King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 80 Hypnotizing Diana

Chapter 80 Hypnotizing Diana
The Red Boots Club is a well-known shopping center in Gotham City. Standing at the gate of the red wine and green, Diana, who was dressed in a graceful dress, frowned involuntarily.

This morning Bruce locked the hotel where the ugly monster stayed and contacted him, but he didn’t expect that guy to say that he had to come and talk with him in person if he wanted to join him, and he asked himself to come here to meet him, thinking about the first time he saw that guy Diana always felt that it was a wrong decision for her to come here this time, but the strength of the other party was indeed helpful to them, so Diana decided to come over no matter what, as for whether the other party would plot against her Unfathomable, Diana admitted that the opponent's strength is indeed very strong, but a strong fighter is not only about strength, although the time of contact is very short, Diana can also see that although this guy is extremely powerful, he is not at all. Don't know how to fight, not even as good as that Kryptonian!Diana believed that if it was really a desperate fight, she would have the confidence to kill him!
Taking a deep breath, Diana decided to meet that ugly ghost even though she was extremely reluctant. No matter what, to deal with the Steppenwolf, they needed to gather all available combat power, and the opponent's strength was exactly what they lacked!
Although the Red Boots Club is a membership system, in Gotham City, there is another high-end club that Bruce has no members. Taking the membership card given by Bruce, Diana went directly to the third floor of the club, here It's the public casino in the club. At first Diana thought she needed to look for it, but obviously she was overthinking it. After entering the lobby, she saw the ugly ghost almost immediately.

In front of a blackjack gaming table, an ugly ghost with shirtless hands pressed the cards on the table and flipped the cards little by little, shouting loudly while flipping: "Blow, blow, blow!" The look of a gambler.

Seeing this scene, Diana couldn't help frowning. She has lived in this world for a long time. She has seen the ugliness, filth, and nastyness of human beings more or less. But she is still willing to stay here to protect human beings because she thinks that no matter how hopeless a person is, there must be even a little bit of goodness in him, but Diana can see from this person in front of him. Less than a little "beautiful"

(He must not be human!) Shaking her head slightly, Diana walked up slowly.

"You want to see me!" Before coming here, Diana felt that she needed the other party's strength to fight against the Steppenwolf, so maybe she should be a little more polite when she came here to persuade the other party this time, but after seeing that big face, Diana felt In any case, there was no way to show even the slightest smile. It may be that the noble blood flowing in the body is not allowed to bow to any filth. Diana's tone became cold involuntarily.

"Hey! You're here, just in time, give me a blow!" Qin Fan saw Diana in a dress, her toad eyes lit up, and then he picked up the card and said with a pun.

Looking at the man in front of him coldly, Diana said with some contempt: "Is it interesting?"

It has to be said that a goddess is a goddess, and every word and deed gives people a feeling of incomparable inviolability. Even a shameless person like Qin Fan feels ashamed when he sees the slightly dignified beauty of the other party. a feeling of.

"Uh... just kidding! Don't be so serious!" Qin Fan threw the cards on the table, got up and said to a girl next to him, "I gave you all the chips!" In response to the girl's shocked expression, she said directly to Diana, "Go to my room and talk!"

In fact, it didn't matter to Diana where she talked with Qin Fan. She was not a helpless little girl, and she was worried about what the lonely man and widow would do to her?But at this time, seeing this ugly Diana in front of her at a close distance, she felt displeased for some reason. Being in the same room with such a person even just thinking about Diana felt disgusting!
"I don't think it's necessary! Let's talk here!" Diana said coldly.

"Here? Not so good! After all, it would be troublesome if others found out that you are Wonder Woman. Aren't you afraid of those perverted star fans blocking your door?" Qin Fanyu said jokingly.

Although Qin Fan's voice was not loud, he did not deliberately lower his voice. Although the people around were addicted to gambling and no one paid attention, Diana still frowned: "You lead the way."

"That's right!" With a slight smile, Qin Fan turned around and took the other party directly to his place of residence.

There are rooms upstairs for gamblers to rest and relax, but not everyone can live in those rooms. Gamblers who have purchased more than [-] mud yards at a time can use them. Of course, the money is gone for Qin Fan at this time In any sense, the remaining chips on the gaming table just now have exceeded [-]. Of course, he has a separate guest room.

In the guest room, Qin Fan poured two glasses of foreign wine and handed one to Diana before sitting on the bed: "How about I take a shower first?"

Diana could only suppress the anger in Qin Fan's heart and said, "I think you should already know why I came here. Steppenwolf's purpose is to destroy. Everyone will become his target of destruction, our only chance now is to unite, so we hope you can join us and fight the Steppenwolf with us!"

Although she hated the man in front of her very much, Diana still decided to speak out all the words she had prepared.

Qin Fan looked at the other party with a smile and suddenly said: "Drink the wine first! We will talk after drinking!"

Frowning slightly, Diana looked coldly at the ugly ghost in front of her, who really had the urge to splash the wine on his face. Of course, Diana didn't have that much self-control. No, no matter how much she dislikes this ugly ghost, Diana will not push away a big help against Steppenwolf just because of her likes and dislikes.

After drinking the liquid in the wine glass in one gulp, Diana looked at the other party calmly and said, "Can you give me an answer?"

"Of course!" Qin Fan smiled slightly, and then put the wine glass in his hand to his mouth, but the next second he suddenly took it away: "Oh! I forgot, this wine bottle is not filled with wine, I was too lazy to get up last night When I went to the toilet, I just found a wine bottle to solve it... You didn't swallow it!"

After Qin Fan said this, Diana's face suddenly changed, but at the moment her expression changed, Qin Fan's eyes suddenly had a water-blue brilliance, and Diana's disgusting expression suddenly changed in the next second. A little sluggish.

Of course there is nothing messy in the wine bottle. In fact, Qin Fan didn’t live in this club last night, let alone using a wine bottle. Qin Fan said this because he just met Diana Qin Fan secretly used the mirror flower and water moon when he was young, but what surprised Qin Fan was that the other party had a strong resistance to his own hypnosis!
The ability of Kyoka Shuigetsu is indeed very BUG, ​​but it is not completely without weaknesses. You must know that Aizen’s Kyoka Shuigetsu will be hypnotized by anyone who has seen the moment when he releases Zanpakuto. You don’t even need to sing the Liberation Language, and you can be liberated almost instantly. However, when fighting the protagonist Kurosaki Ichigo, he never used Kyoka Suigetsu on him. The reason is that the hypnosis process of Kyoka Suigetsu is limited, that is During the hypnosis process, the opponent must relax his vigilance. Of course, it is useless to deal with ordinary cats and dogs even if he is full of energy. Can't do it.

Of course, Qin Fan is very aware of these disadvantages of the ability to directly purchase the ability of the mirror flower from the system, but since the acquisition of the ability of the mirror flower water moon, even if the opponents Qin Fan encounters are guarded, Qin Fan can use his strength to forcibly hypnotize the opponent. , and this is the first time I have encountered someone as beautiful as Diana who can't be hypnotized.

But Diana is the daughter of God King Zeus after all, so it is understandable that her soul is strong and not easy to be hypnotized. Trick, not to mention, it really works!
Looking at Diana's beautiful and noble face with a confused look on her face, Qin Fan couldn't help but stepped forward and put his hands on the other's shoulders, then climbed up on the other's body and whispered softly in the other's ear...
(End of this chapter)

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