King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 81 Steppenwolf

Chapter 81 Steppenwolf
At the vent of Gotham Harbor's underground tunnel, Bruce in a bat suit stands on top of a giant Nightcrawler.

"When will the people you mentioned arrive? Steppenwolf didn't arrest the people in the interstellar laboratory to treat them to tea. If we don't act quickly, they may be in danger at any time!" Half-human, half-machine Vic Dostone's expression was obviously a little impatient. He could ignore the other employees of the Interstellar Laboratory, but his father was also taken away by the Steppenwolf. He didn't want his father to be killed by the Steppenwolf when they went to the rescue.

"We need support. I have already notified another partner, and she will be here soon!" Bruce said in a deep voice.

Hearing what Bruce said, Victor was slightly silent. Of course he knew who Bruce was talking about. Since the other party wanted to get in touch with him, Victor had also investigated the details of Bruce and Diana. Women are indeed strong, but the problem now is not one of strength, but time. If this drags on, he worries that his father won't be able to wait for her arrival.

"Then you wait here for support!" Victor said coldly, and then jumped directly into the underground tunnel...

"Wait a minute..." Bruce wanted to stop him instinctively, but obviously Victor didn't intend to wait any longer, pushing his feet to lift Victor's body forward in the tunnel!
"Damn it!" Seeing this scene, Bruce could only jump down, and at the same time, he said to his butler through the walkie-talkie: "Alfred, drive the Night Ranger in, be careful not to attract the attention of the Steppenwolves, and stop outside Standby!"

"I'm afraid I have to remind you that the opponent you're dealing with this time is different from the previous ones. I suggest that you drive Night Ranger to go there!" Alfred said to Bruce in the communicator.

"No need to take time!" Jumping directly into the tunnel, Bruce quickly ran in the direction of Victor.

As a semi-mechanical life form, Victor has a special radar in his body. It is not difficult to scan a certain area. After entering the tunnel, he quickly found the place where the Steppenwolf held captives.

"There are too many enemies! We must first formulate a battle plan!" Bruce, who came after Victor, stood behind Victor and looked at the room where Steppenwolf, his men and the employees of the interstellar laboratory who were kidnapped endured. Can't stop talking.

Indeed, although Bruce is called Batman, he is just an ordinary person in the final analysis. If he does not cooperate with large weapons, he may not even be the opponent of any small guy in it, let alone the one who just looks at it. You know that Steppenwolf is not simple, and it is not a wise decision to have a head-on conflict with him at this time.

Of course Victor also knew that what Bruce said was correct, but he couldn't keep calm after seeing that big man arresting his father that day.

And strong emotions drive the body's defense system to operate autonomously...
"Bang!!!" An energy bomb hit Steppenwolf directly!
"Damn it!" Although a hundred people are unwilling to act rashly at this time, since the attack has been launched, there is no reason to hesitate!
Accompanied by Victor who rushed straight down, Bruce also simply jumped out to attack those monsters, but obviously the attack strength of the two of them was not enough for Steppenwolf and his party at this time.

"Oh! You are conceived by the mother box, a product of chaos!" Looking at the cyborg Victor in front of him with interest, Steppenwolf said.

Victor, who snatched his father from the opponent, looked back at the Steppenwolf coldly: "I don't agree with that!"

"Hehe! Take your time..." Before the contemptuous smile faded, Victor's energy bullet hit him again.

For this level of attack, Steppenwolf only took a few steps back, but he was not too angry about it. As he said, the other party was created by the mother box, and belonged to him just like the demons. Underling, it's just that he hasn't recognized his identity yet, maybe he should give the other party a little reminder!

"Bang!" Picking up the huge ax next to him and swiping casually, the huge force directly hit Victor who was protecting his father. Fortunately, the Steppenwolf did not kill him, and hit Victor with the axe. If he hadn't directly slashed with the ax blade, otherwise, just one blow would be enough to cut Victor in half, but even so, Victor's body was slapped heavily on the ground by this blow.

On the other side, although the Batman jumped down and killed two monsters by surprise, he was quickly pressed to the ground by other monsters. There was no way, no matter whether it was strength or speed, he was just an ordinary human Batman It seemed a little too weak in front of these demons.

"Oh oh oh! Did you even bring a human friend? Don't worry, after the three mother boxes are unified, he will become your partner!" Slowly came to Victor and stepped on Victor On the chest, the huge force made Victor unable to move at all, Steppenwolf said jokingly: "Okay! Now tell me, where is the mother box that turned you into this?"

"Do you think I'll tell you?" Victor raised his hand cannon again and pointed at the Steppenwolf, but this time, before his ax that attacked the Steppenwolf had already slashed down, it directly chopped off one of Victor's arms. down.

"Oh?" Steppenwolf looked at Victor with great interest and then looked back at the old black man who was caught by the demon at this time: "Is he your father?"

While speaking, he walked slowly to Victor's father: "It seems that human emotions have made you weak! Let me help you get rid of this unnecessary trouble!"

"Bastard!" Seeing this scene, Victor immediately wanted to rush over to save his father again, but the Steppenwolf just waved Victor's body and was blown away like a rag bag, and On the Steppenwolf side, he raised the ax high again and looked at Victor who was embedded in the wall with a smile in the distance: "You don't have to thank me!"

While speaking, his arm suddenly swung downward!
"No!!!" Victor yelled in horror, but he could only watch helplessly as the Steppenwolf's arm fell...Wait, where's the axe?

The Steppenwolf also looked at the empty palm in some surprise, and then subconsciously turned around to see an ugly, short and fat man who appeared behind him at some point, and was holding something impressively in the short and fat human's hand. Own axe!
"This..." Seeing this scene, Steppenwolf's first reaction was absurd. How could someone steal his weapon from his hand?The second reaction is anger!To a soldier, a weapon is life. To steal a weapon from one's hand is to want one's own life. It is unforgivable, no matter who this ugly ghost is!

"Bastard! You are courting death..." Originally facing Victor and Batman, Steppenwolf was only in a joking mood, but from this moment on, he no longer had the idea of ​​playing with his opponents. There is only one word, kill!Only by killing the ugly ghost in front of him can he calm down his anger.

"Boom!" A muffled sound came out again, and the Steppenwolf who had just reached out to snatch the ax back was directly knocked away by another figure.

A graceful figure with a sword in one hand and a shield in the other appeared in front of the ugly ghost, and the two standing together presented a sharp contrast.

(End of this chapter)

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