King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 78 Ability Collector

Chapter 78 Ability Collector

"Now you believe that I didn't intend to kill him!" With a simple sentence, no one dared to refute. There are many legends in the martial arts world, what about picking leaves and hurting people!What teleportation!Those are the abilities of ghosts and gods, who has seen them?But just now, a big living person was smashed to pieces with one punch...
Quiet, in the entire city lord's mansion, it seemed that no one dared to move half a step, as if they had been collectively ordered to hold the body.

In fact, in all fairness, Qin Fan's punch is not that great. Although not everyone can do it in the martial arts world, it is not to the point of supernatural skill. It will not be much worse than Qin Fan's punch. The real master lies in lifting weights lightly and returning to nature. The person who hits the middle palm with one palm does not hurt at all on the surface but turns into powder inside, but the problem is this. Experts can see He knows how to do it, but laymen can only watch the excitement. Qin Fan's move may be the same thing in the eyes of real masters, but in the eyes of these ordinary people, it is no longer like a stranger. Fan's face, it seems that someone has already regarded Qin Fan as a monster, how dare he fight Qin Fan.

"You, you, are you a human or a ghost?" The city lord pointed at Qin Fan with a trembling voice and said, although he was afraid in his heart, he was much calmer than ordinary people after being in the top position all the year round, at least he could speak at this time.

"If I were a ghost, what would you do?" Qin Fan looked at the other party and said with a smile.

"" The city lord heard Qin Fan say "you" for a long time, but he couldn't explain why, and when Qin Fan was a little impatient, he saw a man standing behind the city lord. A man with a mustache suddenly stood up.

"Gusu City has never had any grievances with people in the martial arts. Your Excellency suddenly came here to hurt people. I don't know what your intention is?" the dog-faced Hu said neither humble nor overbearing.

Qin Fan looked up and down at the talking doggy bearded man, then nodded slightly and said, "You are better than him! Are you interested in becoming the city lord?"

"Your Excellency, you are joking, I am just a master, how dare you peep at the position of the city lord!" The dog-faced beard didn't show any emotion, and said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Yeah... that's right! I don't like being an official, trouble!" Qin Fan nodded, and then suddenly threw a life and death talisman at the city lord who fell on the ground!

The sudden change surprised everyone present. Qin Fan didn't make a move very quickly, but it wasn't what the people present reacted to. The ugly ghost in front of everyone seemed to throw something at their city lord. Seconds later, the city lord's body convulsed suddenly, his closed eyes suddenly opened, and then his hands seemed to be uncontrollably scratching like crazy, and at the same time, he shouted desperately: "Itchy, so itchy!!"

The sudden change, even though the guards and servants present at the scene were all mediocre in martial arts, they knew that their city lord must have been hit by the ugly ghost's poisonous dart and poisonous needle, and seeing that the originally high-ranking city lord was Like a madman, in just a few breaths, he has already torn his clothes as if desperately scratching his body one by one, but shivering involuntarily.

"What do you mean, Your Excellency?" the bearded man asked immediately when he saw this scene.

"Don't be nervous! You don't want to be the city lord, so you can only let him continue to be the city lord. This is for you!" Qin Fan said and threw a porcelain bottle in the past, but Qin Fan directly exchanged it for anti-itch pills.

"This..." He stretched out his hand to take the porcelain bottle, but the bearded man looked at Qin Fan in confusion.

"Give him something to eat! There are thirty pills in total, and one pill a day can guarantee that he won't itch for a month!" Qin Fan said directly.

Hearing what Qin Fan said, no matter how stupid the other party was, he understood Qin Fan's meaning. He frowned slightly, but he hesitated for a moment, and immediately poured out a pill and fed it into the city lord's mouth.

Although the itching was unbearable just now, the ears were not affected in any way, so the city lord could hear Qin Fan's words clearly, so he swallowed the ecstasy pill without the slightest resistance, and the pill melted in his mouth , and the itching on his body began to weaken almost the moment he swallowed the pill, and the itching that had made him a life-and-death dilemma disappeared in just a few seconds.

"How do you feel?" Qin Fan looked at the city lord and asked.

"Many, thank you for giving me the medicine!" Vulture Palace can control the ghosts and snake gods in 72 caves of 36 islands. In addition to Tianshan Child Elder's superb martial arts, it is because of this life and death talisman. You must know that the resourcefulness and martial arts of these cave masters and island masters may not be extreme. But since it is possible to become the leader of a party, it is all climbed over mountains of swords and seas of fire, not to mention ordinary minor pains and injuries, even if it is to cut flesh and bones, it may not be necessary to blink more, but even so, under the life and death talisman, it is a He is as obedient as a kitten, which shows how powerful this life-and-death talisman is. The city lord is just a pampered frail scholar, and he can't stand the feeling that he can't live but can't die. Let him never want to experience that marrow-eating feeling again!
"Okay! Go ahead and call Murong Fu over, and besides..." Qin Fan ordered casually, then seemed to remember something and looked back towards the door, but the little beggar who had come with him had disappeared at this time !

(Is it because you are scared when you see yourself killing people? Or do you think that you will kill the city lord so he will be safe?) Qin Fan shook his head. Qin Fan instinctively felt that it was not easy for the little beggar. The injuries he suffered were obviously man-made. Why would someone treat him like that? It seems that a small side storyline accidentally started in a game, whether you watch it or not actually has no impact on the entire game!

But speaking of the game, Qin Fan remembered that the random task of occupying a city by himself seemed to have been completed after planting the life and death talisman for the city lord just now!
To be honest, Qin Fan didn’t expect this task to be so simple. He thought that he had to use troops to capture it. He didn’t expect that the problem would be solved with just a small life and death talisman. But it’s not that the task is simple. Qin Fan is a bit too buggy, it's like playing a game that has been disabled, any boss can be killed in one hit, can you say that the game is simple?

Qin Fan quickly found the rewards he got in his private space. There was nothing to say about the contract scroll. Although Wang Yuyan and Feng Baobao had never used this scroll, Qin Fan felt that the hypnosis in the mirror was also very good. Yes, so there is no need to waste this scroll, and it is not too late to use it when needed in the future, and Qin Fan opened the remaining silver treasure chest without hesitation!

"Ding! Open the silver treasure chest and get the ability collector x1"

(End of this chapter)

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