King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 75 Conditions

Chapter 75 Conditions
"Hahaha! Mr. Murong, you are still used to living here!" Gusu City was jailed, the metal shackles on both hands and feet were riveted to death by iron nails, and Murong Fu was dropped on the Xing frame with his hair disheveled but his body was naked. The scars seemed to have not received any special treatment.

"Hmph! Master Gongsun has a good trick, Murong Fu has really been taught!" Murong Fu's face was ugly. The reason why he fell into the current land can be said to be all thanks to this rogue-headed rat in front of him. This villain accepted it. He pretended to take refuge with him with his own money, and even helped him capture the family members of the general who guarded the mansion, but in the end, he suddenly turned back almost after he took control of the entire Gusu City.

"Oh, Mr. Murong said that, you are really a villain. The little one is just a lackey of an adult. How can he stand up to Mr. Murong's praise!" Nondescript feeling: "Hey, speaking of it, Mr. Murong is still my Bole. If it weren't for Mr. Murong, I would be just a small official in the city lord's mansion. No matter what the outcome of Mr. Murong, Mr. Murong's kindness will never be unforgettable. , in the next life, I will definitely repay the young master's great kindness even if I tie a grass title ring!"

"Gongsun Yan, do you really think you've got me? My Murong family has three thousand people, and there are as many masters in the five villages. Do you really think this is over?" Murong Fu stared fiercely at the man in front of him and said. .

"Hehe!" Hearing what Murong Fu said, the man known as Gongsun Yan smiled slightly, gently rubbed his dog oily beard with one hand, and narrowed his small eyes slightly: "Murong's family is amazing, Yanziwu Built across water, it can be attacked and defended, but Mr. Murong is not worried about the encirclement and suppression by the imperial army?"

"Huh!" Seriously, Murong Fu wasn't really afraid. Although he was captured this time, it was because he only brought a few good men to control Gusu City without bloodshed. His foundation, the power of the Murong family, was simply not there. No damage at all, and as long as Murong's family is fine, his retainers will be able to rescue him sooner or later. As for the encirclement and suppression of the army... the matter has come to this point, and Murong Fu doesn't take any chances. In fact, at this time, he already has some regrets They didn't act decisively and directly took the Gusu City with their hands!
"Mr. Murong is not afraid! Of course! No matter who you are, Mr. Murong will not be afraid, but the lives of thousands of people in Yanziwu, Mr. Murong, don't you think about them? Hey! The war is a disaster, so why bother to act like a fool?" It's the air!" Gongsun Yan said with a pitiful expression on his face.

"Master Gongsun said the opposite, right? Now I'm the fish and you've raised your knife, so you can't kill me?" Murong Fu said with a sneer.

"Mr. Murong, as long as you nod your head, I can urge my lord to send you back to Yanziwu without hurting Mr. Murong at all, and I promise you will never mention your son to the court!" Gongsun Yan said sincerely.

Murong Fu was taken aback when he heard the other party say that, he really didn't expect the other party to say that, he looked at the other party suspiciously and said, "What do you mean?"

"Mr. Murong should know that although Yanziwu is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is only a matter of time if the imperial court really sends a large army to capture Yanziwu. Besides, even if it is only a siege, how can we get edible salt for farming and weaving in Yanziwu? How to get the herbal medicine? It doesn't need to be grown, it only needs to be around for a year, does Mr. Murong think that Yanziwu still has the strength to fight again?" Gongsun Yan said with certainty.

In fact, this is what Gongsun Yan said. Let alone how many troops are needed to surround Yanziwu, the food and grass to supply these troops is not a small amount. It is impossible for the current imperial court to easily send a large army to suppress it. It is most likely to send a civil servant to Zhao'an, but I have to say that although Murong Fu is not stupid, he is just not familiar with the officialdom. Caring is confused when he heard what the other party said, but he also believed it half to eighty percent.

Seeing Murong Fu's expression moved, Gongsun Yan smiled slightly and said, "That's it! As long as you promise us to let the young master go, Yanziwu and Gusu Chengqiu will never commit any crimes, and I will immediately ask my lord to send Mr. Murong back to Yanzi safely. How about the dock!"

Hearing what the other party said, Murong Fu miraculously moved slightly, but it wasn't that he was really moved. Gusu City and Yanziwu lived next to each other. If he wanted to swear to rebel, he would definitely occupy Gusu City. What moved his heart was this One time he was unlucky to start a teacher, even if someone rescued him afterwards, in the eyes of others, Murong Fu has become an incompetent person who can only rely on his subordinates, but if he can get out of trouble without relying on others, the situation will be different!

"Haha! In fact, I was just impulsive at the beginning. If Brother Gongsun can really let me go back, Murong Fu will definitely give me a generous gift! And I promise that from now on, I, Murong Fu, will never fight Gusu again." What is the city's idea?" Murong Fu asked.

"Okay! Mr. Murong is really happy! Come on, that paper and pen!" Gongsun Yan suddenly ordered loudly!
"Paper and pen? Do you want me to make a written statement?" Murong Fu frowned immediately. He is going to be the emperor in the future. If someone gets it after making a written statement, it will be a big stain. This is not what he wants. Yes, but after thinking about it, as long as I go back and gather people to capture Gusu City, I can naturally get the papers back.

"Mr. Murong's word is solid, so how can you not believe it, but in order to make my family feel at ease..." Gongsun Yan hesitated to speak.

"Okay! Since that's the case, so what if I'll give you a document!" Murong Fu had already made up his mind, and immediately sent people to attack Gusu City after returning. Not only would the document be destroyed, but also Buried everyone who knew about it.

"On behalf of the people of Gusu City, I would like to thank Mr. Murong for his benevolence and righteousness!" Gongsun Yan bowed to Murong Fu, and then said, "However, Mr. Murong's guarantee is not enough, and the four masters under Mr. Murong's work are still needed. You know that this matter is related to the comfort of Gusu City, so..."

Outside the prison, seeing the sharp-mouthed Gongsun Yan walking out, a middle-aged man in his 50s and [-]s immediately stepped forward and asked eagerly, "Master Gongsun, how is it? Is it done?"

"It's just a mess. He has promised to write a letter to his retainers to let him come to Gusu City, but he said that one of his four great retainers died not long ago, so apart from the two we caught There is only one Deng Baichuan left!" Gongsun Yan said while pinching the mustache with his hands.

"This... what he said is true?" the man said suspiciously.

"Regardless of whether it's true or not, if you can catch one, it's one, my lord! The distance between Yanziwu and Gusu City is only a few dozen miles. If you don't completely get rid of it this time, it will be a disaster in the future!" Gongsun Yan said seriously.

"What Master Gongsun said is that thanks to Master Gongsun's advice, otherwise, I really don't know what to do!" The man said with some emotion, but just after he finished speaking, a man not far away The man dressed as a servant came in a hurry: "My lord, it's not good, the young master was injured!"

(End of this chapter)

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