Chapter 64

On the huge water bed in a luxurious hotel suite, a man with a flat nose, wide mouth, swollen eyes, bubble skin and dark skin was lying on the bed with a cigarette in large letters!Of course it was Qin Fan who looked so strange in person!Beside Qin Fan, the same naked woman was still looking at him with a cute face.

"How do you feel?" Facing the girl's suspicious eyes, Qin Fan couldn't help but blush a little. How could Qin Fan have a sense of "three years of blood and death penalty" in the other party's pure eyes?

"Feeling? There is no feeling at all!" Feng Baobao said with some doubts.

"It's a bit too much for me to rely on you to say that. I can accept everything else. You say that you don't feel it. I am not convinced. Although it is not particularly big, it is definitely above the passing line. And with my body, I tell you that I am If it wasn't for my mercy, I could beat you to bleed!" Qin Fan sat up very dissatisfied and said.

"Oh! But I just don't feel it! But you seem to like doing this kind of thing!" Feng Baobao said indifferently.

"Men will like it!" Qin Fan seemed to be a little worried: "You really don't feel it?"

"Hmm! Should I feel something?" Feng Baobao said confidently.

"Uh...yes, there should be, right?" Qin Fan felt a little guilty when asked by the other party. Could it be that only men feel good about men and women doing such things?Women are actually pretending?It shouldn't be!Although I have no experience before time travel, I have read a lot of teaching materials on the Internet. Could it be that they are all cheated?
And just when Qin Fan was falling into self-doubt, the door of the hotel bathroom was carefully pushed open, and Wang Yuyan, who carefully walked out of the bathroom while arranging her bathrobe, said, "Brother Qin , This shower head is really amazing! It can let water flow out from above, it is really convenient for bathing!"

Ignoring Wang Yuyan's surprise, Qin Fan asked anxiously when he saw the other party approaching, "Yan'er, you came just in time, let me ask you, did you have a good time last night?"

"Ah???" Asked by Qin Fan's nonsensical question, Wang Yuyan was a little confused. Her pretty face, which was slightly flushed because she had just taken a hot bath, turned even redder.

"I'm going to take a shower too!" Seeing Wang Yuyan coming out, Feng Baobao didn't wear any clothes, just jumped off the bed and ran into the bathroom naked.

Seeing Feng Baobao's magnanimous appearance, Wang Yuyan couldn't help showing a hint of resentment on her panicked face.

At first, he thought he had found support, but he didn't expect that Brother Qin would have a new love in just a few days. Although it is normal for a husband to have three wives and four concubines, if his mother finds out about this matter... Wang Yuyan dare not think about it anymore!
"Yan'er, don't you feel comfortable too?" Seeing Wang Yuyan's tangled face, Qin Fan felt that his worldview had collapsed. Could it be that he had been deceived all this time?Only men feel comfortable doing that kind of thing, but women don't feel it at all?Yes, otherwise, why would the country’s laws specifically stipulate that rape is “against women’s wishes” because only men feel good about doing that kind of thing, and women don’t feel it at all, so men should be punished as beneficiaries Correspondingly, because women get nothing by doing this, they don't have to be punished, so that's how it is!
Feeling as if he had suddenly glimpsed a big secret, Qin Fan hugged Wang Yuyan in his arms with emotion and said sincerely: "Yan'er, I have wronged you! I always thought that when we did that kind of thing, we would It’s very comfortable, now I know that you shouted so loudly because you wanted to cooperate with me, I’m really, I’m really touched!!!”

"Screaming so loudly?" Wang Yuyan, who was hugged in her arms, recalled the feeling of last night and heard Qin Fan's snow-white face turn from red to purple, thinking that this enemy said everything. , I just yelled a few times, I can't control the situation at all!

"Actually, Yan'er, you don't have to do this in the future. Although I know you are cooperating with me, there is no need to show that expression. Although I saw it like that, it is really very..." Before Qin Fan could finish speaking this time, Wang Yuyan had already endured. I couldn't stop stretching out my two hands to directly cover that big mouth. Although there were only two people in the room at this time, there were some things that I could only do but not talk about!
"What's the matter?" Although her mouth was gagged, Wang Yuyan's strength was not very strong. Putting her hands on Qin Fan's big mouth could not achieve the effect of completely silence, at most it was similar to wearing a mask.

"It wasn't intentional!" Wang Yuyan lowered her head and said, wishing she could find a crack in the ground and slip in.

"What? Wasn't it intentional?" Qin Fan asked in confusion.

"!" Wang Yuyan's voice was as thin as a mosquito, but Qin Fan could hear clearly: "Then...are you comfortable too?"

"Squeak..." Like the cry of a small animal, Wang Yuyan blushed and agreed!

"Is that right? I said that those films can't all be deceiving!" Qin Fan said with relief, but his expression changed again in the next second (then why did Feng Baobao say she didn't feel it? Her character should not lie, could it be that she is really weak? Impossible, if the skills are still possible, after all, she used to be theoretical knowledge and skills may be lacking, but as the saying goes There is no reason for Dan’s physique to be insensitive... Wait! If it’s not my problem, could it be Boa’s body...)

"Bao'er! Come out!" Qin Fan suddenly shouted.

"What are you doing?" Hearing Qin Fan's call, Feng Baobao poked his head out of the bathroom and asked.

"Come here!" Qin Fan greeted directly.

"Oh!" Hearing what Qin Fan said, Feng Baobao walked out of the bathroom directly, but Qin Fan didn't care about the wetness on the other party's body, so he exchanged it for a needle and took Feng Baobao's hand to point at the other party's. A finger stabbed straight down.

"Why are you stabbing me?" Feng Baobao said in a puzzled way with a Sichuan accent.

"Does it hurt?" Qin Fan asked instead.

"Of course it will hurt if you stab me!" Feng Baobao said naturally.

Seeing Feng Baobao say this, Qin Fan unconsciously showed a puzzled expression. According to the original book, Feng Baobao would often dislocate his joints to get out of trouble when he was captured in battle, and he would never cry out for pain when he was injured. Qin Fan Fan thought that the other party was born without pain nerves, so that she didn't feel it when Qin Fan was having sex with her?But obviously Feng Baobao can feel pain, but if that's the case.

"You're not that indifferent, are you?" Qin Fan said suspiciously.

"Why indifference?" Feng Baobao asked puzzled.

Qin Fan didn't answer Feng Baobao's question but continued to say to himself: "This is not good, if it is really so indifferent, how much fun will be lost, this disease can be cured!"

(End of this chapter)

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