King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 87 Chapter 109

Chapter 87
In an abandoned town in Buzharnov in northern Russia, the huge cooling tower looks dilapidated due to years of disrepair. This is a nuclear power plant that was abandoned here 30 years ago, and where the original nuclear reactor was located, Three mother boxes glowing with purple-blue light are floating on the Steppenwolf's chest, and the dazzling electric light is pouring into the Steppenwolf's body crazily. The powerful force is constantly destroying the Steppenwolf's body and at the same time creating a new one. new life.

The main reason why the mother box is named after the mother is that it can create life. The demons under Steppenwolf were created by the mother box. After the mother box destroyed the original life, it endowed it with stronger power and became the mother box. Box's most loyal slave, although he has lost himself, he has become stronger. Death is not terrible for Steppenwolf. What is terrible is failure. He has already failed once, and this time he cannot fail again anyway. The first time He should have done this the first time he failed, sacrificed himself to the mother box to become the most powerful guardian and then killed all those ancient gods, but at the last moment his subordinates forcibly took him away, and this time, He will not give those who humiliated him another chance, they will be completely plunged into endless fear and howling day and night...
"Is it here? It feels like something is wrong!" Looking at the huge cooling tower in front of him, Qin Fan said suspiciously.

I remember that in the original book, when the mother box was fused, a huge protective cover was formed, but there are not so many changes here. Could it be that I came early?
However, just when Qin Fan was a little confused, he suddenly heard a low howling sound coming from under the ground. The violent roar made the whole ground tremble slightly, and the huge cooling tower in front of him also roared here. It shook slightly amidst the sound and finally collapsed!
"It's Steppenwolf!" Diana suddenly stood in front of Qin Fan as a guard.

"Crack!" Qin Fan stretched out his hand and patted Diana's beautiful buttocks, and said, "I don't need your slave girl to protect me!"

"Uh! Yes!" Hearing what Qin Fan said, Diana immediately turned aside and bowed to Qin Fan to show respect.

"It's really..." Qin Fan ignored Diana's obedient look at this time, and his eyes fell on the abandoned nuclear power plant again. His eyes directly saw the appearance of the nuclear power plant through the thick cement, facing the Steppenwolf inside. Holding the three mother boxes and screaming wildly, Qin Fan felt a faint sense of uneasiness.

"It doesn't matter! Kill him first!" Qin Fan's legs were strong, and his whole body jumped into the air like a cannonball, and then stretched out with one hand: "Flying dragon strikes thief and shakes the sky!"

The dazzling thunder flew out directly, and the huge energy impact seemed to penetrate the entire world and hit the abandoned nuclear power plant. The violent power instantly evaporated the bricks and stones, and a huge pothole was formed in an instant.

"Buzz!" Before Qin Fan could see clearly whether his blow had hit the Steppenwolf, a huge spike formed like a volcanic rock suddenly shot out from the hollow, clearly a thousand meters away from Qin Fan. Far away, but shot in front of Qin Fan in an instant.

The sudden change made Qin Fan jump. With Diana's sword at this time, Qin Fan no longer dared to be as confident as he was at the beginning. Almost at the moment of extreme concentration, the whole world suddenly slowed down.

The speed force seemed to bring Qin Fan's body into a strange space in an instant. The spike that had rushed to Qin Fan's body in an instant was still slowly growing on Qin Fan's chest, and he held it with one hand. Qin Fan's body was already dodged by pulling hard on the spikes.

"Crack!" The speed of the lightning flashed and the surrounding speed instantly returned to normal. The huge spike passed through Qin Fan's side, but it did not cause Qin Fan the slightest damage. However, Qin Fan who fell slowly did not. Did not show the slightest color.

It may be because the Speed ​​Force was not directly exchanged by Qin Fan, and it is not as easy to use as Qin Fan's other abilities. It seems that just now, it was not Qin Fan who took the initiative to withdraw the Speed ​​Force, but the Speed ​​Force suddenly disappeared by itself. Fortunately, Qin Fan had already dodged the sharp attack at that time, if he was a little late, he might be caught by the attack.

"Master! Are you okay?" Diana asked with concern.

"It's okay!" Qin Fan frowned slightly, raised his stubby palm to look at it, and then held it with five fingers slightly around his body. In perception, after about three seconds, he exited from the overspeed state again. It seems that the speed force can only provide him with three seconds in the overspeed state, but Qin Fan feels that this time is not his limit. It's like riding a bicycle. Now he just got the bicycle, and he can barely support it for three seconds while sitting on the bicycle. However, as long as he practices hard, I believe he will be able to use it freely soon.

"Boom!" Just as Qin Fan was studying his immature speed force, the nuclear power plant that had just been knocked down by Qin Fan's flying dragon and thunder cannon directly exploded, followed by a figure The huge rock giant stood out from the ground.

"Hahaha! Stupid mortal! Aren't you very powerful, aren't you very powerful? Come on! Attack me! Hahahaha!" The arrogant voice of Steppenwolf came from the mouth of the giant, let alone, although it was just It's a bit bigger, but it does look more deterrent than before.

Qin Fan raised his hand again, and the flying dragon, thieves, and thunder blasted directly, but after the berserk energy directly hit the huge rock giant, it only left a wound that didn't look very big on the giant's lower abdomen. , but in the next second the berserk energy flashed at the hole, and the wound recovered within a few seconds.

Seeing this scene, Qin Fan frowned slightly. The Flying Dragon Striking Thieves and Shocking Thunder Cannon was the strongest attack Qin Fan could use at this time. He never thought that he would not only seriously injure the opponent, but even cause actual damage to the opponent. Can't hurt!

"Hahaha! You humble bug, attack me, I will smash you to pieces, I will make you my slave!" The mountain-like giant was still clamoring non-stop.

"Master! He doesn't seem to be conscious!" Diana who had been guarding Qin Fan's side suddenly said.

"Unconscious?" Hearing Diana's reminder, Qin Fan was taken aback, and looked at the giant carefully. Sure enough, although the giant was screaming loudly, it looked like a blind man. Qin Fan was here, but it didn't want to. The meaning of the attack is to stand there and howl non-stop.

Another flying dragon hit the thief and shook the sky, this time it hit the giant's head and directly smashed half of the opponent's nose, but the giant still maintained the state just now, neither because of Qin Fan's blow And the fury of thunder did not mean to fight back desperately.

He frowned slightly, although he didn't know what was going on with the other party, but since he didn't even intend to fight back, Qin Fan didn't mind hitting a target!
Although Qin Fan's Flying Dragon Striking Thieves and Shocking Thunder Cannon is currently the strongest attack he can use, it is not his attack limit!Because the Flying Dragon Striking Thieves Shocking Thunder Cannon was directly exchanged by Qin Fan, so there is no need to sing or cool down the CD, so...
Slowly raising a stubby little hand, Qin Fan said coldly: "Flying dragon strikes thief and shakes sky thunder cannon... [-] consecutive strikes!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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