King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 65 Fengshayan

Chapter 65 Fengshayan

In the bustling commercial street, a man with a swollen nose, wide mouth and swollen eyes was hugging two young girls with exquisite facial features and elegant temperament. look sideways.

"Brother Qin, do we have to come here? Why are people here looking at us?" Wang Yuyan said timidly, holding Qin Fan's arm a little uncomfortably.

Contrary to Qin Fan's expectations, as the only traverser in this world, Wang Yuyan was not as surprised by the strange surroundings as Qin Fan imagined. Qin Fan could see the curious look in the girl's eyes occasionally, but the girl restrained herself. Very good, I never make a fuss, the so-called lady of every family probably refers to a girl like Wang Yuyan!
"Maybe it's because I saw him ugly! After all, I was shocked when I first saw him so ugly!" On the contrary, Feng Baobao is much freer and more straightforward, although Qin Fan I specially asked Wang Yuyan to sort it out briefly. At this time, it seemed to be quiet and quiet, but it still gave people a carefree feeling when speaking.

"Stinky girl! Does your husband believe that I spank your ass?" Qin Fan said with some dissatisfaction.

"Okay Brother Qin, Sister Bao'er doesn't mean that, and I don't think Brother Qin, you are ugly, you just look a little special, I think you are quite cute!" Wang Yuyan said with a smile.

"Look! My sister Yan'er has the vision, let's go, I will reward you!" Qin Fan walked directly to a jewelry store next to him while talking.

Since the currency of this world can be exchanged directly with the value of luck, Qin Fan wanted to experience the feeling of "scrambling". Supermarkets only shop in the special area. Now that you have money, you can’t experience the feeling of spending money. But neither Wang Yuyan nor Feng Baobao seem to have any experience in shopping. After shopping for a while, they didn’t buy anything. , so Qin Fan decided that it is better to take the initiative by himself.

"Bring me all the most valuable jewelry you have here!" Qin Fan shouted directly as he opened the door and approached a very dignified jewelry store.

In an instant, the entire jewelry store became eerily quiet, and a few security guards approached Qin Fan without leaving a trace. If it wasn't for the fact that Qin Fan was accompanied by two beautiful and scary girls, it was probably because of the security guard's words just now. I can jump over!

"Hehe! Sir, is there anything I can help you with?" The stylishly dressed woman greeted her directly and said.

Although the other party was not wearing a uniform professional suit like the other waiters, judging from the attitude of the people next to him, it was obvious that he should be someone like the boss here.

"Didn't you see that I'm going to buy jewelry for my two girlfriends!" Qin Fan said grinningly, and the corners of the other party's mouth twitched slightly when he was talking about the two girlfriends in the elated tone of the Wannian single dog, but Qin Fan was undecided, and while reaching into his arms, he took out a stack of cash from his private space and slapped it vigorously on the table, with the face of a nouveau riche.

"Uh..." Seeing Qin Fan say this, the woman obviously showed a hint of impatience, as if the other party was not here to rob but to buy something and disappointed her, then she glanced at the stack of banknotes contemptuously and said lightly: "Sir! Put the money away, our Tianxia Group has rules, we don't allow you to take tips from customers casually!"

"Small, tip..." Qin Fan couldn't help but turn dark, but before he could speak again, Feng Baobao said, "Hey, I seem to have seen you before!"

"Huh?" The woman was taken aback when she heard Feng Baobao's words, looked up and down suspiciously at Feng Baobao, and suddenly her expression became weird: " are that dirty and disgusting guy? did you become like this? gone?"

Because Wang Yuyan helped Feng Baobao wash up before coming out, and Qin Fan changed the clothes for the two of them respectively. At this time, Feng Baobao's appearance was quite different from his usual attire. But Feng Baobao is a real beauty in terms of skin and appearance. Compared with her usual appearance, she has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"You know this woman?" Qin Fan looked at Feng Baobao in surprise!
"Oh! It seems to be a little girl from the Tianxiahui. I met it when I was entrusted with a task before!" Feng Baobao scratched his head and said.

"Hmph! You are also a person who knows everything? No wonder, the chassis of our Tianxiahui has money, you simply don't know the heights of heaven and earth!" The fashionable woman said disdainfully.

"Tianxiahui?" Qin Fan also remembered at this time, this woman should be the daughter of Feng Zhenghao, the boss of Tianxiahui, named Feng Shayan, and the other party's ability is very rare, it is a kind of ability similar to space movement. In the original book, it seems that I got together with the guy from the imperial object.

After learning the name of this world, Qin Fan checked his exchange list. Although there were indeed many skills and exercises in the list, there were no innate abilities like Feng Shayan at all. I don't know if I hunted down the opponent here, will the opponent's ability appear in the exchange list like the mirror flower and water moon.

"Boy! What are you looking at? Don't think that I won't dare to touch you after joining that bullshit express company. Don't forget that this is the chassis of Tianxiahui!" It seems that Feng Shayan's attitude towards Qin Fan became even worse after discovering Feng Baobao's identity. up.

And following Feng Shayan's words, the carefree expression on Qin Fan's face also turned cold, almost instantly the invisible pressure spread around like a tide, and Wang Yuyan, who had been hiding beside Qin Fan, immediately froze. Ruan directly fell to the side, but was grabbed by Qin Fan, and the strange coercion disappeared.

"Are you okay?" Qin Fan asked concerned.

"Brother Qin, I'm sorry..." After all, Wang Yuyan is just an ordinary person, and she is the closest to Qin Fan. Although Qin Fan didn't target anyone just now, but subconsciously failed to control the pressure in his body to leak a little bit, he is not an ordinary person. It's bearable, but Wang Yuyan's complexion has turned pale at this time.

"I don't blame you! It's my fault!" Qin Fan said softly with some distress, and then calmly glanced at Feng Shayan who was not far away, but she didn't say anything and directly supported Wang Yuyan to go out.

On the other side, until Qin Fan walked out of the jewelry store, Feng Shayan still stood there quietly and motionless. Although it was only for a moment, Qin Fan said that the aura leaked was something that she, the young lady of the Tianxiahui, had never seen before. Yes, even her father, Feng Zhenghao, the founder of Tianxiahui, didn't have such powerful qi.

"What's the origin of that ugly ghost?" Feng Shayan said to herself with a solemn expression as she watched the three people walking away from the glass door.

(End of this chapter)

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