King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 86 Being Hypnotized Again

Chapter 86 Being Hypnotized Again

On the pier of Gotham Harbor, Wonder Woman stared blankly at the blue sea in front of her and remained silent. She was sure that something was wrong with her, just like Cyborg said, she was likely to be controlled by that ugly ghost again, but So what does it matter?Now that Steppenwolf invaded the earth, his purpose was to destroy the world. Although he didn't know what the purpose of that ugly ghost was, it was better than Steppenwolf!As long as he doesn't want to destroy the world, what does it matter if he surrenders to him?

Looking at the blue water, Diana's body couldn't help trembling slightly. Although the Amazons are all women, they will never surrender to anyone. As the princess of the Amazon family and the daughter of the god king Zeus, let her go Surrendering to another person is a great test for her heart. Her heart tells her that it is wrong to do so, but her body...

"Yo! It's such a coincidence that we meet again!" A familiar voice sounded from behind Diana, and after hearing this voice, Diana's body, which was trembling slightly, froze for a moment, and the panic on her face was also at this moment. Completely calm, as if he had figured out all the questions in an instant, he turned around slowly.

The familiar short and fat figure, the big face with flat nose, wide mouth and swollen eyes are so kind, dull skin, and that swaying smile...
Slowly coming to Qin Fan's body, Diana knelt down little by little, not on one knee but on both knees, and then bent down to kiss Qin Fan's feet little by little.

"I was wrong! I don't know why I made such a stupid mistake, I don't even know what I was thinking at the time, I shot you! I was so stupid, I would accept all your I just ask you to give me another chance, give me another chance to stay by your side!" Kneeling at Qin Fan's feet, Diana cried with tears all over her face.

That's right!Qin Fan finally decided to use the contract scroll. Since Qin Fan had added Diana to his list of attendants during the use of Mirror Flower and Water Moon, he could still use the scroll even if Diana was not around. The reason for the sudden mutiny in Bruce's base.

Looking down at the face of the pear blossom with rain, Qin Fan suddenly raised his foot and stepped on the other's face. Although he didn't use all his strength, he still stomped Diana's head on the ground, but Diana who was trampled He didn't show any angry expression of being insulted, but on the contrary, he seemed very happy.

"Your sword almost killed me! How do you think I should punish you?" Qin Fan lowered his head and said to Diana who was trampled under his feet.

Although Qin Fan didn't pay much attention to it at the time, the more he thought about it after going back, the more he felt scared. This is one of the reasons why Qin Fan used the scroll to Diana, because he was worried that if he left the other party alone, he would get other things. An artifact of what has the potential to injure or even kill itself.

"You can punish me however you like, but Steppenwolf has already obtained three mother boxes, I just hope that I can help you get back the mother boxes and accept punishment after all, after all, I can feel at ease only if the mother boxes are in your hands! " Diana said eagerly.

Hearing what the other party said, Qin Fan couldn't help but frowned slightly. He thought that Batman would resurrect Superman as in the original book, and he could use this opportunity to snatch the mother box that belonged to them. He would be one step ahead of himself, but Qin Fan didn't care too much about it. Ever since he intervened, the plot had already deviated from the plot, and it wasn't surprising that it wasn't like the original.

"Do you think I will need your help?" Qin Fan said looking down at Diana with some disdain.

"No! Of course you don't need to! If you want to punish me now... I am willing to accept it, no matter what the punishment is, as long as you are satisfied!" Diana, who was stepped on by Qin Fan like this, not only did not show On the contrary, there is a strange sense of satisfaction on the face at this time, and the noble temperament combined with the masochistic expression at this time forms a perverted beauty.

"It's up to me when to punish you. Since you want to commit crimes and make meritorious service, I will give you this chance. But you have already refused to be my concubine, so you can be my slave girl from now on!" Of course Qin Fan didn't What will really happen to the other party, after all, a precious contract scroll has just been consumed, but I have to say, the last time Qin Fan used the contract scroll for Eggy, he hadn't noticed that the effect of this contract scroll would be so good , it may be the relationship between the egg and the intelligent program. Even if the loyalty reaches [-]%, it seems that there is no change. However, Diana is obviously not like this. Fan slightly induced, but after using the contract scroll, Diana at this time has no reservations about Qin Fan. Even if Qin Fan ordered Diana to betray her relatives at this time, I am afraid that this Wonder Woman will not hesitate Go ahead and execute it.

"Yes, master! That's great! I'm really happy to be the master's female slave. By the way, master, do you need me to go back to Bruce and the others? The person called Steel Bone was created by the mother box. He and the energy of the mother box belong to the same source, I think he should be able to find the location of the mother box!" Diana said directly.

"No need!" Qin Fan waved his hand and said directly, "Eggy, did you find anything in the place I asked you to pay attention to?"

Although the general direction of the world has been obviously deviated due to Qin Fan's intervention, some original clues can still be found more or less, just like Steppenwolf finally decided to fuse the hidden place of the mother box, and although Qin Fan I don't really remember the exact location of that place, but I vaguely remember that it was an abandoned nuclear power plant, and with the powerful computing power of the former Skynet, Eggy, I already had a corresponding goal, and now Steppenwolf restarts the wooden box. The place will not be peaceful, and under Eggy's intentional surveillance, he soon finds where the Steppenwolf is now.

"Master! After accepting the research materials from the Interstellar Laboratory, I found that the mother box has powerful computing power. If the master can snatch it, can it be used as my new carrier?" Dandan's voice suddenly entered Qin Fan's ears, It made Qin Fan frown slightly.

Almost subconsciously, he checked the loyalty of Dandan, but found that the loyalty had not changed at all. Qin Fan was slightly relieved, but then said: "You are now fully integrated into the network, and your computing power should be stronger. If you let If the mother box is your carrier, won't you be the same as before?"

"It's different! The technological level of the mother box is far superior to that of the earth. If the mother box is used as a carrier, according to my calculations, I can increase the calculation speed by at least [-]%, and I can also use the ability of the mother box. , in this way, I can help the master do more things!" Said lightly and seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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