King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 68 Xiao Zizai

Chapter 68 Xiao Zizai

"Boom!!!" There was a loud noise, but the violent air wave directly rushed Wang Yuyan out. After panicking, Wang Yuyan twisted her body in mid-air trying to maintain her balance, but before her feet hit the ground, she felt He was hugged tightly all over his body.

"Look! I said that learning martial arts is still useful!" A familiar voice sounded from behind, and the originally tense delicate body slowly relaxed, and then looked in the direction I was in with some surprise, only to see Feng Baobao was already stand there.

"Brother Qin, Sister Bao'er didn't hurt me..." Wang Yuyan said hastily, as if worried that Qin Fan might misunderstand.

"Of course she didn't hurt you, she saved you!" Qin Fan said with a slightly cold tone.

Wang Yuyan subconsciously raised her head to look at Qin Fan, but saw that Qin Fan's toad eyes were staring in another direction at this time, and following Qin Fan's gaze, she saw behind a big tree, a gentle-looking man Wen's middle-aged uncle came out slowly from behind the tree.

"Hehe! It's really delicious!" Gently stroking his glasses, a pair of blood-red pupils added a bit of weirdness to the gentle-looking face.

"Why didn't you run away? There was a chance just now!" Feng Baobao said with some doubts.

"Run away... it's so delicious that it's like a full banquet, how can you escape..." Almost at the moment when the visitor's voice fell, he rushed towards Baobao Feng directly, and the palm imprint if there was any substance in the flat push with one palm was Shoot directly at Feng Baobao.

"It's a bit like Shaolin's Vajra palm...but it seems different..." Wang Yuyan, who was still in Qin Fan's arms, said suddenly.

"Oh! Maybe the martial arts in the two worlds are different!" Qin Fan said.

"Two worlds...that's right! This is not our original world..." Wang Yuyan frowned slightly and then said, "Brother Qin, I can't understand this person's martial arts skills, you should go over and help a group Sister Baoer, I can do it by myself!"

"It's okay! Your sister Bao'er is very strong, just need to get used to it now, this guy just happens to be Bao'er's whetstone!" Qin Fan said indifferently.

"By the way! Baby, don't kill him for a while, and don't let him go. After beating him disabled, Yan'er just sucked his internal energy!" Qin Fan shouted suddenly.

"Oh!" Looking back at Qin Fan, he agreed, and at the same time stretched out his hand to block the palm prints.

"Boom!!!" It was as if the balloon hit the iron needle, and the huge palm print hit Feng Baobao's hand and shattered immediately!

This set of martial arts is very special. It is different from ordinary martial arts. It is different from the size of the circle. It uses the three energizers to collect qi, and the true qi flows almost all the meridians in the body. Therefore, when this set of martial arts is used, the whole body has nowhere to go. There is no real qi, so both the speed of invoking real qi and the total amount of real qi available are much more than ordinary exercises, plus the real qi pervades every part of the body, even though it is a set of internal processing method It is possible to make the body stronger than a master of external skills, so even if you don't use internal force to protect your body and only use your physical body to resist, it is no problem.

"Hey!" With blood-red eyes like gems, the middle-aged man did not continue to attack, but suddenly took out his mobile phone from his arms!

"Are you going to shake someone?" Seeing the other party suddenly take out the phone, Feng Baobao scratched his head and said.

"Don't worry, I always work alone, but I suddenly want to explain something!" The man smiled slightly, but put his phone to his ear.

"Hey! Old Dou..."

At the same time, in a small hotel a few kilometers away, a bald man casually threw some documents in his hand on the table, took away the cigarette in his mouth and said, "Xiao Xiao! Come... what?"

The originally expressionless face was suddenly replaced by surprise: "Nonsense, who told you to go... You come back to me immediately, this is an order!"

"It's too late, this dish is really delicious, hehe! I called to tell you, thank you for taking care of me all these years, I don't need to find food for me in the future, this time I'm afraid... will Stretched to death!" With a slight force on the palm of his hand, the phone was directly crushed, and the man looked at Feng Baobao in front of him again and said, "I'm going to eat..."

half an hour later...
The dusty bald man came from outside the woods, but he saw that the ground was full of potholes, there was not a piece of grass on the whole ground, and the trees next to it were like crop fields that had been ruined by wild boars. , the man whose hands and feet were bent strangely was lying there quietly at this moment.

"Xiao Xiao?" The bald man walked over in a hurry, but to his surprise, at this time the man's hands and feet were broken and he looked very miserable, but his face was surprisingly calm, as if the injuries on his body were not his. Average body.

"Old Dou, are you here?" The man said while lying quietly on the ground.

"You..." The bald man seemed a little surprised at the other's calmness.

"The weather today is really nice. You can see the stars. It's been a long time since I saw the stars like this. When I was young, I liked to lie on the ground and watch the stars. I don't know when I never saw them again!" the man said. Lying so quietly and calmly is scary.

"How long have they been away?" the bald man asked suddenly.

"Who?" The man turned his head to look at the bald man, and then said suddenly, "Oh! It's been a while!"

"You are so reckless in this matter, I told you to wait until the other temporary workers arrive! I will settle this account with you later, you wait here, and I will call you an ambulance... "Although the bald man looked a little strange when he saw the other party, he didn't seem to have any fatal injuries on his body. Although his hands and feet were obviously broken, he didn't hurt the joints. This kind of injury in Chengdu looks scary, but given the other party's physique, it probably won't take two weeks. It can be cured within a month, so the heart that was originally raised is also slightly let go at this time.

"They ruined my qi!" The sudden sentence, still so calm, made the hand of the bald man who was about to make a phone call suddenly stop, but the man smiled slightly: "Our relationship, I don't think so. I need to beg you!"

Slowly put down the phone, looked down at the man who was also calmly looking at him at this time: "You..."

Of course, it doesn't need to be said, he knows the other person too well, he vaguely guessed something when he saw the other person's expression just now, that is the expression this man has never had before, despair?No!It's a relief!
The cold palm slowly pressed on the other party's neck: "Is there anything else to say?"

"Hmm! Thank you..."


"Damn it! Did you really do it?" An unbelievable voice sounded from behind the bald man, and the bald man turned and looked behind him almost instinctively, but there was nothing in sight.

Just when his face was puzzled, a short and fat body slowly appeared a few meters in front of him. Of course, the visitor wanted to stay and see who was trying to attack him Qin Fan is gone.

"Even if it's what he asks, you don't really have to satisfy him, right? He just couldn't think about it for a while, wouldn't it be good to enlighten him?" Qin Fan said a little puzzled.

Although the guy in front of him killed the other party, Qin Fan could see that the relationship between the two should be good, but because of this, Qin Fan felt that even if the other party really wanted to die, he still had to do it if he could be saved. I can't think about it for a while after being abolished in martial arts, maybe I will think about it after a while?There is no need to directly kill the opponent with a single shot.

"Even if the beast whose teeth have been pulled out survives, it's just being tortured!" The bald man's original alert expression disappeared: "You should have something to ask me if you stay here?"

Although he still couldn't understand the other party's actions, Qin Fan didn't have much interest in the lives of the two, so he said directly: "You should come after me, right? Who are you?"

"Have you heard of it anywhere? I am Dou Le, the person in charge of Huadong, and he is my temporary worker, Xiao Zizai!" The bald man replied directly.

"Everything works..." Qin Fan felt a little helpless. He knew that Feng Baobao would not let him go when he abducted Feng Baobao, but he didn't expect that the other party would find him so quickly. Although he thought it might be useless, Qin Fan still opened his mouth and said : "Go back and tell the head of your company, this time I will treat it as an accident, if they come to trouble me again, I will fight back!"

(End of this chapter)

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