King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 66 Unfathomable

Chapter 66 Unfathomable
"Brother Qin, I'm sorry, it's all my fault!" Back in the hotel suite, Wang Yuyan looked at Qin Fan apologetically and said, "It's because I'm so useless that I let you down!"

"I don't blame you, it's because I didn't think carefully. By the way, Yan'er, I want to teach you some kung fu. Although I know you may not like learning martial arts, but..." Before Qin Fan could finish speaking, Wang Yuyan spoke first : "I want to learn!"

"Huh?" Qin Fan, who had seen Tianlong, always thought that Wang Yuyan and Duan Yu didn't like martial arts, but he didn't expect that after he asked Wang Yuyan to learn martial arts, the other party agreed so readily.

As if seeing Qin Fan's doubts, Wang Yuyan said: "Actually, when I was young, I saw my cousin practicing martial arts and I liked to practice with him, and at that time I learned faster than my cousin, but my mother didn't like it very much. I practice martial arts, and every time I see me practicing martial arts, I will be furious, saying that it is good for girls to learn piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, knitting, and knitting. willing!"

"Is that so? That's great!" Hearing what Wang Yuyan said, Qin Fan nodded, and then suddenly took out an ancient thread-bound book and handed it to Wang Yuyan, saying, "Try it and see if it works!"

"This is..." He took the ancient book handed over by Qin Fan: "Small Wuxiang Gong?"

Wang Yuyan can be regarded as a master of martial arts in the world, but she has never heard of this little Wuxiang Kung Fu used by any sect in the Jianghu. However, since it was given to her by Qin Fan, Wang Yuyan is not prepared to refuse it, and directly Open this ancient book.

However, the moment the ancient book was opened by Wang Yuyan, the thread-bound book that looked ordinary and boring instantly turned into a stream of light and penetrated into Wang Yuyan's eyebrows. In the next second, Wang Yuyan's fair face immediately showed pain. The whole person was shaking and was about to fall, but Qin Fan stretched out his hand to support him.

"How do you feel?" Qin Fan asked.

"'s a strange feeling. I seem to have learned it?" As the golden light pierced into Wang Yuyan's eyebrows, the girl immediately felt a severe swelling and dizziness in her head, but the discomfort came and went quickly. Hurry up, it disappeared in just a few seconds and was replaced by a large number of qi circulation routes and various changes in her mind. However, what surprised Wang Yuyan most was that she not only memorized these qi circulation methods, but also seemed to She has already practiced this special inner strength. Although she doesn't have inner strength now, she still remembers how the inner strength works and even the feeling when it works, as if she knew how to use this set of inner strength in the first place.

"It really works?" Qin Fan couldn't help being overjoyed when the other party said this. He was worried about what to do if the other party couldn't use the skills he exchanged, but now it seems that his worries are completely unnecessary. You are polite, and immediately exchanged several secret books.

"This is the Beiming magical skill, which can absorb people's internal energy. You don't have any internal energy now. This skill is just right for you. There is also this set of Lingbo Weibu, let me give it to you together. The six-veined sword is fine, but ten fingers But there are only six heads that can be used. Obsessive-compulsive disorder means that you can’t afford to hurt them. This set of Baihong has good palm strength and is said to be able to turn corners. You can see if it suits you. By the way, baby, come here too. I think the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon are the most suitable for you, and I think the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon are very suitable for the Immortal Changchun Kung Fu, they are both fierce and domineering, and they are just right for you..." However, it was on Qin Fan While you were helping the two of them gain skills one by one, Qin Fan didn't know that his sudden appearance had already caused quite a stir outside.

"Unfathomable? The Xu family boy is a bit exaggerated, isn't he just kidnapping a temporary worker? What's the fuss!" Everywhere leads to the company headquarters, and several old men in the conference room are panicking because of the sudden appearance of someone. Arguing.

"That guy is indeed unusual. There is no record in the company's information at all, and he doesn't know where he came from. According to Xu San's story, the other party's strength may have reached its peak. I watched that kid Xu San grow up. He The words are still very reliable." Zhao Fangxu, the chairman of the company, said seriously.

"Jie Ding? Has the Xu family kid seen anything called Ju Ding?" someone sarcastically said dissatisfied.

"The temporary workers in all regions of the company are not weak. Since the other party can take people away, they should still have the strength! I think this is an opportunity. Since the temporary workers have problems, we might as well let the temporary workers solve it themselves. It would be best if it can be resolved, if not, we will take this opportunity to rectify those temporary workers, what do you think..."

Tianxia Group....
"Unfathomable? This is not like what my precious daughter said! Have you ever fought with him?" Feng Zhenghao looked at the girl in front of him with some playfulness and said.

"I didn't do anything, but although I don't want to admit it, if I did, I might be killed by him in an instant!" Feng Shayan said solemnly.

"Oh..." Feng Zhenghao glanced at his daughter in surprise. Feng Zhenghao couldn't understand his daughter very well. She was always strong and would never back down even if she couldn't beat her. This kind of expression came, even as the father of the other party, it was the first time he saw it.

Slightly squinting his eyes, the qi in Feng Zhenghao's body suddenly burst out, and the violent power instantly enveloped Feng Shayan.

"Better than this qi?" Feng Zhenghao said seriously.

Faced with her father's powerful Qifeng, Shayan was obviously a little shaky, but even so she nodded with difficulty: "I'm not sure, but the feeling at that moment... is probably a hundred times stronger than yours. !"

In an instant, the extremely violent qi disappeared, but Feng Zhenghao looked at his daughter in surprise, but he didn't see the slightest sign of joking on his daughter's face.

"One hundred times? Hehe, it's interesting..." Feng Zhenghao pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said.

In the dilapidated unfinished building...
"Unfathomable? You said you felt it when you dug up this corpse?" Looking at the corpse of the old man in front of him, Lu Liang, a newcomer member, looked at the person hiding behind a zombie not far away with some playfulness. He said, "You also came here for Zhang Xilin's corpse?"

"I don't know! I just felt his presence, I didn't see anyone!" The zombie actually said: "In short, I have brought you the corpse as agreed, so I am already one of you, right?"


(End of this chapter)

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