69 Threat
"You killed your temporary worker with your own hands?" In a villa, a group of men and women stood around the living room, a handsome blond boy looked at the bald man in front of him with some surprise.

"Qiu'er, Lao Dou is not that kind of person!" The man with thick brows and wrinkled face blocked the long-haired young man who looked ugly, and said.

"It's better to be clear about this kind of thing. I don't want someone to stab us in the back during the battle!" The long-haired young man named Qiu'er said with some dissatisfaction, but his body sat back on the chair again The man with the thick eyebrows still cared a little bit.

"Qiu'er..." The thick-browed man wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a silent bald man.

"Old Hao, needless to say, I think everyone sitting here should have the same question as this little brother. Being able to become a temporary worker shows that you all have a certain amount of trust in your person in charge, and Xiao Xiao also trusts me, so I will kill him!" The bald man said in a deep voice: "Xiao Xiao is different from you, he is a patient, he must kill people every once in a while, just like people need to eat, of course we tried to find psychological Doctors and the like, even Xiao Xiao has entered a monastery to practice, but everything is just in vain, there is no way to cure his illness!"

Hearing the words of the person in charge of the East China Region named Dou Le, none of the people present showed that this was a fantasy expression. They are both strangers and they are too aware that there are too many strange quirks in the world of strangers. It's just killing people, it's really not too special, even people who like to eat people, so...
"So you killed Xiao Zizai yourself because you couldn't continue to kill him?" The sloppy-looking uncle said.

"The other party has already crippled Xiao Xiao's qi, just like pulling out the teeth of a wild animal. Even if I don't kill him, he will just starve to death in the end." Dou Le said with a lonely expression.

"But even if that's the case, you can arrange new jobs for him. For example, let him execute death row prisoners or something. It's better than dying, right?" The middle-aged man who looked a little cowardly said carefully.

"Have you ever seen a tiger switch to a vegetarian diet? Xiao Xiao's killing is not a hobby, but an instinct! What he needs is prey, not food!" Dou Le said seriously.

"Okay! Let's end this matter here. Let's discuss the goal this time. The company has arranged for people from all regions to join forces this time, which shows how difficult this goal is. So I think that if it is not necessary, everyone It's better not to split up!" The short-haired woman who looked very capable said.

"Sister Ren, you know Duo'er's situation, if we join hands, I'm afraid..." The man with several scars on his face suddenly raised his hand and said.

"The situation of the Gu Body Saint Child is indeed a bit special. Don't worry, we will arrange it. I think everyone should be clear about the situation this time. The other party has already attacked the company's people, so there must be an explanation for this matter. No matter the other party Who is it!" The short-haired woman said seriously, but...
"Didn't I tell you not to make trouble?" The abrupt voice sounded from the corner of the room, almost instantly making the originally harmonious atmosphere in the room extremely strange.

"Why, how come? You..." The bald man looked in shock at the chunky man who slowly emerged from the corner.

"Dou Le?" The short-haired woman looked at the bald man coldly, and the questioning in her tone was self-evident.

Everyone present has seen this ugly man from the data, no matter how poor the memory of the people present is such a shocking appearance, they can't admit it wrong, and the only person present who has contact with this man is the bald man Now that the other party would suddenly break into their meeting place, the answer was self-evident.

"No..." The bald man instinctively denied that the other party came with him. After all, he has been very careful these days. It is impossible for someone to follow him without being discovered by him. ability….
"Don't blame him! I didn't come here with him!" Qin Fan walked slowly to the coffee table in the middle of the room, took an apple on the coffee table, took a bite and said: "I, Xu San and this guy have all said , I don't want to cause trouble, I'm just here for vacation, so you have to make trouble with me?"

"It's not that we want to make trouble with you, it's that you did something you shouldn't do." The man in the peaked cap said coldly.

"Things you shouldn't do? Hehe! How can you be sure that what you are doing now is what you should do?" Qin Fan watched with a smile as a few temporary workers quietly walked around him but surrounded him faintly. The person in charge of the district gradually distanced himself from Qin Fan.

"I don't know if I should do it or not. I only do things that I find interesting. It is said that the company's evaluation of you is unfathomable. I have been a temporary worker for a while. This is the first time I have seen such an evaluation. So don’t let me down!” The long-haired young man called Qiu’er said suddenly, and at the same time, the qi on his body was also released.

No matter which world you are in, releasing the power in your body is an act of provocation!

"Hey!" Qin Fan sighed slightly, but the invisible coercion spread instantly.

Qin Fan's coercion is very different from ordinary power release. This is a special technique he learned from Aizen. Ever since he absorbed Aizen's spiritual pressure, he likes to use this method to deter The other party, and tried and tested!

"Boom, boom, boom..." As if someone had hit a sap all of a sudden, there were only two people left in the room who could stand for a moment. But from the trembling appearance, it is not difficult to see that it is actually just encouraging support. The other one is somewhat beyond Qin Fan's expectations, but it is the green-eyed girl who has never said anything.

After swallowing Lan Ran's spiritual pressure, the energy in Qin Fan's body has grown to a terrifying level. Although it is only a slight release of power rather than direct confrontation, it can still withstand the pressure of Chengdu like Qin Fan. The change of color really surprised Qin Fan, but Qin Fan soon realized that something was wrong. This girl didn't seem to be resisting his coercion, but she didn't care about her coercion at all. For others, Qin Fan's coercion Pressing is like a big mountain, no matter how strong you are, you can lift the mountain, but you will still feel a lot of difficulty, but the other party has no intention of carrying the mountain at all.Her body is like Qin Fan's state after entering the void, Qin Fan's coercion can't affect her at all, it's as if...she is a dead thing!
"Interesting!" Although Qin Fan has watched the anime, he has not read the entire manga, so he doesn't seem to have this person in his impression, but Qin Fan feels that it is impossible for a mere cartoon to present all the world, so for the Qin Fan didn't pay much attention to the appearance of a few strangers: "Are you also their temporary worker?"

"Yeah!" The girl looked at Qin Fan in front of her without fear or vigilance, and nodded very calmly!
"Then how about you come with me?" Qin Fan said suddenly.

"Why?" the girl asked puzzled.

"Duo'er!" Not far away, the man who was already kneeling on the ground with scars all over his face suddenly yelled, but he just protruded two words, but the whole person lay on the ground as if he had been slapped violently.

And the scruffy bearded man on the other side finally couldn't bear Qin Fan's sea-like violent pressure and knelt down.

"Why?" Qin Fan originally wanted to use the same tricks, but when he saw the girl's baby-like eyes, his heart moved for no reason: "Then why do you want to be a temporary worker?"

"I don't know either! Uncle Liao..." The girl turned her head to look at the scar-faced man lying on the ground.

"What do you see him doing? Isn't it your choice to be a temporary worker?" Qin Fan asked suspiciously.

"My choice?" Turning her eyes to Qin Fan again, the girl lowered her head slightly and thought for a while before saying, "Can I choose too?"

"Of course!" Qin Fan clapped his hands and said, "I'll give you a chance to choose now, are you willing to go with me?"

"No!!!" A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the scarred face actually forcibly spoke two words under Qin Fan's pressure.

Qin Fan looked at the other party with some differences, then looked at the girl again and said, "You know that I have already taken the same temporary worker away, right? Don't worry, as long as you choose to leave with me, I guarantee that none of them will be here." I'm looking for trouble for you!" Looking coldly at the man who seemed to have become a little sluggish because of the two words just now, he said: "They dare not!"

"Choose?" The girl tilted her head to look at Qin Fan, then lowered her head to look at the scar-faced man lying there like a bully being suppressed, and then said slowly: "Then I choose to stay. ?"

"What?" Qin Fan was taken aback, apparently he didn't expect the other party to say such a sentence. From the conversation just now, Qin Fan thought that this girl was coerced by that company. Now that he, the savior, appeared, he didn't immediately come up for help. , but did not expect to say such a sentence at the most critical moment!
"Is it not possible?" the girl looked at Qin Fan and said.

"Uh... Of course, but are you sure it's your choice? Don't worry, it doesn't matter if they have something against you, no matter what it is, I'm sure to make them call it out." Qin Fan was a little unwilling Said.

"No! This is my choice, I want to stay!" The girl lowered her head and said in disappointment.

"Uh..." Seeing the other party like this, I didn't know what to say for a while. After hesitating for a long time, I finally didn't use the magic trick. I just sighed regretfully and said, "Since it's your choice, then You just stay!"

Qin Fan turned his head to look at the other people lying around and said, "Then let's talk about my affairs now! Actually, I am here this time to give you a warning, be more formal! You can also understand It's a threat, I don't want to be disturbed, if you don't come to trouble me, I won't go to you, if I find out that any of you are stalking me... I will kill you all!"

(End of this chapter)

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