King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 73 Storage Gourd

Chapter 73 Storage Gourd
Harmful Wind Garden, although it is called Yuanyuan, is actually a huge villa area. It is the ancestral land of the Wang family, one of the four families. Although the land is now nationalized, it is supported by a big family like the Wang family. It is not difficult for some secular forces to buy some land, and this luxurious villa area announced to the outside world was built by the Wang family in this way, and only members of the Wang family live here, but the lively Wang family in the past is now Becomes dead.

"Squeak..." The door of the mobile villa, which had obviously been smashed open and completely lost its anti-theft effect, was slowly pushed open, and Feng Zhenghao, who was dressed in a decent suit, walked out slowly.

"Huh!" He let out a long breath, and Feng Zhenghao gently pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his fingers, but with a satisfied smile on his face, he looked around at the villa that seemed to have been swept by a twelfth-level storm District, shook his head slightly and said with emotion: "It's a pity! What a wonderful place!"

"Help..." A faint cry for help came from a collapsed house not far away.

"Eh? There are still alive? It shouldn't be..." Feng Zhenghao glanced at the collapsed house with some surprise, and said with a little surprise: "...Should it be?"

I don't know who Feng Zhenghao was talking to, but the moment Feng Zhenghao's words fell, a black thread suddenly crossed, and the already dilapidated and collapsed house seemed to be overwhelmed by the last pillar and shattered again. The sound of the stone collapsing, but the original weak cry for help disappeared, leaving only a faint whisper in the air that seemed to be like a ghost in a deep well: "It's not enough, I still have to eat..."

"Hehe! There will be a time for you to eat!" Feng Zhenghao smiled slightly, as if he didn't know anything about everything just now, and walked out slowly...
Tianxia Group Building….
"Your father won't go, let you lead the team?" Qin Fan asked as he walked slowly behind a girl with short silver hair.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency. Although I am in charge of the Tianxiahui, I will also help my father deal with some things in recent years. You can rest assured of my ability. No matter how you say it, the Wang family is one of the four families now, and Wang Ai is even more important." Lie Shi, if father doesn't show up, he will attract people's attention." Feng Shayan said seriously.

Leading Qin Fan to a gate, Feng Shayan forcefully pushed the door open, but saw behind the gate was a banquet hall that could accommodate thousands of people. However, the tables and chairs in the hall had long been emptied, and a Thousands of people wearing Song Dynasty service are standing in the middle of the hall and lined up neatly!
"Miss!" Seeing Feng Shayan coming in, thousands of people shouted in unison. Although Qin Fan didn't know how to use soldiers, he could tell that these people must have been professionally trained.

Seemingly seeing the doubts on Qin Fan's expression, Feng Shayan said with a little pride: "After all, Tianxia Group has a lot of secular businesses, and when many things are inconvenient for others, they will need the help of ordinary people. These people are The mercenaries raised by our Tianxia Group are all cultivated by our Tianxia Association since they were young, and they are absolutely loyal to our Tianxia Association!"

"Only these?" Qin Fan didn't care too much about whether the other party was an elite soldier of hundreds of battles. He looked around the hall and said with some confusion: "Where is the weapon I want? Even if the pistol bullets can't get the sword and armor, there shouldn't be any." What's the problem? After all, even if the punks fight, they still prepare a few machetes. I'm not taking you on a trip, so you don't want to go empty-handed, do you?"

Since Qin Fan told Feng Zhenghao about attacking Gusu City from the very beginning, he also asked the other party to get some weapons when preparing manpower, preferably some guns and grenades, but obviously these things were not necessary. not here.

"Hehe! Your Excellency wants to fight, how can there be enough pistol bullets!" Hearing what Qin Fan said, Feng Shayan smiled slightly but took out a small gourd from her pocket. She poured out the army green iron boxes one by one from the gourd. Each iron box was two meters square. There were more than a dozen of them in this breath. However, the small gourd was in Feng Shayan's palm. But it's only the size of a palm.

"This is a magic weapon made by a master craftsman of our Tianxiahui. This is just a part. You can see if you are satisfied!" Feng Shayan looked at Qin Fan with a smile and said.

Just open a few iron boxes, there are not only machine guns, but also grenade bazookas inside. Not to mention taking these weapons and equipment to attack cities in ancient times, these weapons and equipment are probably rich for a modern army!
"Can this gourd of yours pretend to be a person?" Qin Fan didn't pay too much attention to these weapons. After all, even if the people of the Tianxiahui didn't go to Qin Fan for this kind of weapon, he could exchange it directly. A little curious.

"It's similar to your storage equipment. There is no way to save a conscious person. If a person falls into a coma, it can be put into it." Since Qin Fan had asked Feng Zhenghao to enter the dormant cabin when he took Feng Zhenghao away, Feng Sha Yan thought that Qin Fan's private space could not be filled with conscious people.

"That's it! That's much more convenient!" Qin Fan clapped his hands and said, and then directly exchanged a thousand dormant pods for all the mercenaries to enter, and then Fengshayan put everyone into the dozen or so sleeping pods she brought. In a gourd, but this time Qin Fan did not let Feng Shayan enter the dormant cabin, but after adding Feng Shayan to his attendants, he directly exchanged Feng Shayan for a travel scroll to the world of Tianlong...
The surrounding scenery changed for a while, and Qin Fan's figure appeared next to Feng Shayan with a surprised expression.

"How do you feel?" Qin Fan asked, looking at the girl with a surprised expression on her face.

"It's a magical feeling. Is this a super-long-distance space movement?" Feng Shayan said a little excitedly. She is a user of space power, so she is very sensitive to the feeling of space movement.

"Almost! I don't know too well!" Qin Fan shrugged, and then said: "Release your people, and you and them should familiarize themselves with the surrounding environment. This is a temporary base I built for you. I can take the time to let you settle down and wait for my order at any time!"

"Yes!" Feng Shayan nodded without any hesitation.

"Hmm!" Seeing that the other party expressed his understanding, Qin Fan turned around and prepared to go to Murong Fu first. Qin Fan's initial plan was to assist Murong Fu in cultivating a party in this world. Now there is Feng Zhenghao's Tianxiahui, but Qin Fan He still didn't want to give up on Murong Fu, on the contrary, he wanted to let Feng Zhenghao and Murong Fu communicate with each other, so that Qin Fan wouldn't have to spend too much energy on taking care of them.

However, Qin Fan, who had just walked a few steps, stopped slowly: "That's right! Miss Feng, do you like me?"

"Ah...cough, cough, cough!" The sudden sentence made Feng Shayan almost choke to death from her own saliva, looking at Qin Fan with a sincere face, Feng Shayan really didn't know what to say for a while, her heart ached. Say you never look in the mirror?Your Excellency, how confident do you have to be to say such a thing?

Although she was slandered in her heart, but the words her father had said sounded, Feng Shayan finally swallowed back the sarcasm in her heart, and said reluctantly after a slight smile: "I.... prefer the strong!"

"Really?" Qin Fan looked at the other party suspiciously, then waved his hand casually but turned around and left without saying anything.

The reason why Qin Fan suddenly asked such a sentence was not because Qin Fan was really confident that he could attract the other party with his "beauty", but mainly because Qin Fan could see the other party's loyalty to him after he accepted the other party as a servant What surprised me was that Feng Shayan's loyalty to her was as high as 75% at the beginning. It really surprised Qin Fan that the other party had such a high degree of loyalty to him without using Mirror Flower and Water Moon Of course, Qin Fan didn't know whether the other party's high loyalty to him was due to the influence of Feng Zhenghao. Although Feng Shayan had a relatively strong personality, she was in awe of her father. Of course, Fan will be loyal to Qin Fan, but in the same way, if Feng Zhenghao says to let Feng Shayan betray Qin Fan at this time, the opponent's loyalty to Qin Fan can also be instantly cleared, so this so-called loyalty can only show the current situation. Feng Shayan's attitude towards Qin Fan is just that, but there is no guarantee that she will betray Qin Fan.

(End of this chapter)

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