King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 74 Murong Fu Was Captured

Chapter 74 Murong Fu Was Captured

Outside Gusu City!Qin Fan looked at the passers-by on the official road with some surprise, the whole Gusu City seemed to be singing and dancing at this moment, and there seemed to be a little bit of fighting there.

"Shouldn't it?" Qin Fan muttered to himself a little puzzled.

Ordinarily, it is not long before Qin Fan and Murong Fu made an appointment in one month. Even if Murong Fu has no ability, he should gather his men and prepare to attack Gusu City, right?Even if they can't win Gusu City for a while, what about Murong Fu's people?What about soldiers?lost?Even if it is defeated, there should be some traces of fighting around here!
"This fellow, may I ask if the city of Gusu has been attacked recently?" Qin Fan asked a little bit unwillingly, grabbing a man next to him who was carrying mountain goods and seemed to be going into the city to sell them.

"Uh..." I was obviously taken aback when I saw Qin Fan suddenly stop the man who was carrying the burden, but obviously people in the mountains are courageous, seeing Qin Fan's dignified face was just slightly surprised but not too much He made a big fuss, but his attitude was not friendly: "You have something wrong! Where did you attack the city during the Taiping period? There is something wrong!" After finishing speaking, Qin Fan ignored whether he had any other questions and walked quickly Bypass Qin Fan and continue walking like Gusu City.

"Damn it! Does this kid shake me?" Qin Fan frowned slightly, his first reaction was that Murong Fu took the money and didn't do anything, but then he felt that it was impossible. Normally, Murong Fu was better than himself for the restoration of the country. He was even more eager. Having himself as his helper was a blessing in disguise for Murong Fu. Even if he was an idiot, he wouldn't let such a good opportunity go. Even if he had any concerns and was unwilling to cooperate with him, but he dare?With Qin Fan's strength shown in front of them, Murong Fu really dares to play with himself?If that's the case....
"Why don't you let me bring a knife into the city? I'm nicknamed Guitou Dao, and the big knife never leaves my body. If you dare to let me abandon the knife, believe it or not, I will kill you!" Just as Qin Fan was still guessing that Murong Fu was at this time. Somewhere, there was some chaos at the gate of the city. A man who seemed to be a martial artist seemed to have clashed with the gate guard. The soldier seemed not to allow the other party to bring a knife into the city. There is still a difference. Unless people in the martial arts walk in the rivers and lakes and have practiced special boxing skills, they will generally have weapons for self-defense. If people are not allowed to wear weapons into the city, then there will inevitably be conflicts between the martial arts people and the defenders, just like what you see now. Generally speaking, cities in Tianlong World generally do not prohibit these martial arts figures from bringing weapons into the city. It's not that there are people who resist martial arts people entering the city, but they are indeed very rare.

"What's the matter with Gusu City? Why is it suddenly not allowed to bring weapons into the city? Didn't I have this rule last time?" A man not far from Qin Fan who was also wearing a sword said in surprise.

"Brother, don't you know something!" No matter where you are, there is a good show, and when you see someone puzzled by the young man who is playing bunt next to you, you immediately show an expression of "I know, come and ask me!" Said.

"Brother, do you know the reason?" The man with the sword did not disappoint the other party and asked respectfully.

"I also heard that a few days ago, the city lord and general guarding Gusu City were attacked by a group of green forest people. It is said that more than a dozen of them were captured alive. In the past two days, the city has been interrogating the group of green forest people. The accomplices of people, and the inspection of entering and exiting Gusu City has naturally become more stringent, I advise you, if there is nothing important, you should take a detour, recently Gusu City is not peaceful!"

Qin Fan has been listening coldly, and when he heard the other party say that there are green forest people attacking the city lord of Gusu City, Qin Fan immediately thought of Murong Fu. What Murong Fu thought, it is estimated that this guy must hold the lord of Gusu City hostage to control Gusu City due to various reasons because he can't get soldiers and horses. To be honest, this method feels good to Qin Fan, but having said that Well, if it was so easy to hijack a city lord, then it would not take thousands of troops to attack the city. Not only did Murong Fu fail to hijack him this time, he might even get himself involved!
how to say!Qin Fan's guess was pretty close, but the matter was not as simple as Qin Fan thought.

If Murong Fu wants to capture Gusu City, it is actually not impossible with the current power of the Murong family, but there is one thing, that is, once Murong Fu does this, he will definitely be labeled as a rebel. See you later, now that the Song Dynasty is in peace, his little Murong's family has become a leader, and it is easy to become the target of public criticism. Although Qin Fan promised to help him, he turned around and disappeared. Murong Fu was really worried that he would raise a rebellion. Instigating him and being his biggest support for rebellion is gone, and his situation will be embarrassing at that time, so Murong Fu thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

Murong Fu understood that Qin Fan asked him to capture Gusu City to test him, so the focus was on the result rather than the process. That is to say, as long as he can capture Gusu City, the other party should not care about how to do it. I don't have to mobilize people to raise flags to rebel, now he has countless gold, and the officials of the Song Dynasty want to corrupt, as long as they are willing to spend money, add their own force, and control the city of Gusu under coercion and lure It is not difficult!However, the ideal is very full and the reality is skinny. Murong Fu quickly got acquainted with some important officials and garrison generals of Gusu City, but secretly let his martial arts masters quietly kidnap the family members of these generals and officials. The big stick plus sweet dates made Gusu City all for him to use, but the big stick didn't hit anyone, and his waist flashed!
Murong Fu and his subordinates who thought that the big event had come to an end celebrated, but they didn't think about those dirty tricks, drugged the wine, and then a group of martial arts masters were killed in one pot.

Speaking of which, people like Murong Fu can be regarded as veterans, and ordinary Mongolian sweat medicine is just a child's play for them. It is logically impossible for them to be fooled, but those corrupt and corrupt officials may not be able to do other things, but the scheming people are. A group of experts, they know that these martial arts people have rich experience in the martial arts world, and ordinary drugs don't work for them at all, so these people didn't use drugs at all, but used aphrodisiacs!
That's right!It is aphrodisiac!People will not feel any discomfort after taking a small amount of this medicine. It is similar to the symptoms after drinking alcohol. It is this kind of potion that will not make people lose their ability to move, and even because it makes people excited, it may even increase their combat effectiveness after taking it for ordinary people!Therefore, ordinary people would not notice at all after drinking wine mixed with aphrodisiacs, but there is a problem, that is, after taking a large amount of aphrodisiacs, people who know martial arts cannot use their internal strength!Because the effect of the aphrodisiac accelerates the blood in the body, it may not affect people with average martial arts. The higher the martial arts, the stronger the internal force. At this time, it is easier to go crazy when using internal force. Not much better than ordinary gangsters, they might not be able to fight one-on-one, one-on-one and group, they just beat down, and this group of martial arts heroes fell down!As for the family members of the officers who were kidnapped by them, they were also successfully rescued, a typical happy ending. Of course, it is impossible for Qin Fan to know such details, and he doesn't need to know. Anyway, there are only two people in front of Qin Fan. To tell the truth, Qin Fan is a little disappointed in the talent of Murong Fu, not to mention his loyalty, unless he also uses the mirror to him, he cannot be loyal to himself. It stands to reason that it is better to change to another Those in control seem to be more powerful to Qin Fan, but Murong Fu has one thing that others cannot compare to, that is, his ambition for power. Qin Fan is not an ambitious person, so Qin Fan does not want to be an emperor, but wants to establish One side of power will inevitably need an ambitious person to manage it. As for whether this person has the ability... Qin Fan feels that if he has his own help, the other party's ability does not seem to be very important!

(End of this chapter)

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