Chapter 67

"You have to be careful, I have refined the triple burner according to the exercise you taught me. Compared with the old agricultural exercise, this exercise is more domineering and more difficult to practice. I have just practiced it and I can't send and receive freely!" In the woods, Feng Baobao stood in front of Qin Fan and spoke.

"Ah, ah, ah! Don't worry, just shoot, if you can hurt me, I will let you be on top in the future!" Qin Fan waved his hand indifferently.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if I'm up or down, I don't feel it anyway, but since you said that..." Feng Baobao's figure disappeared instantly after the words fell. Although he didn't learn any light skills, Feng Baobao was very fast In addition, now that she has practiced the Immortal Changchun Kungfu, the internal energy spreads all over her body, which makes her body's various values ​​go up to a higher level. The speed alone is not inferior to Qin Fan's flying feet. Of course, Qin Fan is not good at speed. So it's not too difficult to find someone who is faster than him.

Almost instantly, Feng Baobao's figure appeared behind Qin Fan, but a sharp knife was already pressed against the back of Qin Fan's neck.

"Damn it! Where did you hide the knife in your dress?" Qin Fan said in surprise, feeling the sharpness of the back of his neck.

"You lost!" Feng Baobao said lightly.

"Ah? You didn't stab me, it doesn't count!" Qin Fan shrugged and said.

"Okay!" Feng Baobao was not polite, the blade suddenly slashed down, but there was a sound of cloth being torn, and Qin Fan's clothes on the back were cut open a foot long.

"Ah! Feng Baobao, what are you doing?" Wang Yuyan, who was standing on the sidelines watching the two people compete, let out a scream when she saw this. Originally, when she saw the two people talking about the competition, she thought it was just a joke. She used to watch it at home often. When someone competes in martial arts, they are all point-to-point. Who would have thought that Feng Baobao's attack would be so excessive. Although Wang Yuyan has never practiced martial arts before, she does have eyesight. Big brother Qin is critical, but this knife is clearly intended to hurt people. It is obviously just a fight, how can it be so heavy?

"It's okay, it's okay! You just watch there and don't come over!" Of course, Qin Fan knew what Wang Yuyan was worried about, so he stretched out his hand to tear off his shirt without any nonsense, revealing some loose fat, and then turned around to look at the same surprised man Feng Baobao said: "Your attack is obviously not enough!"

"Oh..." Just as Wang Yuyan said, Feng Baobao's attack just now was indeed rushed to stab Qin Fan, but Feng Baobao didn't have any malicious intentions. He just thought that if the other party asked for it, then he would do it well, and he died anyway. No, but I didn't expect that my opponent didn't even hurt the skin membrane.

"Then..." Feng Baobao's eyes gradually became serious, his figure flashed again, and then a series of metal knocking sounds suddenly came from around Qin Fan's body, but Feng Baobao soon discovered that this guy's body was actually hard What surprised Baobao Feng the most was that she couldn't feel the other party's qi being used, as if the other party's body itself was so hard.

"It's useless for you to do this. You can't hurt me even if you use this kind of Chengdu attack for a year!" Qin Fan didn't fight back, just let Baobao Feng's kitchen knife keep chopping on himself and finally...

"Kaba!" With a crisp sound, the kitchen knife in Feng Baobao's hand finally broke due to overwhelm.

"The knife is broken..." The figure flew back a few meters and looked at the broken knife in his hand. Feng Baobao said blankly. After a slight pause, Feng Baobao threw away the broken knife in his hand and said: "Okay! I have to be serious. Big Dragon Creampie...."

"What..." Qin Fan was taken aback by the inexplicably familiar name, but in the next second he saw Feng Baobao push out with both palms, and the dragon-shaped true energy came out of his hands.

For no reason, Qin Fan suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, but he saw that dragon-shaped true energy suddenly opened his mouth and a white energy cluster shot towards Qin Fan at two speeds.

"I rely on..." Although Qin Fan is completely confident in his physical defense, but looking at the white energy, Qin Fan instinctively feels a resistance in his heart, and almost subconsciously wants to avoid it. However, the opponent Although the name of this move "Excessive Dragon's Injection" is a little strange, but the move is very mysterious. The dragon-shaped true energy released from the hand is originally extremely fast, and the speed of the energy cluster ejected from the dragon's mouth is even faster than the original speed. , the speed increased to the extreme in almost an instant, making Qin Fan unable to dodge even if he wanted to dodge, the next second...
"Bang!" Being directly hit by the white energy ball, the white energy flowed on the surface of Qin Fan's body, and Qin Fan only felt a faint tingling feeling spread all over his body.

"Stop!!!" Qin Fan quickly waved his hand to stop Feng Baobao, who was about to attack, and said with a disgusted face, "You, what was that just now?"

"Just now? Kanglong creampie!" Feng Baobao said as a matter of course.

"I know, but who taught you that? I remember that I gave you the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. Why didn't I remember that there was such a strange thing in it!" Qin Fan said angrily.

"Oh! The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, I don't think the name in it is majestic enough, so on the basis of this set of palms, I combined it with my original set of martial arts. I named this set of martial arts Weilong Eighteen palms, how about it, let's be more majestic!" Feng Baobao said as a matter of course.

"Wei....Long..." The corner of Qin Fan's mouth twitched slightly. In all fairness, the Kanglong's shot just now was indeed more mysterious than the original Kanglong Youhui, especially the paralyzing effect with the second-stage attack and even the thunder attribute. In terms of power, it is still a surprise victory. Qin Fan has to say that the improvement of this move is very successful, but the problem is the name...
"What else did you change?" Qin Fan said a little helplessly.

"It's all changed! A total of [-] moves, all of which are amazing!" Feng Baobao said with a proud face.

Qin Fan...
"Forget it! Come on! I'll try your improved Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!" Qin Fan secretly wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and said.

"It's the Eighteen Palms of the Powerful Dragon! Look carefully, two dragons are entering the cave!" Feng Baobao stretched out both palms, and two dragon-shaped zhenqi came to attack Qin Fan, one left and one right.

Seeing this scene, Qin Fan didn't want to fly back directly, not because he felt how powerful these two attacks were, but because he subconsciously wanted to hide after hearing the name...
"Dragon in the field..." The two dragon-shaped true qi met but did not explode, but just entangled like this and rushed towards Qin Fan again.

"I'll go..." Qin Fan felt that it was inevitable, so he raised his hand and waved violently. However, although Qin Fan didn't use his full strength, the blow was not small, but the blow hit the dragon-shaped true energy. On the contrary, the two entangled dragon-shaped zhenqi wrapped around Qin Fan's arms and then directly entangled Qin Fan.

"The old dragon pushes the cart..." Feng Baobao slammed into Qin Fan with all his energy, and then said, "Ice Fire Poisonous Dragon Drill..."

"I..." Qin Fan was directly hit by a palm, and Feng Baobao was so powerful that he also jumped up: "Look at me flying dragon sitting on lotus!!!"

"Boom!" Huge smoke and dust rose, and the leaves of the grove whirled. Qin Fan was lying on the grass in large characters, but his fat head was trampled into the soil.

"Brother Qin..." Even though she knew it was a competition, this woman was a bit too ruthless in her attack. Wang Yuyan screamed and wanted to pounce on her, but almost at the same time Feng Baobao's body moved again, but this time The target was Wang Yuyan who was rushing towards the two of them...
(End of this chapter)

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