followers and no carrier pigeons. Although Murong Fu didn't feel that Qin Fan was lying to him, he also thought that he meant to wait until he returned to Lanruo Temple. Later, he will send someone to bring the gold and silver to him. I didn't expect that Lanruo Temple would send the gold and silver two days after the ugly ghost just finished speaking. Could it be that he had already prepared it before he came?
Looking at the iron boxes that were still being moved out, Murong Fu was secretly startled, the iron box looked unclear, if it was filled with silver, the box would not weigh more than a thousand catties?impossible!It will definitely not be full, but even so, it must be three or four hundred catties, right?These people resisted it out of the water one after another like this, how much strength did it take?What is the origin of this Lanruo Temple?
Soon one hundred boxes were all put neatly there, and then a few bald men in monk robes walked down to the bottom of the lake like this, and then a few cables were lowered from the upstairs boat. From the beginning to the end, Murong Fu and his party ignored the huge boat on the shore without wind. After drawing a circle by the Taihu Lake, it turned around and sailed away.

"This..." Not only Murong Fu, but all the people present showed strange expressions on their faces. How did this big boat move without sails or paddles?
This is really strange. Every year, especially this year, first met the ugly ghost with inhuman power, and now a group of powerful monks came and took a strange boat, Murong Fu felt more and more that this Lanruo Temple He was so unpredictable that he even faintly doubted whether he had done something wrong in placing the Murong family as a bet on that ugly ghost!

"My lord! Come and take a look!" While Murong Fu was in a daze, Feng Bo'e came to the iron box first, because the iron box's mortise lock could be opened without a key at all, so Feng Bo'e immediately stretched out his hand and opened it. An iron box was opened, but he was slightly taken aback when he saw the contents inside, and saw that the iron box was neatly filled with a whole box of gold bars!
Hearing Feng Bo'e's shout, Murong Fu hurried over, but when he saw the gold bars in the box, his expression was a bit strange, since all the people in Yanziwu were from his Murong family, Murong Fu went forward without any scruples Holding the pull ring on one side of the iron box, he pulled it hard, as if he wanted to pour out all the gold bars in the iron box, but the iron box didn't move at all when he pulled it.

"This..." Some big families in this world also like to store gold bars, but unless they are left untouched, if they are usually put in a box for the convenience of transportation, if they are gold bars, they will never fill the box full. It is almost the limit to put one layer to two layers in the box. Otherwise, not to mention that no one can move it, even if someone can move it, the ordinary wooden box cannot bear the weight of a box of gold!But if you want to come to the other party, it is estimated that they will change to the iron box to install it at this point, right?
"My lord, what if it's all gold here? I'm afraid there might not be so much gold in the treasury of the Great Song Dynasty, right?" Feng Baoxi said with some differences: "What is the origin of that ugly monster? Where did it come from? How golden is it?"

Of course, it is impossible for Murong Fu to win over Qin Fan without telling several retainers, so all three of the retainers knew about Qin Fan's offer to give gold to Murong Fu, but none of them thought that Qin Fan would be able to give so much money. Gold comes.

"My lord!" Deng Baichuan came to Murong Fu suddenly and said cautiously: "This box of gold weighs at least thirty to forty thousand catties, and those people can carry it underwater with their own strength. I guess those monks I'm afraid that my foreigner's kung fu is not inferior to that of Qin Fan, and this Lanruo Temple is probably not easy!"

Hearing the words of the three retainers, Murong Fu's eyes gradually became cold and ferocious, and his expression of fear in shock gradually turned into madness.

In order to cling to that ugly ghost, Murong Fu even gave up his own dignity, and even sent his cousin to the other party to ruin him. The other party should be so simple. If the other party is simple, if the other party is ordinary, then I am You should regret it!

"Hehe! Hahahaha!" Suddenly Murong Fu stood by the Taihu Lake and laughed, while at the same time, Qin Fan, who was lying on the bed in Shenhe Village, hugged Wang Yuyan, who was sleeping like a kitten, was suddenly taken aback. The long-lost system message sounded again: "Random mission, mission name: Ambition of a hero, mission requirement: capture a city within one month, mission reward: contract scroll x1 silver treasure chest x1"

(End of this chapter)

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