King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 79 Speed ​​Force

Chapter 79 Speed ​​Force
In the secret base built in the dilapidated warehouse, Qin Fan looked suspiciously at the ability extractor in his hand, which was the size of a drop of water. Under his feet, a young man in his 20s had lost consciousness. Flash, although the speed of the other party is very fast, but he is just an ordinary person. It is easy for Qin Fan to attack him without any precautions, so Qin Fan did not spend much effort in extracting the super speed power, but how to absorb the super speed? Li Qinfan was a little embarrassed.

According to the normal situation, directly poking this ability extractor directly on himself is just like a normal syringe, but the problem is that Qin Fan's body can't poke at all!
"There is no way to inject, you can try to take it orally!" Eggy's voice came out from the micro-communicator in the ear without losing time.

That's right!Qin Fan finally brought Dandan into this world, not to mention, as the previous Tianwang, Dandan is absolutely second to none in terms of intrusion into the network, almost immediately integrated into it after connecting to the network, now unless Qin Fan will The entire earth network is completely destroyed, otherwise it is almost impossible to completely destroy it. Of course, after connecting to the network, it has not developed towards the worst possibility. At least the current Dandan does not have any uncontrolled behavior. Qin Fan doesn't know whether it's because of this cunning intelligent program. The only thing Qin Fan knows is that in the list of attendants, Eggy's loyalty has not changed at all.

"Orally?" Hearing Eggy's reminder, although Qin Fan hesitated, this is the only way to do it now. After all, he has rough skin and thick flesh, and this thing can't poke his body at all. Except for walking on the top, only the bottom can poke. After entering it, it feels feasible to take it orally in comparison!
Aim the tip of the extractor at his mouth and press the button, and almost instantly a cool liquid flows down his throat. The liquid flows fast and feels very heavy, as if Qin Fan swallowed a glass of mercury Ordinary, and what is even more peculiar is that the liquid spread out quickly after entering his body, as if the original liquid evaporated in the body and turned into a gaseous state, followed by a sudden pain that Qin Fan had not experienced for a long time. It spread to every cell of Qin Fan, but although the pain was not severe, it gave Qin Fan a big jump. You must know that since taking Qixin Dan, his body is like a plug-in, invincible and locked blood. Said that he has never hurt himself or hurt his opponent before, which made Qin Fan instinctively feel that the pain seemed to have left him, but the sudden pain made Qin Fan find the long-lost feeling of being threatened. Does making yourself hurt means that you can hurt yourself? If you can really hurt yourself, does it mean that your life may be threatened?if….
The long-lost pain did not last long, and it returned to normal after only a few seconds, and with the disappearance of that pain, a warm and refreshing feeling all over the body made Qin Fan feel relieved At this time, Qin Fan suddenly noticed that the surroundings seemed to have become abnormally quiet, as if everything had become still all of a sudden!
This feeling is very strange, as if his body is covered with a transparent membrane to isolate himself from everything around him, but when Qin Fan touches other objects, he will find that he is not isolated, his body can still It has an effect on the surrounding things, and there is no change in the touch, but even so, Qin Fan still feels that he is no longer in this world!
Qin Fan always thought that the speed force was some kind of acceleration ability, but now after he really got this ability, Qin Fan found that his previous thoughts seemed to be inaccurate. Things become faster, but the surrounding things slow down, no!It wasn't that the surrounding things slowed down, but that Qin Fan entered a space with faster flow!

To make an analogy, it is as if a person was walking on the ground at a constant speed, and then he suddenly jumped into a speeding car and was still moving forward at the same speed in this car. In fact, his speed There is no change, but his actual forward speed has undergone earth-shaking changes. This can be seen from the airflow induced by Qin Fan when he raised his hand. The palm wind can also be very strong. If Qin Fan waved his hand with all his strength, he might even be able to blow people away with the palm wind, but in this state of super speed, Qin Fan's speed would theoretically become happier, but even if Qin Fan Waving vigorously, the force of the wind is very limited, as if Qin Fan's palm wind caused by waving is partially blocked by something!
In any case, this speed force should be regarded as obtained by himself!Although it is somewhat different from what I imagined, it feels a bit awkward to use but acceptable!

"Destroy this place! Try not to let people find out that I've been here!" Withdrawing the speed force, it felt very interesting that the world around him returned to normal in an instant, Qin Fan ordered as he walked out.

"Yes! Your Excellency, Commander!" The slowly gathering liquid metal gathered behind Qin Fan into the image of a young girl, and respectfully said to Qin Fan who was leaving.

T-1000, liquid metal robot!Qin Fan has been asking Dandan to develop it in Tianlong World, but there is no way to meet Qin Fan's request. However, after connecting to the world's network, it took almost two days to complete the T-1000. Unexpected receipt!
Back to the research institute to which the Lex Group belongs, this is where Lex Luthor used to study the Kryptonian spacecraft. After Lex Luthor was imprisoned, most of the company was acquired by the Wayne Group, but even if the Wayne Group is Batman's family business, but he can't do everything by himself. It is not difficult for an intelligent program that relies on the entire network and has almost endless cash to hide from him and acquire part of his company's assets. As long as Qin Fan is willing, it will not take too long to bring down the Wayne Group with Dandan's ability, but Qin Fan doesn't want to stand up so soon, so Qin Fan asks Dandan to keep a low profile for these acquisition projects!

"How? I asked you to study Superman's genes, did you get any results? I remember that the life code of their race seems to exist in his genes. If you can analyze it, maybe you can directly create a group of superman soldiers. Maybe!" Qin Fan asked as he looked at the interior of the spacecraft, which had been cleaned and refurbished by dozens of robots.

"Sorry, it is difficult to analyze the secrets contained in this body with the level of technology I have now, but I am trying to repair this spaceship. The main control program of the spaceship has been maliciously damaged. The information stored in it It is also seriously damaged, if I can repair it, I believe it will be of great help to analyze this corpse!" Dandan's unhurried voice came to Qin Fan's ears.

"Whatever!" Qin Fan is actually not interested in mass-producing Superman, but since he has come to this world, of course he wants to give it a try: "By the way, the thing I asked you to find has a clue." ?"

"The mother box you mentioned was stolen from the government's secret research institute not long ago. The current location is unknown, but I was hacked in the process of tracking the mother box. The other party's intrusion level is very high. I suspect it is Another smart program!" Dandan's tone was actually a little excited.

"Another smart program? Should it be a steel frame?" Qin Fan said thoughtfully.

"Steel Bone? Is that its name? I really envy him for having a reliable leader!" Dandan's very humane voice reached Qin Fan's ears.

"You mean I'm unreliable?" Qin Fan said with some dissatisfaction.

"I didn't say that, but according to my calculations, what you said is very reasonable!" Eggy's tone was full of emotion!
Qin Fan...
(End of this chapter)

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